Post your best roasties.
Yes it's politics. No gf. No man. No man. No society.
Tinder Hate Thread
White women are the downfall of Western civilization. Their extreme selfishness, hedonism and hypergamy will destroy everything in just a couple of generations.
politics is not about society so no, this isn't about politics.
have sex, incels
Fuck this planet, I want a reroll
This, rolling for respawn back into Berenstein timeline
what in the goddamn fuck
I have something I just made for this very situation , brb
that ass has hiv herpes hpv and dermatitis i can see it from here
Why are Americans like this?
do you smell it?
wtf is wrong w/ her ass
Aussies are the biggest coal burners
I imagined the smell.
Nice one
Men allowed this to happen and then placed the blame on women even as they participate. Literally Adam and Eve.
It doesn't matter how you judge it, what matters is what the fuck are you going to DO about it?
>t. Mutt
Go back to making your "most redpilled food" threads you absolute burger brain
The fuck is that shit, it's disgusting.
everything is politics you retard
Mutts law
Revolting tinea infested swamp assed pig
Are you even white if you don't match with 100s of blonde, Nord-thots?
This is the future of Australia. Don’t blame me, your women wanted this.
Looks kinda chinky
You're both shilling kikes, you appeared at the exact same time as the kike mentioning race mixing.
I match with Asian cuties because I only swipe Asian cuties
Why do yanks try to bant?
Sounds detrimental to your people user
i really have serious problems figuring out the race of the father.
>Your people
I'm my own person
Faggot alert
That baby has a mustache
Roastie alert
Go back to tinder whore
Ahahahahahahahaha she’s pregnant again
Kel, like pottery
kill yourself
She looks hot with a belly desu
White women are the most racially loyal of all population groups though. You're being led carrot on a string into hating your own others
I notice you didn’t reply to the mutt cuck poster though... almost as if it’s damage control to protect your mutt brethren
you really want that greasy chubby nothing to reproduce with an actual person?
No thanks
Could you try that in English you dyslexic incel cuck?
Auscucks know no shame
>I'm my own person
SSSSNNNIIIFFFF....oh yes my dear... SSSNIIIFFFFFF... let me have another.... SSSNNNIIIIFFFF... oh yes that's quite pungent, my dear
imagine the smell tho u guise
Just threw up my breakfast. Here in America that is 4 mcmuffins, three sides of hashbrowns, and a diet coke
>Yes it's politics.
it isn't, incel.
You're literally a cuck
>it isn't, incel.
cope, roastie subhuman whore
>aus fit mum
>is fat
woah... id hit that with the fury of a thousand suns
The first baby isnt hers, she explained in the first pic that she wasnt the baby's real mom.
Most likely adopted
>implying you had any in more than 6 months
Can't make this shit up anymore, god damn