Heard any news from the other boards?

Heard any news from the other boards?

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Nothing I'd like to talk about.

Retired /k/ poster here, served 6 years in the /k/ommandos. Haven't heard anything from my old unit, but I can only imagine that most of them have ammo and TP to last a 6-month seige, and the rest are probably already dead from the Chinese Virus or in FEMA labor camps.

The Jews are manipulating them!

fuck off Yas Forums


I saw a Yas Forumstard the other day..filthy creatures

No lolligagging

Good news from Kvatch for a change. The last of the Jews have been driven out.

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If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay out of the roads! The outside just isn't safe anymore. We've had people coughing, you see. The Coronavirus...

By the nines, stay off on the main boards. Its the trannies you see. The discords are swarming with them.

Do you get to the cloud district very often?

I understand Daedra worship is becoming increasingly prevalent in Israel.

I've heard others say the same

Stop right there racist scum!

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Last I heard from Solitude Mueller was going to take trump out of the castle in leg irons for conspiring with the Stormcloaks. What ever became of it?

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they all went to 4biz xyz, it's ok

Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the Jews take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?

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Speak quickly, outlander, or go away.

I saw some yellowcrabs over Yas Forums a month ago, vile creatures.

Well, goodbye.

And what do the neocons do?... NOTHING! Nay worse than nothing! The cuckservative machine enforces the will of the kikes against it's own people!

wealth beyond measure sneedlander


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Tv is down retard


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/sp/ isn't doing too well

/po/ is on edge. Those paper folding bastards know something.

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Alright, hand over your valuables!

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have you heard of the high elves?

The Argonian have been blockading all shipments of toilet paper to Vvardenfell, and... it's not like Morrowind was ever normal.

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... wtf is going on in this pic?

Yas Forums is having a meltdown again

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You see those pastoralists from Africa? They've got curved blood cells. Curved. Blood cells.

they pumped 500 billion last night for futures and they're down it's fucking over

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By Azura by Azure by Azura it's the grand Fuhrer! I can't believe it's you, standing here next to me.


I saw a jew once, nasty little thing.






Huh? Something going on?

I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I found out about the pedo elite

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you too

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If you got to travel, By the nine divines stay on the roads... it's the niggers you see..


>people once complained oblivion wasn't good enough as a sequel to morrowind
A simpler and more naive time.

I saw a dirty jew the other day, horrible creatures

Greeting- oh

The hero of Kvatch!


God dam it you bastard.

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And there it is friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Christ is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit! The very idea is inconceivable to our Jewish overlords! To share God with us? With gentiles? HA! They can barely tolerate our presence here on Earth!
So rise up! Rise up, Americans! Rise up, Europeans! Embrace the word of mighty Christ, he who is both man and Divine!
For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Jews or their toadies, will rule the world! Forever!

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I’ve heard others say the same

Good bye


no because we can't acess them
the borders are closed, remember ?
also it's not a virus it's a 60 gh radiation poisoning

go back to Yas Forums, faggot

When this one says SLAVERY

The greyskin says SORRY


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