There are over 2 million foreigners living in Japan most are niggers from the middle east how fucking sad in years time Japan will no longer look Japanese.
There are over 2 million foreigners living in Japan most are niggers from the middle east how fucking sad in years time Japan will no longer look Japanese.
No one cares
this is actually true. there's also an influx of african-americans moving there, following what white people did in the early 00's.
also a ton of nigerian illegals.
>No one cares
So you like your country being destroyed? fucking sad.
Except for us, we'll do nothing but watch your people get raped by Arab shitskins and eliminate the Japanese blood. That is, unless you do something about it.
How fucking sad.
>Except for us, we'll do nothing but watch your people get raped by Arab shitskins and eliminate the Japanese blood. That is, unless you do something about it.
You have no idea OP.
Its even worse.
Nobody getting testet. Like 1000 tests total in tokyo over the weeks.
Now today decided by g7 leaders, olympic games will be held with no sizing down.
Schools will open end of next week either all or depending on the prefecture.
Have no TV but apparently situation is messed up.
2 weeks ago many experts telling everybody to absolutely stay at home.
Now new "experts" answering important questions like
>Can I sleep together with my grandparents
>Can I go to the restaurant
But of course!!!
They only seem to talk about when we can open the schools.
That and boomers fucking things up, like in any country.
70yo people returned from a cruise nile in egypt march 5th.
Nurses, teachers etc. 26 People yesterday confirmed infected.
march 5th!
Good idea to start schools again. Trains packed in nagoya etc.
This will absolutely blow up. Unbelieveable.
Cirtical beds in nagoya...are already full.
They try to move people to neighbour cities but getting refused.
Picture is from today, elemtary school graduation ceremony....had to open because of "the memories of the kids".
Cant express how angry I am.
The last few believe in humanity and individual freedom has left me completely. People need order and be told what to do. Cant be left to themselfs.
I don't care about Japan. I only care about European countries.
I've been to both Japan and SK. In Japan, I saw maybe 1 black total. It was insane, I couldn't believe it. South Korea on the other hand had quite a few, especially Itaewon was infested by them.
You gooks still all look the fucking same so who cares? You niggers weren't exactly much of anything 100 years ago and were even uglier so who gives a shit
its a shme that Japan has stepped to the level that most western have done with foreigners.
I can tell you are a nigger living in Japan or else u would not be saying that.
It's mostly tokyo though. Tokyo feels like 50 percent African these days. Go to the countryside and you're fine.
That's actually not that bad in the long term. Japan has never had such a big influx of african and shitskin refugees, and the Japanese don't know what those rapefugees are capable of. The Japanese might be learning their lesson the hard way, but in the end they'll get their shit together and exterminate the illegals and (((those))) who let them in.
It sad here in New Zealand dude, most of the niggers live in the countryside and a ton of indians live in city. We can't escape anywhere here.
>it’s just the cities
lol, cope
How come there is so many fucks in this site giving so much fuck about that prostitute island?
Who gives a fuck
I know, and when we learn our lesson Itaewon would be the first place to go. Then the multi-culturalists and illegal immigrants are the next to go. There are not that many kikes in Korea so the time will eventually come.
Japan is not redpilled, they are just ultra traditional and regressive. That's going to work for a while but not forever.
Its the difference between a boomer who argues homosexuality is bad because of the bible vs a redpilled man who argues homosexuality is bad because its produces a degenerate LGBT culture that's pushes pedo then shows all the videos of drag queen grooming hour and gay pride parades kids watching grown men in thongs gyrating.
Basically a Japanese government official would spout the same UN platitudes about womens rights or refugees. They're clueless boomers who have no answers to the problems like feminism they just got lucky by having a extremely passive population that doesn't engage in popular non-establishment movements a lot.
I feel bad for you user i hope everything works out eventually this coronavirus stuff is annoying and i hope it doesn't get worse.
korea is worse off. 5% foreign and will be 10% in 10 years. That's not including kids of foreigners and mixed race mutts produced.
Why don’t you assimilate them? There’s a lot of mudslim students who want to get a doctor degree in my city - they start drinking eat pork in year, and become humans
Our Government would never allow it
>implying that all the muslim rapefugees in other countries are students that strive for a doctors degree
Either muslims in Ukraine are abnormalities, or you're a muslim.
i was reading link related and a couple of his other articles - he is a japanese professor that has worked in china and america and japan and is interested in the race issue and he said that young japs are extremely brainwashed and the government is somewhat cucked by the kikes.
Thanks america, will pray for you guys as well.
People here not forget who helped quickly with no hesitation during fukushima.
>still falling for bait topics by "locals" who "live there"
how about those nigerians in the vatican huh? soon there will be no white people in the vatican omg
Impossible, how can 80IQ niggers learn the language?
They probably just have enough brain in them to navigate to google translate and talk to Japs that way.
Not impossible , even gyppos learn a lot of languages so they can invade territories where they can leech of.
Japan is 98% Japanese.
get those ropes ready for when this ends user
oh noooo 0.01% of the population is foreign born nooooooooooooooooo NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! AND THEY'RE ON SHORT TERM WORK VISAS AND CAN BE KICKED OUT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY INFRACTION!!!! IT'S FUCKING OVER!!!!
teenagers on the internet: the post
not only they dont learn the language, but they dont let their kids talk the language and hang out with local kids. From the 30+ group of workers only 1 knows the bare minimum so he can talk to the boss
That's what the Swedish said before the influx of refugees.
Massive respect to your country and the people you guys are very nice people the west can really learn some manners and respect from Asian culture.
>It's mostly the capital though
That's how it starts.
imagine when korea and japan start getting real feral rapefugees and get the sweden treatment
Lol So fucking what?
I dont care where the blacks go so long as it isnt Europe or East Europe (Slavic women only for us and some arabs/ethnics who are incels here to bleach them).
We have 500k sub saharan africans *including descendants* here, if japan has more than that.. GOOD!
Because it means we are less cucked.
In Tokyo I see the same amount of blacks as I see here in major cities, in countryside its similar
Keep in mind our ethnics are Turks who I would prefer any day to east asians.
You only defend it because you're benefiting from it and don't care one bit about the Japanese people. I hope you lose your teaching license.
in tokyo they're in roppongi and kabukicho. go to nicer areas next time and you won't see them. and are you saying it's the same in the countryside of japan as it is in the red light districts of tokyo? lollll ok bro. even 30 minutes outside of tokyo, you can walk around all day and not see a foreigner, let alone a black foreigner.
I propose the EU does a migrant exchange where we use our budget surplus (After this corona crap goes away)
To give all the sub saharan arrivals to east asia like China, Japan and Korea.
We will take the arabs/turks (they are caucasoid so even if they rape us the kids will look white, and in the end of the day, the phenotype is the only thing which really matters to me cause I want cute girls).
found the turk
No, I mean german countryside is identical to Japanese in ethnic homogeneity.
Most amerimutts here dont seem to know that.
My federal state has 52k sub saharans including migrant descendants, and has 12 million people. Almost all of them (80%) live in the capital city, even where they are still like 2% of the population.
In Japan its similar numbers, only problem is in here, the government only owns buildings in city center, so the Bürgerbüro decides to hosue them right next to it. So, amerimutts who have no idea how the city works will walk the 1sq km city center and assume we have 5-10% blacks when its actually far lower.
Everybody in Korea is controlled by the Jews now shut the fuck up and go chug another dozen bottles of soju you miserable fuckin' loser. Fuckin' faggot turns pink when he's drunk lmao. Fuck you bitch.
turks are white in the amerimutt/canadian sense
the girls can be attractive, and even if we mix with them the kid ends up looking croatian or hungarian
the same is not true for east asians or sub saharans
the phenotype (to me) matters more than anything else. In the end, that is what natural selection is about: breeding.
how about just send every rapefugee there, and kick most muslims back to the middle east
face it kraut, Muslims are the bigger problem compared to niggers
You are looking at this from a cultural and behavioral direction.
I think muslims are based, most of the values they have is what most sane germans had before the 68er boomers destroyed everything.
If Muslims take over this country they will shut down the technoclubs, destroy the ECB and do a bunch of things i agree with.
Even if Muslims were to breed WITH us they would create muslim-german daughters who will just look like bosnian qts but without degeneracy.
Why should I disagree with this?
Blacks are far bigger issue because they destroy european features with ONE mix.
Yas Forums disarms anti-japanese chink from r/hapas
ah, i see. yes in that case it's the same. they keep to the city centers only except for the occasional harmless weeb english teacher out in the sticks.
well larped
okay shitskin
based and evropapilled
user German + filthy roaches =/= Bosnian qts
it's the harsh reality you need to accept
Every nigger and every arab need to fuck off back to their country, I rather have a clean white german than some mutt like they have in America
You're right.
That is sad Japanese culture will be erased and replaced with American culture were your women will be selling their bodies to the highest bidder and your men will commit suicide.
i do japanon, i do
>I care
I like to go to Japan every couple of years to recharge my soul. If it is filled with niggers it will just be South Korea then.
>whole country dying of old age,young people still no having kids
>That is sad Japanese culture will be erased and replaced with American culture were your women will be selling their bodies to the highest bidder and your men will commit suicide.
I agree it is sad.
Why are east Asians like south Korea and Japan getting targeting for destruction?
Japs just mimic everything the west does. Now they are trying to mimic the multiculturalism because they actually bought into the "diversity is our strength" bullshit that Americans had been selling them.
Why you need to destroy everything?
this is Absolutely true
Oh fuck off faggot.
Liberalism targets all organic cultures for destruction because they stand in the way of consumerism and globalization.
jews want to rule the world and first they have to mix up and down breed the more sophisticated races so that they can rule easily over a world of subhumans.
Japan is over 98% Japanese and the majority of the non Asian immigrants are white. Japan is fine.
Sweden is over 98% Swedish and the majority of non-european immigrants are East Asian. Sweden is fine.