Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
The soap cope
unbelievable nigger cope lmao
youre supposed to wash with it, not eat it
The brand of soap I use doesn't leave behind an ass-level musk. Am I buying the wrong kind?
Black people smell like shit even after taking a bath or my loads.
Why do blacks abuse twitter
niggers use poop as soap?
She just wants to be impregnated by a white man truth be told.
So their Soap is made of Mud?
Niggers aren't people.
>Yas Forums
Um... cope, sweaty.
nigger bitch lying, we say you smell like shit not "weird"
Lol, no one says weird smell. You smell like shit fullstop
No. It's waste produced by bacteria that are consuming lipids excreted by apocrine glands.
Well, i give my consent, so she can wash my dick.
That's funny. Nigs don't bathe and never came in close contact or even know what the fuck soap is. That explains the poor hygiene.
no that's their natural diet. Stop feeding niggers.
Kek, I actually agree with the negress. I'm assuming your a bunch of smelly NEET with terrible personal hygiene at the best of times.
I don't even know how to describe that smell other than just "nigger". first time I ever met one I started gagging. all of my life the only thing i've found that makes me sick like nigger smell is a fucking open sewer
Some use coconut oil, but eventually the ass smell gets through
I bet hording toilet paper maybe the first time most niggers have touched the stuff in years.
Sweaty, yes sweaty is the smell alright.
No, blacks legitimately do smell weird, especially the females.
Take a fucking joke and give credit where it's due. Or are you actually triggered by this banter?
Niggers have a funny way of calling mud soap. Don't pay attention to it.
I'm so glad i've never seen a nigger in real life.
wait normies come on here?
Well groomed cattle is not new.
but black people do smell differently and black women probably dont wash their hair for weeks.
>whole time
I want niggers to stop misappropriating my language
Just pointing out facts.
Can't be too different from an Abo. The smell sounds odd though
I've never run into a nigger that wasn't coated in oil or hadn't bathed in a week so I don't know if they naturally stink or it's just not knowing how to live.
>replies to a dozen posts
>haha it is YOU who is triggered
So is she.
You smell like shit.
Niggers stink.
These facts exist simultaneously, perhaps you are a nigger?
humans don't smell like that, only niggers smell that bad, even animals don't smell as bad as niggers
Yrah but I'm triggered by the concerns of the white man, like the sanctity of verbal discourse and proper debate. You are triggered because you got counter-adhom'd by your internet punching bag.
Since when did they make a soap that smells like funions
Is something wrong with the other boards why aren't they refreshing ?
Mutts are cool. I’m honestly so sick of fucking leaf posters, it’s like you’re all brain damaged. You all actually fucking suck, you ruin threads and never contribute positively at all. Just shut the fuck up. BAN ALL LEAFS
Xer twatter is the usual unintelligible gumbo.
Fuck niggers
What do niggers smell like? and I don't mean unwashed hobo niggers. Does a nigger who washes smell like shit still? I've only met one and seen a handful of them in my life.
Nah cunt you hate us because we're the superior shitposters since 2016.
>mutts are cool
Not even a mutt would say that, how the mighty have fallen.
I've legitimately only seen 1 abo in 10 years, he was well groomed teenager in a private school uniform, with blazer and tie, all i wondered was who was paying for it.
I worked at a music venue in my life. Plenty of black acts came into town. The black crowds legitimately smelt differently.
Coconut husks and raw sewage
There’s a certain stench that comes out from there sweat. There sweat is like a grease stain and man does it stank. Someone who has played basketball and soon regretted it lol
Why can't niggers contract the Coronavirus? Is it because they stink so bad that it deflects the virus?
>sheboon thinks Yas Forums is white
I know, I've smelled it. I'm not disputing your assertion. It was just good banter, playing on the equally stereotypical lack of hygiene of our users. If you can't appreciate the value of good banter and take it in stride, you have low iq.
Only known hosts are bats and humans. Note that john deere tractors are thus far immune
When the FUCK is the leaf ip ban going to happen?
Cocoa butter and Grease. Unironically
they do often have a poopy smell about them
They should try to flex on music rather than food and hygiene. This is just kinda lame
You guys sound like leftists, no value of truth just WAAAAAH at anyone who disrupts your echochamber. You will be remembered as the drek that held this site back, and my posts will be archived for their timeless intellectual merit. Go fuck another emu, bruce.
They smell musky
Soap doesn't smell like burning rubber and dirty feet.
no. it ain't soap. aby who has had to stand in a public line outside near a wet nigger knows what I'm talking about. it smells like actual feces. like a wet turd. like when you fart in the shower.
>proud of nothing
This but actually.
i've been close to 5.5 niggers in my life(talked with them at least once irl), all different breeds from different corners of africa(and london)
none if them smelled, but i wouldn't be surprised if american niggers are anything like american """whites"""
This is a fine thread, but can we have a serious discussion of what that smell is? It's not all of them either, I work with someone that doesn't give off the same odor I smell from random others. Is it really lack of hygiene (in most), or something else?
bull urine tends to cover up the soap smell.
Holy shit, ask how I know Yas Forums goes to melee tournaments...
I sat behind a fat boogaloo in a television college class exam, and she smelled like she had sprayed her hair with Raid.
Why the fuck is a nigger talking about us? Doesn't it have it's own part of the internet to fuck off to?
> Big Mommss Special Homemade Soap Recipe, made from the finest fermented BO and dog shit
Huh, so they used shit-smelled soap.
umm sweaty every time a nigger pens a full sentence we get 3 different threads about it
Literally every nigger I’ve ever met smelt like sweat and piss