Apologize to Japan right now

If only we let them finish the job

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Why didn't the sport of Baby Polo ever catch on?

man you really nuked japan into being human

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We nuked the wrong asian country.

But then the Japs would be the new Chins.

>mfw the Imperial Army had a unit dedicated to bioweapon development and the spreading of disease

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Got to somewhat appreciate Japan for playing by their own rules though. Tons of Nip women especially in Saipan committed suicide towards end of the war because they genuinely believed that defeat of their men now meant that they are loot of Americans.

If they didn't invade the Nationalists would've wiped out the Communists so we wouldn't have this problem. Its honestly all Japan's fault China is so fucked up.

Was this picture real or propaganda?

>implying these insects better than other insects

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America gets out of Japan.

>mfw china develops better bioweapons just living on their own compared to a full scale military operation that was dedicated to eradicating them

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All these proxies

This time US should war China.
Japan is watching the American brave figure in the audience seats.

You are worse influence to Japan than China.

China doesn't shill for rap music.

Chinks fired the first shots

Nip niggers could’ve easily just attained chink/ gookland or even went as far as nigger/ sandnigger territory and just not fucked with Aus nor bombed US and they would’ve been fine but they spurged out instead so fuck them.

Fuck off larper

Fuck off nigger lover.

You are literally dying now, no more need to shill for you.

You are the evil of the world, you are literal jew slaves.


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I will bore you to death, nigger lover.

This is from a movie
I wouldn't be surprised if a similar thing happened though

You are desperate for attention. We get it fuck off.

is this photo real or photo shopped?

How exactly? The time for the west is over, it's time for the east.

The west has grown weak and decadent, now the east rises.

honestly i think that picture looks fake. I support our former allies and would wish to reforge the aliances of old. When we tried to free the world.

yes that's what I mean by "living on their own" they're just dirty cunts they're better at spreading disease than an entire war operation that wanted to kill their asses. Japan did nothing wrong

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Now ironically, europeans are spreading the disease faster than chinese.

Can you go be brain dead in some other place?

How am I brain dead?

Most cases in Asia are now due to infection from europeans.

White niggers in Asia don't wear mask and get mad when they are put into cage like the monkeys they are.

if you think that, then you have already lost. For when the west is gone, you will have to deal with the jews by yourself. And they will have an unending army of niggers at their command, plus all the weapons of the west with which to arm them. Then, the earth will be plunged into an era of darkness, with mankind ceasing to exist, only jews and their nigger servants left

You are not even from Vietnam. You are some western retard. Post proof you are Asian by coughing up a plague or something

The West is the jew dumbass.

America unironically gives mask to Israel, but Israel sends masks to China for solidarity and anti-racism.

Asia can make weapons by ourselves, rooting for the west is literally rooting for the weak horse that can't think and can't act.

I don't coof because I wear mask like a civilized human being, white monkey.

You are now really hated all over Asia because of your dumb fuck "freedumb".

Freedumb to infect other, freedumb to be a nuissance.

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>hurr durr I will just keep proxying and pretending I am from Vietnam. With pol conspiracies, everyone will believe me.

There is something higher in the Japanese. Something resembling a soul. You can even spot it when you watch some Japanese movies and compare them to Korean or Chinese.

because killing its players is funner

the east is bug people you dumb faggot, why do you think the jews want your kind on their side so bad? you guys are like ants, no brains just go through the motions without a care in the world, fucking insectoids. name a more docile population to control than one with TRILLIONS of people that happily let their government lie to them and kill the/bar them off.

You are a pathetic loser. That is about the extent of what you convinced me

Your dick will always be small though

how much did the vpn cost?

Literal ad hominem.
The east is bug, but bugs have solidarity, and with solidarity comes strength.

Your rugged individualism is just jew worship, you damn idiot. The east also isn't plagued with literal cross-border abrahamic cult that spreads mind cancer.

The west as i refer to it, is the west of old, the descendents of the defeated in 1945, those that still hold the course.

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The west of old is dead and is in fact lives on in the East.

The current west is literal cancer of humanity with the liberal democracy meme.

American, anglo, french, spaniard, all weak over-socialized cuckolds.

Hail to your Emperor, respect from a former ally.

>I am going to keep posting with my proxy, look at me guys I am so cool. Look everyone looks at me.

Do the world a favor. End it all

It is dying yes, but not dead yet. I still hope for a miracle.

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Almost. We should've nuked them both.

Only high IQ post here, well said, kiwi.

No, you are weak cuckold, and you need to stop coming to Asia.
It must die to live again.

Like the times of fall of the Western Roman Empire, out of the chaos, rise Charlesmagne.

>creates anime, making people all around the world gay and transexual
>Um yeah japan is awesome man and based
>creates virus that makes you cough a little and kills old people, which benefits the economy

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If someone must be blamed, it's China.

They should and will be punished.

Based vietbro BTFO'ing the stupid mutts yet again.
When will they learn?

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if the bloodline is severed, then we are lost to history. And i will not accept any muts to carry our legacy forward. Blood is more important than ideology and culture. Those thing can be rebuilt, a race, cannot.

>giving the fake Vietnam VPN attention

This is all he has as a "Life."

fuck you commie

>benefits the economy
Any day now, right?

>>creates anime, making people all around the world gay and transexual

You're not fooling anyone jew

Whoever said about breaking blood?

Chinks will not breed you out.
But the degenerated american liberalism will.

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Our economy has gotten better over the years, old people dying will only make it better.
Jews might have given them the idea but the Japs perpetuated it.

They also created Playstation and Super Mario

I apologize for the Japanese Imperial Army slaughtering more than 100 million weak Chinese soldiers.