If German women hated Blacks

Why did they spread their legs so easily for Afro-Americans & Colonial French Troops?

They did that shit in Both WW1 & WW2

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Kys nigger

Lol this is what (((someone))) want you to believe, Rhine Mongrels are from raped women, french and American subhumans used their apess as revenge punishment on white enemy countries

They weren't many in those days and when you saw one it was like seeing a unicorn. Fetishism started as is normal for the human condition - ergo the nigger in the picture with two lovebirds.
The same goes for a white guy in japan, china, or korea and why Yellow Fever is a thing.

In your mind I’m sure this was real.
In reality, no.

the children got castrated

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French colonial troops raped their way through southern italy


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I read consensual roleplay rough sex.

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mein neger

Germanic women, Scandinavian and anglos women are crazy for brown and back men. The mote fair they are the more the feel sexually drawn to dark men. It used to be Southern Euopeans, Italians etc. Now their new flavor is Africans and arabs/indians.
I'm pretty sure there is some genetic explanations to this.
Also Germanic, scandinavian men etc.. are extremely passive, boring, beta/autistic. This might also explain this trend

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All this cope

already missed you how you been? still secretly occupying france?

dumb whitoid, they loved that shit and germans have been seething about this for 1 century

Women always throw themselves at occupiers, no exceptions. Nothing else should ever be expected of them.

yeah burger you know what all the euros here dont know

I know, I'm from the most communist region in italy, but my little town had to do with allies war crimes and here red cunts never winner elections, even after more than 80 years google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gemmano&ved=2ahUKEwjX96qDp6HoAhUQAxAIHeHoDR8QFjAFegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1dTBDw4IZHxpHQ4yC2uTOp&cshid=1584441160344

Women are attracted to masculinity
They don’t care about race preservation


Brutal. Do you think they ever did? Before modern degeneracy and corruption?

They didnt hated black people, my dna is proof.

Attached: DNA.png (2151x1200, 235.26K)

I still have my testicles and will impregnate a german women

>most men young men dead
>economy crashed
>food scarcity
>population starved
they prefer blacks because they usually brings a lot of food and gifts for whole family
where whites especially 'white' Americans took what they wanted and often didn't even pay for it

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Because the moment the niggers unleashed their congo sized dicks, they spread their legs on instinct because thats how women are.

Now piss off nigger

t. J. Cole

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fuck off alter

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not even a bbcfag, but this is pure cope


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Fake news. Kill yourself demotivational kike shill. Sage.

are you mad wh*te boi?

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White women should be bred exclusively by black men

can you swim or are you too black for that

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Pic rel is from Mein Kampf, written in 1923

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I swim in white pussy

Interesting, can we see parts of your face? Have you been told you look exotic by other germans?

Aryan master race BTFO'd

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You are American so a bbcfag

but you drown in water?

damn, he was truly ahead of his time

looks to be coming true

NAH too whoever is MAN enough to fuck them good.

>Interesting, can we see parts of your face?
no chance

>Have you been told you look exotic by other germans?
yes of course, most people notice I have african heritage especially in the summer when I get realy brown. In winter I get realy pale so people sometimes confused me with a spaniard or north african.

I see. Are you genuinely racist against blacks and mulattoes or are you here on Yas Forums ironically?

Luigi got it in one.

Kike propaganda written and orchestrated to humiliate and racially degrade Germany.

no wh*te boi, I can swim.

Obviously because they realized what UberMensh truly meant when they opened their package

got it

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Im here for the happenings mostly. Being a racist as a quadroon would be stupid. I dont like refugees though and think that they mostly have tio leave germany.

do you notice something? Im still here and able to reproduce, so this sterillization campain surely was effective

yeah because your black daddy wasnt here during ww1 occupation but ww2 occupation by the us which is still active to this day. same shit different time

Such cope dude. Look I’m sure plenty of rapes happened but there were plenty of German women who wanted the bbc.

>here were plenty of German women who wanted the bbc.

So? Pretty irrelevant number, not much as many negress wanted and want bwc but at least for this niggers are less annoying than you Chucks

Oh thanks mutt at least one intelligent American

Remember White women love Asian cock.

Thats why perpuatate the Asian men in certain lights.

Look at Russia they got dominated by Asians. Til the propaganda started to keep em out.

White men are fragile. Their is a reason why the term White Fragility exist.

t.Black pill

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worry about not dying

u have the lowest birthrate in the world, cuck.

why are you lying 2nd class japan

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I'm not.

Germany has a population of 83m

25% of its population are immigrants(its higher but im giving u the benefit of doubt)

True ethnic german population is 63m

Germany birthrate is 1.50

True birthrate for ethnic german is 1.125

Time to make up some mental gymnastic little cuck.

that post with that pic got me hard laughing. nice one

you say that, but i can tell you for a fact. that up until the mid 2000s it was relatively rare to see black people in germany.

Hast du einen BBC? LUL

but you are aware that "immigrant" doesnt exist in german law rn you can only claim asylum. the law also states that every asylum seeker has to leave when the reasons for asylum no longer exist. our now left + christ cuck government just doesnt make use of this law so its basically breaking the law btw. but yeah I agree the migrations will be a majority pretty soon if nothing happens

That can't be healthy.

Blacks don't do this. They are not that neurotic.

Asians in the other hand...

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We wuz kaizers and sheet

fucking nigger.

How do i get informed on early cases of BLACKED throughout history?

make a thread out of this pic for easy replys. link it here then

You're right, suicide correlates with a high IQ. niggers are too retarded to commit suicide.

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Be aware of the yellow insect incel.

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He meant back then.


Woman is the nigger of the world - John Lennon