/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2186

► Detected: 183,112 ► Died: 7,175

Ireland to be put on lockdown, 4 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Venezuela under full lockdown, 32 million people

Monaco's prime minister tests positive

New York and Los Angeles on lockdown, affecting 12 million

Coronavirus (SARS), not influenza (flu), not rhinovirus (cold)

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

27 year old dies, no underlying disease

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

China figures likely simulated

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

Serbia under lockdown, affecting 7 million


05:58: 91 new cases in Norway.
05:50: 130 new cases and 5 new deaths in Switzerland.
05:05: 62 new cases in Brazil. These were reported by state health departments and were not included in the figure from the Health Ministry.
03:15: 57 new cases in California, United States.
02:25: 5 new deaths in California, United States.
01:50: 1 new case in Monaco. The patient is Minister of State Serge Telle.
01:06: 84 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.


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Other urls found in this thread:


i dont think Yas Forums is moving. that way for anyone else?

► China 80,881 (3,226) ► International 101,669 (3,939): Italy 27,980 (2,158) Iran 14,991 (853) Spain 9,942 (342) S. Korea 8,320 (81) Germany 7,272 (17) France 6,633 (148) US 4,724 (87) Switzerland 2,483 (24) UK 1,543 (55) Norway 1,439 (3) Netherlands 1,413 (24) Sweden 1,121 (7) Belgium 1,058 (10) Austria 1,018 (3) Denmark 914 (4) Japan 833 (27) D. Princess 696 (7) Canada 441 (4) Australia 401 (5) Greece 352 (4) Portugal 331 (1) Slovenia 253 (1) Bahrain 228 (1) Ireland 223 (2) Pakistan 184 (1) Poland 177 (4) Egypt 166 (4) H. Kong 155 (4) Thailand 147 (1) Philippines 142 (12) Indonesia 134 (5) Iraq 133 (10) India 129 (2) S. Marino 109 (7) Lebanon 109 (3) Luxembourg 81 (1) Panama 69 (1) Taiwan 67 (1) Argentina 65 (2) Bulgaria 62 (2) Algeria 60 (4) Ecuador 58 (2) Albania 51 (1) Hungary 39 (1) Morocco 38 (1) Azerbaijan 25 (1) Dom. Rep. 21 (1) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 7 (1) Ukraine 7 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 566 Qatar 439 Cze. Rep. 344 Israel 298 Brazil 296 Finland 278 Singapore 243 Estonia 205 Iceland 199 Romania 168 Chile 156 S. Arabia 133 Kuwait 123 UAE 98 Russia 93 Peru 86 Slovakia 72 S. Africa 64 Vietnam 61 Croatia 57 Serbia 57 Brunei 54 Colombia 54 Mexico 53 Armenia 52 Turkey 47 Cyprus 46 C. Rica 41 Palestine 39 Belarus 36 Latvia 34 Georgia 33 Malta 30 Jordan 29 Moldova 29 Uruguay 29 S. Lanka 28 Bosnia 25 Senegal 24 Oman 22 Afghanistan 21 Tunisia 20 Macedonia 19 Lithuania 18 Faeroes 18 Venezuela 17 B. Faso 15 Jamaica 15 Martinique 15 Andorra 14 Maldives 13 Cambodia 12 Macao 12 Bolivia 11 Fr. Guiana 11 Kazakhstan 10 Monaco 9 Reunion 9 N. Zealand 8 Bangladesh 8 Paraguay 8 Uzbekistan 8 Liechtenstein 7 Rwanda 7 Chan. Isl. 6 Ghana 6 Guadeloupe 6 Honduras 6 Cameroon 5 Ethiopia 5 P. Rico 5 Ivory C. 4 Cuba 4 Mongolia 4 Tri. & Tob. 4 Fr. Polynesia 3 Gibraltar 3 Guam 3 Kenya 3 St. Barth 3 Seychelles 3 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 Curacao 2 Congo 2 Namibia 2 St. Lucia 2 St. Martin 2… Total 163/251

Attached: blue truth.png (3200x2100, 814.93K)

Ayie corona!

>US State Leaderboard
93 dead total
48 dead
12 dead
10 dead
5 dead
>LA & NJ
3 dead each
2 dead
1 dead each

Attached: cabronachan.png (589x731, 33.48K)

>Dead: 7,174
lol, still only 7,174.
How many days has it been stuck at 7,174? Four days? Five days?

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Can Coronavirus be spread by Big Black Cocks?

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how much have you prepped?

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Sweden closing schools now, late as always. They even mentioned that they NEVER discussed "immunity herd" as it a new virus



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I tried posting earlier, got a gateway error. I think 4channel is down atm.

Emergency law to be signed by the queen before noon and effectively enacted. All of Denmark is holding their collected breath waiting for what will happen afterwards.

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Reminder that JEWTUBE is using this opportunity to allow their bots/AI to take FULL CONTROL over the censorship on the website.
Expect all non-mainstream info on coronavirus and criticism of china to do deleted for "racism" or some other nonsense

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Deaths were just 6k
Wtf happened?

I hope you niggers never forget that after all of this is over, we need to fucking annihilate every chink off the face of the earth

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Next time I'll be prepped... next time.....

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>Wtf happened?

Isn't it simply amazing that after 3 weeks of fearmongering here on Yas Forums this coronavirus outbreak is just another nothingburger like SARS, H1N1, MERS, MRSA, etc etc... I mean, there's what, 800 people dead? After several months? The common cold kills more every year. This morass of schizo doomsday posting on here is being further fueled by fake news videos from chinese and regular social media networks like wechat/twitter.

Whats happening here is quite easy to understand. We're being bombarded by a hardened collective of happeningfags who need some excitement in their neet lives and intel psyop shills who are running a simulation of how this board would react to in an actual end of the world scenario. The both of them are the ones who are putting foward absurd and nonsencial concepts like 10%+ death rates, muh bioweapon leak, muh elite depopulation conspiracy, muh ccp shill coverup, muh so2 from burning bodies so on and on and on with the batshittery. If this were that big of a deal, we'd be seeing huge amounts of deaths outside of China which simply doesn't exist.

In reality, this virus has already been contained thanks to the prudent quarantine of China, and ultimately the economic impact from all of this will be minimal. Happening canceled morons.

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Nothing. Sleeptime!

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Fuck Xi Jingping, fuck Chinese sympathizers, fuck all pinko trannies and the commie cohort of Antifaggots
wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Its party time

Now that most states have gone into lockdown, we will see a complete decline in the number of new cases.

Trump has literally saved America and the world. No other president could’ve done this.

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Only 19420 samples tested in Japan between Jan 15 and March 6. Many times same person repeatedly. We are doomed. Hope you guys enjoy the Olympics.

A day passed, 1,000 dead a day worldwide from now on.

user... there might not be a next time.

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At this rate when it starts to grow in UK it is fucked

>going on youtube for news or information

why haven't we stopped all flights from china in january?


"Recovered" means you will officially die from "other" symptoms.

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That's not how exponential works user

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So what percentage of the world population is in lockdown right now then? Anyone done the math?

only "gymnasiet" and universities though, still nothing on 0-9th grade.

Any bets on what the April will look like?

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Because they live next to China and have experience with SARS and MERS and C19 is way milder than both

What is the punishment for MIGA shills for trying to ruin this happening for everyone?

The virus infected environments where it could spread freely, ie exponentially.

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>black people are immune


The Herd will prevail

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I was attemping to get the 3333 for (you)s, wasn't being eerious.

How long until Amerifags start raiding eachother?

Can't wait for drone coverage of daily shooting like a purge

If you search "coronavirus" on youtube and filter by recently added, it won't give you anything newer than 8 hours old. It also omits older things that I've seen with coronavirus in the name. Save us, Nasim.

I need the lewdest Corona-chan pics you have.

I'm more worried about the Q-tarted subclass trump supporters

What's wrong with Turkey, Russia and Sweden? Even Trump is not that bad.


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Nah, this is nothing more than a nothingburger, Nothing to worry about here goy, go back to sleep. Everything's fine. people die everyday this is completely normal

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Why don't we go through global quarantine every year and watch the market crash due to the flu? Which is far more deadly. Why are they over reacting to this?

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28 US Marines just pulled up in black Ford raptor trucks

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stuck at home by the govnmt (quarantined)
we (ex commies) have some kind of discipline about such things, so I expect we'll be fine soon

The punishment is the happening itself.


Tiananmen Square 1989

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Bout a dozen

Just 2 week of rehab, same as T. Hanks.

>I think 4channel is down atm
oh right. i forgot about the split

error while posting

>but muh melanin and black magicks and shiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt we dindu nuffin wrong nigguh. We waz kangz and immune and shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeettttttt

Do we have any more Coronachan on a horse?

Dom jobbar tydligen på att ändra lag för att kunna stänga ner 0-9, enligt SVT rapportaget

based Jamieposter

> Turkey
inbred cockroaches dreaming of Ottoman Empire being reborn some day
> Russia
former USSR bear, some blood detected in the vodka stream
> Sweden
eternally self-hating, limp-wristed cucks that would die rather than expel immigrants

All the more reason to never forget that the chinese coronavirus originated in china and was covered up by china for at least 2 months, and remind people at every possible turn. As long as a few key phrases become memes coverups will become impossible.

are some boards down?

/biz got stuck in old posts for me

That's pure cope, nigs in africa have it all over, yhat guy probably jas the mild strain

Boomers still are panic buying

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>in4 idris elba isn't real black

government care more about economy than people

Any draw fags willing to draw Earth chan submitting to Corona Chan like this?

Attached: lolibooru 150116 artist_request blonde_hair closed_eyes clothed_female_nude_female foot_licking foot_worship japanese_clothes multiple_girls purple_hair riding_crop.jpg (1316x1000, 288.31K)

How does the manga compare to the anime?


Do you think Corona-chan digs giant robots or nah?

Just because you're more likely to die from the flu than being shot by a school shooter does not mean that school shooters are less deadly than the flu.

I sorted by creation date and the newest threads are 2+ hours ago that's weird

They need to realize that there will still be enough toilet paper for everyone to eat next week


That is my fetish god damn

I don't think so: You ignore the FA.P.S. procedures and TxRx below 0.6ppm/cm3 with Casutrenil 20mg/l
Maybe Lymphotropes injections with NaCS infibulations will be helpful but not without Matraxdone 60ml/Kg/Hour.
In the case of sepis with nl EF on formal Echo, I would consider NaCS procedure first and an EF not above 55% after the treatment.

I'm not joking here, my last patient the TxRx was over 0.6ppm/cm3. I can't imagine what could happen without minimum 35cc of Lisetrapil intravenous and without infibulation with NaCS procedures.

my procedure regarding the TxRx transigrasis are well understood and were often used with NaCS procedures with or without infibulations, obviously with 75ml of Keraptene B and 35cc of Vexatolin18 every 1/2 hours.

The only thing I need to know if formal Beta-EF blockers are effective with patients with an EZ>=45 and an Ox2

>tfw country literally has bird flu and corona
>liberaltards don't want trained military men and want to fuck over medical personnel because its scaring the people
I hate this country so much. I've been unable to sleep and they want us to go to fuckign checkpoints all day. Fucking cunts

Most numbers are about positive results and rarely about how many people go to tests, so have some numbers from my county in Germany:

1999 went to a test
1171 were tested (just for county residents)
73 tested positive

sodmizing Peri

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Slaanesh and nurgle cooperation just seems wrong

We 50 (1), pls update

Better late than never, panic buying is still a rational move. Having said that, if you're waiting in queues like that then it's about time to accept that you missed the boat and stop ruining the shops for normal customers.


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why is boris intent on keeping the uk open? no lockdowns, no nothing.
even fucking justin trudeau shut down the world's hotel. what in the world is going on in britain?

what island and what are your containment procedures?

sounds like the Japs were being extra thorough to get data on whats going on with corona chan

sorry, I'm not much of a coomer. I think the artist is called shutz, or something close to that.

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I still think that when it's all said and done less than 10,000,000 people in the developed world will die of this
When the third wave hits Africa and India though it's gonna be scary

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London not that deserted (if this is really live)

Food for 8 weeks of 2000cal per day
1 more week on the way
(Might last like 2 weeks more if necessary)

Other stuff like halfmask+P3 filter, disinfectant wipes, trashbags, soap, toothpaste, supplements (especially Vitamin C)

Didn't panic buy, but rather stocked up over the last few weeks during my normal shopping trips, since the signs were obvious and everyone itt could see it coming.

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We are reaching levels of autism we thought were impossible

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Tack för info. Jadu, själv kan man jobba hemifrån så barnen kan ju vara hemma, men hur fan gör alla andra föräldrar?

What is this pattern called? Biz is down

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why? STD's exist. Nurgle and Tzeentch hate each other, Khorne and Slaanesh hate each other, otherwise they'll tolerate each other

Could always call up the store next door and ask them to step outsode.


By far the most satisfying part of this entire thing has been seeing shithole after shithole proclaim immunity, only to slowly but surely come to the realization that they were just late to the party.

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Well, at the corona viruses current trajectory 86,143,200 people will be dead by august from the virus alone
It's simple math

"Goyim, Israel has a COVID-19 vaccine, only 666 shekels, but today, just for Jew, only 660 shekels! Such a deal!"


Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak


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...and that's a good thing

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free fall I think

Because we don't have immunity so it will spread exponentially extremely quickly

It isn't inherently more deadly than flu in itself but if 3everyone got bad flu at once, which is the danger here and happening in Italy hospitals would be overwhelmed with old people and the economic damage of everyone off work at once immense

Also the absolute worst but unlikely case is potentially for mutation into deadlier strains, the likelihood of which is low but the odds increase the more people have it at once

Death it's called death.

the technical term is "everything is fucked and jews are on suicide watch", laymen call it the boogaloo

"Pure Coincidence" strikes again. But it's fake.

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The AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA brrrrrrrr AAAAAAAA brrrrrrrrr pattern