Dead cat bounce cancelled. Stock futures were up over 4% just a few hours ago but now it's all gone

Dead cat bounce cancelled. Stock futures were up over 4% just a few hours ago but now it's all gone.

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Them Chinese niggas always been wise to dead cats


I was worried today would be green, but the panic in the DOW futures has assuaged my fear.
Remember everyone: BUY LOW. SELL LOWER.

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Hanz, hold me

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at least we still have our based blacks and hispanics

was getting worried I'd need to wait a day or 2 to see sub 20k
15k here we come

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How do you people think the stonks stand a chance of going up when everyone isn't leaving the house to work or buy shit? Like nearly EVERYONE.

Anyone here who thought they were gonna go up, despite seeing all the cvg threads deserved to lose their money

Ive only been trading in SHTF stocks, thats my "bear" style

Firearm stock, vaccine stock

Buy low sell even lower

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Empelol Tlump has lost the mandate of heaven ~ Confucius

Fed will probably pump it up today to about +2-3%

Sweet. Doing the opposite of what I think is right has been working. Listen to Yas Forums.

Buy low, can't sell because they get locked out, and watch them drop lower still and hope the gummint will save them socialist style, since capitalism failed them haha

DB is getting off easy atm, all the other big 4 are down more than 14% on the futures, the banks will take out intrest free loans from the fed to buyback stock.

This is called the bat-soup bounce

>tfw great depression 2.0 will kill more boomers than the virus

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do you understand anything about speculative finance? Money line go big up and down always

This. Remember the banks are now loaded with 1 trillion. They can pump the markets back up a few more times if shit gets ugly

They're going to flush yet another 500 billion down the toilet. Others will lose confidence in central banks. It's a good thing

the stock market is not the economy you absolute fucking brainlet, theres a reason you're a wagie or a neet

Why isn't it crashing harder for fucks sake.

The economy is fucked too though. People aren't out shopping. This is a mainstreet crisis too you fucking retard. Holy fuck. It's not possible to be as stupid as you. Jesus
Holy fuck
who the fuck are you?
oh my god. What the fuck.

its the premarket man the blood hasnt even started to spill. Today will be a excellent indicator as to wether the fiscal injections have provided bulls with enough buying power and confidence or margin call out the bears or if the bearish monday will be a forecast for the next few weeks. Weak hands sold EOW puts yesterday. Strong hands waited for today

>inb4 people ransacking stores
People are stripping the shelves of the fucking loss-leaders and leaving everything else and then having to pay out mad overtime to their workers to keep the shelves stocked. Grocery stores are getting fucked too.

They will be the last to be screwed over economically

fucking retards putting out loss leaders in these times

Pretty much this.
Most of them are already suckling the public teet.
And they control central bank policy.
So they'll print as much money as they need to keep their fridge stocked and devalue your money in the process.

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A lot of places have anti-gouging laws. So if it was a loss leader when the national emergency was called, it's still a loss leader now.

>can't shitpost about the futures on GODDAMMIT HIROSHIMOOT

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>inb4 we shouldn't have anti-gouging laws
How about a better idea: We dont' crash the fucking economy to save a bunch of useless boomers who no longer contribute anything to it.

I'm sorry I literally can't bring myself to care about a single thing you've said. Big 4 banks are down 14% after record losses yesterday with the fed out of rate cuts to QE and the banks have free access to the reserve coffers with no intrest to slap their fingers when they take too much to buyback stock.

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And in that time i had to absorb some losses to not get margin called.

You know why prices tend to "hang" around certain magic numbers, like 20k for example?

Because there is someone VERY rich who is buying up shares at that price in the face of downward pressure. This is the perfect opportunity, since normally such an immense transaction would greatly affect the market, and would need to be petered out over the course of months.
Someone VERY wealthy is buying up the market right now at this threshold. Someone like that has access to data and analytics the rest of us simply don't. That means you should probably be buying as well

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We have three and a half hours to close green or the banks to improve or our financial ecosystem will begin to collapse

Just had the dream. China will starve. The jews are rounded up and murdered in mass. Christ comes back. The end is here.

they're called market makers but they arent the reason for this phenomenon. Its algorithms using Technical Analysis of graph indicators run on enormous server farms in NYC. A large proportion of finance stock and options trading is algorithm mathematicians competing with each other.

nah sounds like shit of bull

>That means you should probably be buying as well
of course you should be buying
it's not the end of the world. trade and productivity are not ending. these things will recover and whatever you buy today will be worth much more once that happens.
only retards or poors aren't buying right now

I hope when this is fixed to have a bunch of anons posting here "I made tens of thousands buying during the panic" but it will probably only be a few!

The fed will announce negative interest rates tomorrow. They didn’t want to announce negative rates all at once. So they decided to announce a full point rate cut just a couple days before their scheduled meeting in order to somewhat ease the market into it. The “irregular fluctuations” that have been happening as far as liquidity in market are coming to a head. Thus, the 1.5 trillion dollar of repo. The Fed is exhausting it’s options early in order to prevent the inevitable.

I can't fucking short if the markets open at a loss fucking jeromie bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrr more money
I should had bought puts instead of buying inverse ETFs and selling them before the close

It's a psychological threshold thing, the fixed number is a mental marker for market performance.

I still think P&G, 3M, Clorox, Campbell's, and Conagra are going up.

They have intervend last week with 700 billions $. They can't do this for too long or else they risk hyperinflation.

They will eventually ask Congress to pass the bill for the FED to buy stocks of falling companies directly (currently illegal) or the government will start to nationalize the falling companies, in that case banks come first.

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nah I doubt it but its possible, the rates at 0 is enough of an incentive for the banks to borrow and lend out. They do keep saying over and over again unprompted that the banks are solvent, so forcibly and adamantly that some might smell a lie.

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>buy right before our money quadruples in value because we're going back to the gold standard
Dummy dum dum. Dumb

The higher the bounce the steeper the cliff.

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>implying we've bottomed
if only you knew how bad things are about to become

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They could have waited until their scheduled meeting to cut a point. That would not have been an issue. To preemptively cut a full point during an unscheduled weekend meeting means there will be more cuts for the scheduled meeting. It’s all about trying to ease the market into it. Not too much panic all at once.

Nah, Frankfurt bourse has been open for a while already. Deutshe bank aktie is at 4.86 yuro

If they were that rich they’d know it’s going to 15k and wait.


Realistically I could see SP500 dropping to 1000, seeing as this time the real economy is just as affected as the financial industry bubble.
But the fucking FEDs can let that happen and will pour more trillions of dollars.
Desu t b h financial market is a one massive scam.

I know Warren Buffett is sitting on about $100 billion in cash. I wonder if he has started buying again considering his motto about buying when everyone is panicking.


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Nigger knows cash is going to be worthless.
he will be buying, but he wont own it for long.
Hes done for

Don’t forget that the Fed also eliminated bank reserve requirements. That indicates a major liquidity crunch. Why risk making the banks insolvent like 07-08? This will be biggest of all bubbles.
>i-i don't think these are printers anymore bro