Yas Forums absolutely BTFO

Yas Forums absolutely BTFO

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fine by me

Fine by me

They do that shit anyway.

They'd feel embarrassed if they ever peaked at crime statistics.

"White mass shooting" isn't actually accurate, though. The majority of mass-shootings in the US aren't done by whites at all.

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They do anyway; even when they aren’t white.

The black everything else

I've been calling it the slanty virus. Or Winnie the Flu when feeling cheeky.
Having fun starving nigger once all the whites in South Africa are gone.
Zimbabwe 2.0


This kek.

>China is a country
>China is in Asia

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just point him out that most "white" shooters are actually jewish and be baffled by how suddenly this whole thing is extremely wrong and ANTISEMITIC

Most mass shooters are Jewish. According to the Holocaust they aren’t white.

Ok but we get to call it the chink workplace accident

Fine, we're not calling it The Chinese Flu anymore, we'll start calling it The Shanghai Shivers.

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I see alot of niggers calling whites school shooters. Funny thing is, they’re corner shooters. Every day.

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Chink chonk pin pon cough cough

lmao ok ok but like, ok, but get this: if it's a black guy doing the shooting, we call it a BLACK mass shooting lol. Deal? Man I wonder what's gonna happen

And black behavioural deficiency?

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yes please
please attach the race in UPPER CASE to all crime reports
please do!

They do already though

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>chinese virus
>white mass shooting
>fucking niggers
>useless beaners
>god damn kikes
>used up whores
>AIDS infested faggots
Seems OK to me.

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125 thousand aborts a day world wide in developed countries. Liberty power. 50 million deaths every 365 days of the year. What is corona? Per death rate it is weaker value. Still we should be protecting the old the vulnerable and young. Very young. Depending on the age of course120(COC) however if you look at a chart for deaths and align them corona chan is very weak at this point of time compared to overall deaths like abortions. Which kill 120(COC) humans. Legal of course too.

*Jewish mass shooting

>Jews shoot up schools



Mass shooters have all been Jewish though, other than Dylan Roof.

Nice meme.

>Elliot Rodger
>Seung-Hui Cho
>Nikolas Cruz
>Dylan Klebold
>Omar Mateen
>Brenton Tarrant

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Get working on you writing style. It's painful to read.

As if they don't already do that.

>implying it wasn't already being done, explicitly

All mass shootings, without exception, are orchestrated by the deepstate/alphabets.

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Why does this person think this is some kind of horrifying sentiment? White mass shooting? Go for it. That's already what they fucking call it, you fucking dumb fuck. Shit, we should've been calling this the Chinese Virus from day one, if it's so upsetting.

Don't they already call it that? Even when the shooter isn't white?


Mass shootings didn’t start with white people.

Corona Virus started with Asians in the Wuhan district of China. The epicenter of this global pandemic was literally China.

No it isn’t, are you a fucking retard?

Chinese Buffett comes to mind as a response

What’s the big deal with mass shooters abortionist kill 50 million a year and its legal. How about them apples for death as a baseline? Population control from the powers.

No, I simply have an understanding of your language.

you misunderstand , they can call me names all they want as long as i can do the same

>Even when the shooter isn't white?
They have never implied a non-white shooter was white user. IT HAS NEVER EVER HAPPENED!!!!

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>Chinks infect the entire planet with a pandemic
>Chinks do everything in their goddamn power to refuse to take responsibility

Comparing a thousand of so that have been shot of the last few decades in mass shootings to the billions that have been infected by the many diseases spread out of Asia for the past decades is goddamn laughable. Now that this Chinese Virus has caused massive damage to the world economy the chinks deserve to be treated like lepers

Also, of course OP is a goddamn nigger tier memeflag

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Lol, it is wrong, as in, factually wrong. Just a bullshit lie to try and waive your responsibility.

They do this already

We need to start calling it the yellow death

Lol, this is just a bullshit lie to try and waive your responsibility.

>How about them apples for death as a baseline?
No one cares when 6 million potential nigs get the coat hanger, not even niggers.

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Remember that black guy who shot 8 people recently?

Ok but it really is only white school mass shootings if you want to be politically correct.

Yes, thar is agreeable. Fear the white man.

Hey OP;
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Can't delete for some reason, wanted to replace it with but I guess you're getting both now.



Remember anons, there is far more evidence proving that Coronavirus is jewish, than there is proving the holoshlock is anything other than jewish fantasy.

I’m sick of this corona bs and mass shooting hysteria it’s all cover to protect abortions that kill 125 thousand humans a day and 60 million s year. This is liberty and the red pill. We value little of life. Liberty has a banner 120(COC) the guy with the sickle and black dress or whatever. Death. That’s you. That’s reality. Liberty. Death. 50 million souls dead. Females males and she makes all dead. That’s life . What about them apples he’ll spawn. M

Oh yes, let's open that can of worms! >jewish recession

you faggots already do even though it's niggers who are doing most of the shooting

This is already done every time anyway. We just want equality, yids.

I totally support this. I'd love to start calling them black rapes too! However, could they please be a little more accurate?
It's Jew school shootings.

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To provide a source the WHO (World Health Organization) data shows around 56 million babies are aborted every year world wide

"On average, 56 million abortions occurred worldwide each year"

they basically do that anyway


but this is nigger mass shooting

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Yeah sure but you gotta post the 23 and me results for the shooter. Dont want any Jews fucking up the master races K/D stats.

Doesn’t make sense. Is he saying all asians are chinese? Not all whites were part of the nazi party just like not all asians are subhuman trash like the chinese

Umm sweaty, my body my choice
Okay incel?

Also, that fat little mystery meat manlet faggot in OP can suck my anus.

>Remember that black guy who shot 8 people recently?
Not really, I only know about his fictitious brother created by the media that came here penniless and hungry from Somalia but is now a rocket engineer since we OK'd letting in his 50 'family' members. Don't be such a bigot user.

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this. Also, the chink flu has already killed more people than all of the "white mass shooting" combined.

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Is this supposed to be some burn? Who fucking cares what they call us. Muh safe space niggers.


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So why is this faggot still residing in a white majority nation then?

we should actually try to set the precedent and once it takes root you hit them with the fact book and show them blacks commit a super majority of mass shootings. And from that point onward theyre known as black mass shootings, black homocides, black welfare recipients, etc.

Report to FBI for threatening to create a mass shooting of white people with nameless others

The difference is white people are the ones shooting each other in Chicago every weekend. If they're gonna insult they could at least get it right.

Calling a chinigger virus a white mass shooting?
Whats the logic in that?


>bringing up the relationship between crime and race
please... our society needs to have this discussion

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Fine by me your the one that looks stupid calling Mexicans and niggers white

lmao btfo faggot

According to the theory( 120COC) it’s human life. So the argument is nullified. Meaning liberty just got fucked. And all arguments have been destroyed to defend abortion. You are now left with just straight killing. You are corona but worse. Much worse. And far more deadly. I calculate that over 40 years being polite. 1.5 e9 is the answer. 50 million times 30 equals 1.5 e9.population unknown and nullified.

hey Yas Forums

let's make it "roach virus", shall we

like rapefugees, we'll send all infected people to roachland, a.k.a. turkey. roaches can't survive this time and here's the win-win situation

>white mass shooting
Not many of those compared to black mass shootings, lel

Game on

Yes, it is. Shut the fuck up

>white mass shooting

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jewish infant genital mutilation.
jewish organ harvesting
jewish child abduction and rape
jewish serial murdering
(jewish ‘Jack the ripper’, literally)
jewish cultural and national subversion
jewish pornography
jewish media corruption
jewish financial corruption
jewish governmental corruption
jewish academic corruption
I.e. jewish institutional corruption


spam these at him

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I’m not saying that abortion isn’t outright murder, it is.
I only oppose the abortion of healthy White babies.

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What about the black mass crime wave?

Races with a higher average IQ commit less crime.
High IQ also equates to high empathy.
Those with "personality disorders", i.e. prisoners, are medically defined as having low IQ.
We should accept the scientific findings

Brenton Tarrant was white, though. Nonetheless you're right.

Ok sounds fair enough.