Attached: dresden.png (1342x900, 386.6K)

>And mine lived in London
not anymore kek

Too little too late

My country is as always cucked


Enjoying your Muslim capitol?

People who shill British retribution forget that Brits were the first to target civilian targets.

Or the fact that Germany made many attempts to make peace even sending Rudolf Hess over

He is not a Brit hence the meme flag. Most likely he is an Israeli Jew

Hur känns det din fucking svenne jävel

>Too little too late
>My country is as always cucked

What is closing schools going to do? The proper thing to do would be to close borders to Chinks months ago.

krautoid cope

atleast they arent speakin german

Attached: 1582459418614.png (800x1131, 1.99M)

Swedes are so stupid you'd think the schools have already been closed for decades.

>don't invade Poland
>"le no XD"

Is everyone on pol a low IQ panicking normie? All countries have low numbers of infected and dead.

You're seriously losing shit over 1000 infected? Get a grip pussies. Even if 100.000 were infected a two week quarantine would solve most of the problems

your schools are closed so no more school shootings

That's a cool meme.
Because you got it from the Simpson's.

Skakar mitt huvud

>don't invade Poland

Poland was invaded by Soviets too. But Churchill was a zionist cuck as proven by his shilling for Israel later.


Redditor moving the goalpost. Brits started the war with Germany and were the first to bomb civilian targets. They have no moral highground in whining about London

>That's a cool meme.
>Because you got it from the Simpson's.

Do these zoomer retards even use 5%of their brain or do they just spout silly slogans and catch phrases like brainwashed tools?

Ye but must of us have grandparent. I guess inam jot edgy enough of a zoomer to want my relatives to die.

Be American. Die when your 3 yo gets hold of one of your Corona prep guns lying all around the house

Poland was part of the 2nd Reich. This wasn't Britain's concern. Now because of the Anglos we have to deal with Communist Marxism and Capitalist Globohomo at the same time.

>Ye but must of us have grandparent. I guess inam jot edgy enough of a zoomer to want my relatives to die

Dude with 200 ish infected and x amount of unidentified infected people roaming around the odds of catching the virus are extremely low.

Your entire nation might only have 50 infected people roaming around

We have thousands of infected already what are you talking about

>They have no moral highground in whining about London
The reason that image was made because naziboos wouldn't stop whining about muh Dresden

>Be American. Die when your 3 yo gets hold of one of your Corona prep guns lying all around the house

How about you look up the number of gun related accidental deaths?

It's less than 5000 per year in a nation of 324 million. That's nothing you cowardly retard. Also the odds of a 3 year old removing the safety, cocking a gun, aiming it at itself and pulling the trigger are close to none.

>Poland was invaded by Soviets too. But Churchill was a zionist cuck as proven by his shilling for Israel later.
USSR hadn't annexed Czechoslovakia and Austria prior

>Redditor moving the goalpost. Brits started the war with Germany and were the first to bomb civilian targets. They have no moral highground in whining about London
It's not fucking goalpost, krautniggers was so fucking retarded. They had their warning from the Brits and frogs and didn't take it seriously. beat the frogs but had problems defeating the Brits, thus they thought talking about peace would be a good idea after having bombed the UK for months already

Don't even get me started on Operation Barbarossa.

see above, also nobody gives a shit about the 2nd Reich borders. You can't keep what you can't defend. Doesn't matter if someone helps you defending it

My quads tell the truth

>We have thousands of infected already what are you talking about

You have 383 or 38 per 1 milion people

My country actually has a lot more based on our population

ok brother of Melania

You fags declared war

>The reason that image was made because naziboos wouldn't stop whining about muh Dresden

More excuses. The image is shared by cucks who can't bear that "nathzees" mourn their victims.

You won't see any memes about allied civilians deserving death in retribution because Europeans are not as petty as Jews

>be Germany
>put troops in the rhineland
>take over the sudentland
>invade Poland

>My quads tell the truth

You act like a panicking woman who wants to ban fireworks because 1 in 300.000 children is retarded enough to light one and hold it in his hand for 10 seconds.

I learned to shoot air rifles at the age of 6 and I spend a decade shooting air rifle until it broke from firing well tens of thousands of pellets.

I also learned to drive a motorbike at 10 because my parents didn't think I was retarded like yours.

We should have closed our borders 20 years ago but now all we can do is mass deportation, closing of the borders and begin to burn books from Skolverket

Not closed. Recommended to close.

Attached: هنا تجد جميع تقاريرنا عن فيروس كورونا المستجد في السويد.png (712x185, 16.2K)

Polish autism started the war should have just given up prussia or danig atleast. Also god forbid germany claim german sudettenland and german rhineland

Selective memory jew. France was forced into war by British bombers who decimated it's naval fleet killing thousands.

You bombed your own allies

Poles act like Jews. They steal land and chimp out murdering German civilians. Then they get slapped around, betrayed by their communist pals and lastly betrayed by Jews who will soon want reparations from them.

Their greatest pride is being good communist boys who loved Jews above everyone else

My kids are home for 2+weeks because school is closed in NJewry, PA, and Jew York.

pay your incresed taxes

But user that's racist!

The boers should have just killed churchil

Wow... just wow. I'm literally losing all faith in humanity rn!

Oof. Let's unpack this, folks! You do realize your toxic bigotry is offensive to PoC, right? Yikes! Who hurt you, sweetie? Maybe, just maybe, y'all should try something less problematic? It's almost as if y'all don't want to be wholesome! Let that sink in.

Oh, sweet summer child... YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

They wouldn’t since there was no way they would win

>Selective memory jew. France was forced into war by British bombers who decimated it's naval fleet killing thousands.
>You bombed your own allies
Operation Catapult happened after the French signed an armistice with Germany.

Probably it isn’t shilled like Dresden

Never trust the eternal anglo

kan inte breva i svt, bröder

>Enjoying your Muslim capitol?

Attached: cryingsoyjack(362).png (225x224, 8.31K)

You gotta convince the niggers and mudshits to go outside and ignore quarantine. It's the only way to save sweden

Lmao Sweden actually followed Finland's decision. I guess that immigrants have stagnated Sweden so much that Finland has finally got ahead.

Attached: 1583587191768.jpg (1024x755, 345.49K)

There is another way. Multiple but it would be extremely painfull

>be betrayed by French allies who conduct separate peace terms

Finally, thank god

Attached: Health.jpg (2640x2597, 3.44M)

They need it spread it before doing something

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At least he still has his constitution

Shut up posh nigget. Your arrogance knows no bounderies

Kanalen är dogad

no u