>Qantas and Jetstar ground 150 aircraft as demand for travel plummets

>ASX rises on opening, materials sectors leading

>Gruesome video shows special forces brutality as ex soldier alleges murder

>'I'll lock myself in and punch cones': Aussie traveller gives a VERY honest account of how he'll spend his two weeks in coronavirus isolation

>RBA calling an emergency meeting to slash rates to 0.25 per cent ‘inevitable’

>Josh Frydenberg to learn if he's ineligible to sit in the Australian parliament

>Federal Government warns Australians will lose jobs as COVID-19 hits economy


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Other urls found in this thread:

Pics coming out of the Suburbs are fucking crazy.

Thank God i'm in the middle of nowhere.

First for Qantas Government buyback

reckon she won't be right mate

2 week shutdown of the whole country on Thursday because chinks can't stop chinking.

Attached: Sydney Train Virus Exposure.webm (800x450, 2.94M)


Attached: Wynyard Wuhan WuhOh.webm (600x338, 2.94M)

Parents are keeping my teenage brother home from school indefinitely from tomorrow

Naaa, she'll be right, mate.

Attached: 1584260739678.png (1200x805, 1.22M)

how long until australia reaches 6,000,000 cases?

Never forget goyim

2020 is off to a ripper of a start.

Attached: zyklon zoomer.jpg (1488x791, 328.51K)

white racism? racism against whites?

Praise him

Defying Government orders. how dare they.

you tell me, look at this webm and count the virus vectors

Attached: fuck off we're full of corona.webm (700x394, 1.14M)

Took my daughter out of day care about 2 weeks ago. Made my wife to stay home from work as well. Her work got evacuated today because of virus.

i'm in the ambulance
they gave me back my phone

Can these weak globalist societies collapse and let the old European spirit rise from the ashes yet? Our current rotting societies hold us back from greatness. It will be a joyous day when we cut through the necrotic flesh.

Why are people hording bottle water though? Do they fear the taps will stop working?

well I'll be looking after him cause I'm neet, parents won't have to stop working and no grandparents will get sick

fuck. forgot to stock up on rope

Qantas is definitely going to go broke. I can see a likely bailout coming for them.

daily reminder that our government are incompetent boomers who know not the destruction they cause

we must be rid of them, for the good of the white nation

Attached: block this you cunt.jpg (2299x2697, 1.46M)

need some hard times already

Good call. Parents did the right thing imo.

looking back at this photo, I realise how lucky I was that none of these cunts had chinkopox

Attached: SO FUCKING FULL CUNT.jpg (1539x976, 340.57K)

I've found living in boring towns under 200k people seems to be a pretty good formula for avoiding melbourne tier areas

gotta keep the national carrier afloat. maybe we'll bring back some car manufacturing too eh. yeah nah we're fucked mate it's over we're going full third world.

Can't get good rope anymore. Just Chinese shit that you can't tie knots with.
Can't get much good shit anymore come to think of it.

Dear Aussiebros, how do I bant? I try to make funnies and they are not funny. I try to booli, but no one ever an hero. Teach me your ways.

Visit your boyfriend


Attached: SmartSelect_20200317-223240_Chrome.jpg (1208x2459, 1.09M)

Only 300 people or so in my town. Pretty comfy actually.

>Dear Aussiebros, how do I bant?
It's simple. All you have to do is not be autistic.

Punch some cones.

Attached: 222333.jpg (1000x600, 77.53K)

What’s the chance that my groceries don’t get delivered by Friday This shit is so stupid

i got involuntarily detained
getting pushed to ward now hahahahahahahahahahah
mission success. i reached the leather couch
good bye frens
i'll see you in a few days to a month


Attached: 1552267211136.gif (399x369, 38.95K)

>only 3 aus/pol/s

Shit effort tonight lads.

Attached: or i'll rope.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

People feel like they need to be the center of things when big events happen

I miss living in a town of sub 500 people. Would go back in an instant if I could get a job.

I dunno man, all my country mates are blue pilled as fuck because they haven't lived the consequence of globohomo

Attached: towns.jpg (601x813, 165.08K)

Hoarding water isn't a bad idea at all but not just because of the Corona panic.
It's a simplistic way of putting things but yeah we're somewhere between good times create weak men and weak men create hard times.
You already failed, you don't ask how to bant dickhead.
Nah you can be Autistic and bant. But you can't be a downsnigger.

>Don't want to catch this highly infectious virus
>Just gotta head down to the shops to rub elbows with hundreds of filthy people and get my hands all over everything they've touched because I was too much of a dumb fuck to prepare like an adult

I visited the town I grew up in last month and it was a white paradise.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-17 (8) The Powerpuff Girls - AmazzonKane's Stupid Things - YouTube.png (373x339, 228.4K)

>how do I bant
>Visit your boyfriend
Was okay amerinon, better than most aussies.

Mudslimes might start killing sheep on farms soon, resort to their tribal ways.

don't forget masturbating to dead people guy

BASED amazzonkane poster

That's not to say it's not bad. Rural Tasmania is probably the best place in Australia I've lived but its now infested with chinese, sad to see because I wanted to move back.

why the fuck won't my uni close?? I missed a lab yesterday and there's another one next week

Attached: RZq7elP.jpg (562x490, 41.39K)

I grew up on the sunny coast. Live in Melbourne these days. I'm afraid that if I go back it'll be full of insect swarms. prefer to remember it the way it was.

>Day of the extension cord
>Day of the vines
>Day of the occy strap

Attached: 4569258732.jpg (1011x1049, 186.59K)

> Rural Tasmania is now infested with chinese
damn, that was on the cards as my melbourne escape.

You're 100% correct, the "its-da-jooze" thread should be deleted. It's not been in the chain at all tonight.

>Day of the bullbar winch

You're 10 years too late, the state government shilled tourism and investment that's fucked it.

Rural WA, NT, NQLD has been good for me but you have to deal with coons, would you rahter have chinks buy up all your shit or have coons smash your car windows in and steal the wheels off the car?

you reckon the banks are finna collapse lads? just took out 2 granga in case

Where is this meme coming from that there will be a 2 week lockdown?

Is this true?

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I have bout a week's worth of food. should I go again tomorrow?

>but its now infested with chinese
Hardly, compared to the major cities these days. Aside from Sandy Bay and Battery Point.

I'd be more worried about all the Indians now. Last time I went back to see the parents there were soooooo fucking many curries. I can't believe how many poos live in Tasmania now. It's really strange because usually they masturbate themselves silly over the idea of living in Sydney or Melbourne and anywhere less simply won't do.

no shit you fucking retard go every day till you have a couple months worth

Instead of being bothered by the fact that welfare recipients need to be fucking bailed out, it's incredible to me how normies first think 'good the govt needs to help us!'. How is this not medievil serf-tier, the same uneducated people who had not a fucking clue as the how aristocracy conducted politics and the like?

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mine just moved online, comfy as.

normalfags 100% subscribe to the just world fallacy.

Reminder that the Corona virus is cured, it's over. Any talk of shutdowns or quarantine is being done only by happening shills, these same shills that are upsetting stock markets and US presidents everywhere.

They asked for 750k look how much they got so far in pic related, they'll probably cure cancer while they're at it now.

Attached: donations.jpg (980x820, 120.35K)

>Where is this meme coming from that there will be a 2 week lockdown?
Common sense

Government response to this has been poor. Tomorrow when there's a 40% in the number of confirmed cases the government will have their "oh shit" moment and announce a lockdown shortly after, perhaps Thursday of this week.

Screencap this post.

My other plans are coastal NSW or even inland NSW like tamworth or something. Got a few mates around those areas.

did the same.
We're going to get a bank run soon when people realize the only ones who take card don't have anything to sell

Alright then, explain your position to me.
Outlay just how exactly you came to the conclusion that the libs are lolberts?
Should be interesting.

cucked by military drug tests
>you don't ask
It was a compliment you booli. I'll be sure to pork your sister next time my ship deploys.

Do you see that shit in the corner of the flag that means we are subjects of the crown and they need to look after us

>day of the tourniquet
>day of the belt

>2 family members lost their job today the companies are bleeding money now
never thought i'd see the happening

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I would assume they announce it tomorrow or Thursday and then begin on Saturday. Doing it in abruptly in the middle of the week would be a bit of a clusterfuck.