NIggers stopped integrating

There was a time when niggers participated in White Culture.
Rock music, having jobs, mortgages, private schooling, even garage sales.
How did niggers become so filthy and crime ridden ghetto rats?

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imagine being so low iq that you think in terms of race and culture instead of realizing that bullets don't care about either of those things.

Oppositional culture. Look it up. Whatever whites do, they go against it. Glorifying thugs, hating the police, wanting to make their broken ghetto dialect into an actual language, and draining taxpayer dollars.

Lol rock music is white? What a retard you are indeed low IQ. Think before typing (TBT). Can you even do that?

It's definately white.
Beatles, Led Zeplin, ozzie, metalica.

There certainly was an Aryan spirit in a lot of rock music. I do enjoy some of the negro blues of the 50's and I do admit that rock some strong negro roots. It also had folk/country roots as well. That said, to listen to Pink Floyd or Black Sabbath there is an unmistakable European soul to it.

others might have made the rocket but we launched into space.

Beatles had a very Jewish spirit. I'm still not convinced that John Lennon wasn't the bastard child of a Jew. I find it hard to believe that a white man could write a song like "imagine". Even if he was white, he was still a race mixing liberal.

Whites stopped participating in white culture and music. The others just went along with it. Rap was small and unknown until white ppl statted listening to it and eminem came along.

Hendrix didn't get any play on black radio stations back then; they considered rock white music, and didn't like Hendrix.

jimmy hendrix was shit

In the 70's feminism doubled the work force
They brought in latinos to do the unpleasant manual labor since they're easier on the eyes.
They brough indians to compete in tech

Blacks who werent doing so good had nothing going for them. And jewish bankers just looked at them as pinatas to exploit by harversting their meager savings.

>There was a time when niggers participated in White Culture.
Delusional. Ask an older person. Don't believe the TV machine. Niggers were always niggers

Here's what happened.
1. Give women suffrage
2. Women spend next 40 years getting free shit
3. Women realize black women are super conservative and make them look bad
4. Give black women even more free shit then they got
5. Lure conservative black men away from black women
6. Black women begin churning out criminal spawn over the next 50 years
7. Dysgenic forces creates a self perpetuating cycle where there are light skinned upper class black Americans and dark skinned lower class black Americans now instead of just black Americans.
Hendrix was the child of several generation of mulattos on both sides of his family.

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Big brain take.

your ignorance is astounding.

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When did blacks stop listening to blues music? The thought of young black kids dancing around to something like John Lee Hooker music is unimaginable today, but it used to happen. When did that stop?

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good goy.

>rock music is white?
it's so white that black radio wouldn't play Hendrix because he was playing "white music" . . .

Hendrix returns in ’68. This was his first concert as a superstar. He’d certainly played Seattle hundreds of times before when he was a nobody, but he returns with his hit album at that point. And it was a very difficult time for Jimi. He was brought here to play this concert, but he had mixed feelings about coming back to Seattle.

They asked him if he’d go to Garfield High School and attend a lecture and talk. And this is just unbelievable – in so much of Hendrix’ story the truth is very different than the myth that people believe: He’s heckled a little bit. And he had been a student there.

>So the most famous person who ever will go to Garfield High School returns there, and the students – particularly the African-American students – did not completely accept him.

Race was such a divisive subject in America at that point that Hendrix – who was playing rock music, which was considered white music –was not necessarily accepted by people who liked soul music. There was this divide.

And Hendrix was forever tormented by that. He felt that his music was too black to get on many white stations and too white to get on any black stations.
>No African-American stations ever played any of Jimi Hendrix’ songs in America in that time.

So he was saddened by that. Yet in Europe there weren’t those racial divides, which is why he broke out there.

when you do 1 thing for your entire life you learn to make it work for you.
he played like dogshit and was a junkie

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This Chuck Berry the godfather of ROCK without him you wouldn't have any of this fags you mentioned and without blues you wouldn't have ROCK and other popular music music genre of today. Think before typing (TBT) you are welcome

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rofl get a load of this idiot. Chuck Berry and other southern nigs were rocking for decades before whites showed up to the party.

cia niggers are to blame, i refuse to believe out of nowhere niggers out of their own volition became obsessed with "gangsta" cluture

What is Jazz and Blues music?


nice contrarianism bud

Lol nice blog very credible indeed . The variety of rock Jimmy was doing at that was seen as undesirable from the point of view of the pioneers(BLACKS). But you wouldn't happen to ignore it and focus only race relations would you?

>white culture
>rock music

Well you keep telling yourself that.

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The ghetto rats are a self selected population who were too stupid to take advantage of affirmative action.

Lennon talked shit about Jews who screwed over the Beatles financially. He also said in a playboy interview that it was an over the top jew idea to have The Beatles reunite for a benefit concert. He was a cynical Brit. Very white. McCartney was the bleeding heart vegan lib.

>Hendrix forever tormented
>died two years later
poorly written ngl

>rock was defined by one person
>meme flag
Into the trash it goes

Its God's sent music to humanity introduced by the BLACK MAN

OK, but how, why and when, is the question.

the us govt(cia) engineered the modern black community you now have today. It's well documented. Keep that in mind Next time tyrone steals your bike mutt.

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TBT idiot

Chuck Fucking Berry! Have you ever heard of him?

Welfare. For real. People never self actualize when they don't have to find a way to be valuable to others.

>rap was unknown till eminem came along

Fucking ignorant 17 years old dweeep! This is your white biased view in a nutshell.

I hate imagine too. It's shit they want you to like. The whole thinking is just sucking off some freakish post-modernist commie abolitionist fantasy.

>How did niggers become so filthy and crime ridden ghetto rats?
Because white people completely rejected them at every level of society and then destroyed their communities. I know no one on here ever admits these basic facts so I don't know why these threads get made so often

White women have wanted black women killing their babies in the womb since Margaret Sanger did her thing.

Niggers were always beasts and needed a firm hand to keep them under control and civilized, Whites weren't vicious oppressors but knew the nature of the beast and what was necessary to keep them in line. Without a healthy diet of fear, niggers revert back to their base instincts - you can take the nigger out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of him.

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Jews removed urban manufacturing bases to overseas, this had a cumulative effect, black father's had to leave the home to provide, this left a generation fatherless raised by basically single mothers, the cycle continued, now the only fix is to remove the kids from the parents and raise them to benefit the state

lefties hate themselves and by association hate white culture, so they tell others not to integrate into it

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>does exactly what i said he would
It's like you're an NPC

>Rap was small and unknown until white ppl statted listening to it
Yeah, of course. Can't really become mainstream success when just a small percentage of the population is into it, but that didn't take long.
>and eminem came along.
This is completely wrong, though.

Overrated a bit. But not compared to other popular acts back then such as Janis Joplin.

It's like you're a cocksucking faggot.

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expansion of gibs

like most things wrong in this world, it always comes back to the jews who subverted everything that is white for their own nefarious and sinister purposes.

Agree. Overrated. Probably because he was black.

All of that old rock was written and produced and performed by white ppl, only the singers were black, because producers thought white ppl couldn't stomach it from other whites

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Kek. Schmumo Braunowski.

He was just an eternal Anglo rich fuckwad

I want a jew name too.

You're already a Jew

White nation ia for whites only