Any stories about unexpectedly smart black men?

Any stories about unexpectedly smart black men?

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I know one smart black person. He was also raised by whites, so there's that.

Neil deGrasse Tyson® Chicken


Isn’t there some Indian image board you could be at? I feel like I can smell you every time I have to see that faggy flag.


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They invented a story about inventing peanut butter. Gotta be literate to do that, quite impressive.

I have a based black friend i met on 2b2t

Nope. I've met a few 95 iq or so niggers though

>any stories about
hello fellow Yas Forums refugee

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most black people are smart

He’s so fucking cocky, he never stops talking

Only ones i can think of are juan atkins jeff mills, kevin saunderson a d carl craig. Kool keith is an idiot savant but a fucking lege d nonetheless

Tariq Nasheed has an IQ of 170

Lil Uzi Vert

Nice joke


And jews have nigger blood

a guy who criticizes comics on youtube

sleepy ben carson performed the first separation of conjoined at the head twins

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I have a black friend at my Uni, he always make pretty intelligent remarks and he had a beautiful handwriting, his notes taking skills are far better than mine. He is also extremely friendly

I knew one who could read

That was unexpected

Drake, he made a career off songs about loving a girl and taking care of her when in reality he’s a deadbeat dad collecting panties around the world

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This thread again

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Ive never made this thread before


Yeah, one was in a coma until he died in 2014, the other one is a vegetable. Fucking genius.

Racists BTFO!

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Thomas Sowell
*Yas Forums nods approvingly*

I saw one reading a book once.

I had one black guy who was working on his phd in mathematics with me. Pretty smart dude.

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I know some that hold legit PhDs. Funnily they're all from Africa rather than the US.

Lmao this black guy gets me eberyteim.
10/10 would berry his daughter

I know only one really smart nigger, and that's not Neil Tyson

That's it? That's your rebuttal?
I'm disappointed, user.

Story of my life

We wuz krangz n shiet

I can only think of Ben Carson.

>Intelligent blacks
No, however, they're redpilled on the JQ because you need a high IQ to believe certain foolishness.
When it comes to Jews, their lower IQ is actually an advantage

>jewish reporter tries to derail shit first to holocaust, then to money
>falls miserably
without jewish propaganda most people can be good and intelligent

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inb4 yakub

Thomas Sowel

None about Bigfoot, either.

That’s it? Just some black guy saying we wuz matrix n shieet?

He's not smart though, he's just a shitty celeb who knows a bunch of facts.
He's never actually made any discoveries or contributions to science.

Sure the most autistic math guy I’ve ever met was black. Mother fucker could calculate crazy square and cube roots in his head in seconds. Idk how great he was at the rest of the maths but that always impressed me.

And he was a literal diversity hire

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>nigger being really really good at cave paintings
>this is remarkable somehow
nice try, Sanjeev.

I heard one learned how to use his opposable thumb to pick cotton once.

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Django Unchained is pretty cool. The pioneer of "you get what you fucking deserve"

Wrong. But hey, you seem so sure of yourself it must be true right. Right... Right? .... Right.

Nah that movie sucked.
Jamie Fox can't act.

>pedo jew making white guilt movies

yeah sure Levi, it's cool