Asian women hate thread

Why are these subhumans allowed to exist? Ugliest race to ever exist. Tries to be make themselves look closer to Caucasians by getting plastic surgeries and using Photoshop and make-up. Materialistic and fake. Insect behavior (and their faces look like insects). Demands to be called "Asian" and claims you must be a Mongoloid to be "Asian". Subhuman genes, from toe to head. Slanted eyes, short, large square head, Mongolian blue spot, psychopathic tendencies, insect mentality, insect eyes, black hair and eyes, flat wide nose, flat ass, flat chest, skinny fat bodies, little manlike bodies for both their men and women, small dicks, no body hair, no double eyelids, and so on America needs execute all Asian women in order to protect the white race and banned all Asian related shit including Anime because cute Japanese,Korean,Chinese girls don't exist ever in reality or in Trump's proud white america and white men should punished for talking or flirting at those disgusting female gooks because white women really needs special attention and ignoring them would be illegal and that's why we need to protect the white christian race.

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Is Rabbi Schekelstein upset?

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>Materialistic and fake.
>Insect behavior
>psychopathic tendencies
>flat wide nose, flat ass, flat chest, skinny fat bodies, little manlike bodie
>small dicks

these all apply to your precious white master race too. top kek.

I find Asian women extremely unattractive. Same thots, different eyes. Fuck rice chasers

I deeply apologize for being born a subhuman.

Looks like it's morning in Israel, explains a lot

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OP is a closet yellow-fever fag who's trying to bait responses out of his fellow slant fetishists. Whats really pathetic is that its probably going to work.

La creatura is the last one

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Asians are ugly, soul-less insects who only value money and their reputation.
We are literally worse than Jews. Also your bug fever is showing.

Saw a Southeast-asian woman once
who just looked like that actually
... creepy

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Southeast-asian woman preparing some food

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Yes white men you should marry and financially support the white bitches that hate you forever.
You're a total cuck if you can't learn to live with a strong independent woman who just might leave you along with your kids and money at a moments notice

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would hit the one in 0:42

Kim Yo Jong has excellent bone structure for an Asian woman... would wife/10. Also she has that powerful vibe that you know she will shred you to pieces if you criticize Juche - which you shouldn't do!

>Martin Shkreli

>he thinks it’ll be any different with chinks

That's one fine woman


Unfortunately theres a fuckload of idiots who will never learn that the grass is never greener on the other side. My only consolation is that most of them will never actually score an asian bitch and will just keep worshipping yellow cunts from afar.

t.seething white roastie

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She's clearly wearing eyelid glue to make her eyes bigger, bleached her skin and dyed her hair light brown in order to look less Asian.
Pic related is your average Asian

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are yid bros doing quarantine?

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what's going on thru her around-50 mind right about now?

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As if they didn't look samey enough, now they digitally change themselves to look even more like that.
And it's not even a good look, they look like they are caked in makeup.
Fucking thots.

>be roasty
>spend hours searching google for ugly group shots
>"Pic related is your average Asian"
>worry about not having any eggs

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>Ricecel seething over the fact that non-white men are automatically and rightfully seen as lower status.

Warms my heart.

seems incorrect
this implies that asian men and black men are equal in desirability to asian women, which is not common sense. Also that white men would need to earn 220 thousands dollars compared to a black man, to be as desirable to a black woman

this shit is doctored, imo.

It's actually even worse. Yellow fevered beta "males" are hopeless.

Mail order that.

which demographic is most likely to feel threatened by cute little asian chicks?

t. projection
I can find thousands of ugly Asians on google images with the click of a mouse.
If all of the white girls you posted lost weight they would blow subhuman Asian "girls" out of the water.
PS. I’m not white so you’re not proving any sort of point

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Pic related is your average western woman.

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She hot though

objectively east asian women are pretty attractive. But you can't state that anymore anywhere, because you'll be called beta loser.
Why? Whose aim was that?

>I'm not white

Its probably based off of dating site responses. Black women would never, ever ever admit to lusting after white cock in public because that would harm their social credibility amongst their fellow niggers. However the moment a white guy is dumb enough to date a Negress, she'll either drop her attitude and jump on his dick or try to be on the downlow about it.

Reminder that Japanese girls are the most attractive in the world.

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Daily reminder: this is your average Jap outside of JAVs.
They have to rely on makeup, eyelid glue/tape in order to look remotely decent.

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To be perfectly fair, almost all the guys shilling for asian pussy are putting it on a pedestal. They're engaging in this game of make-believe that asian women are some special breed of woman that doesn't suffer from their gender's normal bullshit. Yes some yellow sluts are hot, but a sane and rational white man would just bang a few and get it out of his system rather than going all gaga and wanting to wife them.

most dating stats show black women preferring black men

how does that square with your theory?

No, it implies that Asian women do not factor money into their attraction at all. It's not even on their radar.

These findings about black women are confirmed by several different studies, including the two here.

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This is why people over here prefer 2D women

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>almost all the guys shilling for asian pussy are putting it on a pedestal.
well yeah, these are beta losers. I know that Asian whamen are probably more materialistic than white ones. But physically they're quite attractive even if not as attractive as white or arabic

Why did I have to pick the ugly food court?

Front center two are total babes

Jews hate Japan you retard. (((They))) want us to be with western women because western women have fallen for the (((agenda))).

no, it means that asian women don't discriminate on race, which is absurd

and because white women want more money from different races, means they do discriminate on race.
Your logic is flawed.

>t-t-t-their not ugly just fat
>I'm not even a white roastie how dare you call me that
>I search through google for hours for ugly asian women and that means you're actually the one projecting!
>Please just think I'm pretty! Someone please just call me pretty!!!
Don't you have a simp to do that for you?

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holy shit weebs and yellow fever incels blown the FUCK out

Okay pro race mixing jew loser

so the purpose of this webm is to convince me and you that asian girls are actually just hideous goblins without makeup. And hey, for some of them that's completely true, but the fact they posess the skill and talent to hide their uggo faces and turn themselves into porceline goddesses, you'd have to be gay to want a sidecut piercing laden roastie who wants to emasculate you instead. But you do you burger cuck

wtf is wrong with their eyes. bugwomen eyes yuck

>Asian women don't factor money into the dating preferences
>But have a strong preference for white men based on attraction
>I literally can't conserve of a woman that doesn't put money first in her life
>Therefore your logic is flawed
What even is this?
Asian women overwhelmingly discriminate based on race.

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You didn't read the first part of my post. Dating sites are PUBLIC, any information you put in your profile is now available to the public. You do not put information on dating sites that you would not want to be known to general public. Lusting after white guys is taboo for black women, remember in PC world white men are the enemy.

Black culture in America is all about mutual grievance and being pissed off that they don't have money and status. Basically an extended loser's club for people who'd rather resent others than work to better themselves. But more often than not if a nigger can get some money or can status they'll run off to hang with whitey and leave their old friends behind. Same with black women, Friendchiggenequa is all about the black power until she gets a (relatively) high-status white boyfriend and a ticket out of the ghetto, afterward she could give a shit less about her fellow niggers.

>that webm
my life is a lie

no you silly nigger. there are stats based on not what they say but what they do (match rates)

so again, how does this square with your theory?

they're like thirteen year old girls... something's deeply wrong with you man