All latinos should be removed from the United States

These disgusting invaders have propagated themselves and tried to take over our country for long enough. Every single one of their devious, disgusting kind must go. Coronavirus time is the right time.

Attached: rusty.jpg (840x767, 183.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A little naive to think one pandemic will be any match for the spic population.

What if i'm a based latino?

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Stay based back home :D

They need to fucking get out.

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wait, didnt you stole our land?

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Rusty has found a productive retirement hobby

Today I watched a fat 400 pound wetback woman and her 5 preteen 200 pound kids walk up to the discount carts and grab everything an employee was stocking them with. These subhumans didn't even have carts or baskets, they just started carrying it all. Most of it was garbage like opened pasta boxes, those fat people shakes, hair dyes, old valentines candy, ripped open boxes of cake mix, canola oils etc etc.

Attached: latinogohome.png (896x445, 789.61K)


LOL so that's what the master race looks like? No wonder his ugly as calls ICE on the young strong Mexican BVLLS, pure jealousy.

until you go back to europe and bring your niggers with you, we came before you

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We literally bought the land from you after winning it in a war. Complaining is like selling your house and demanding rights to come and sit on the buyer's house.

Fuck off. Spics weren't here first and didn't build anything in America to be what it is today. Every latino who advocates for the invasion of America should be shot by CBP.

Whites are the true natives of North America. Fuck off spic.

Taking something in war isn't stealing you moron. You lost.

Get out of my country

It's too late - America is a LATINO nation. Literally 20% of the population. Almost 70 million people. Deal with it.

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No you were just Aztec Spaniard rape babies

What ethnicity is this...?

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a la verga pancho, al tiro con el ogro de las americas que te deporta a la chingada wey!

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Todos mexicanos son basura mexicanos son muy sucio

>The children of Hispanic immigrants have a higher crime rate than the immigrants themselves.
Source: " class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">">
>On any given day, there are between 30,000 and 45,000 illegal aliens in the nation’s prisons and jails.
>Non-citizen Hispanics are 29% of the federal prison population, despite only being 5% of the population.
>25-50% of gang members are illegal aliens.
>Immigrants are four times more likely than native-born Americans to fail to graduate high school.
>Hispanic illegal aliens are only 5% of America’s population but 25% of drug offenders.
>Hispanics are 19 times more likely than Whites to be a gang member.
>Hispanics are three times as likely as Whites to commit violent crime.
>1 in four inmates in American federal prison is a non-citizen.
>Hispanics are 60% more likely than Whites to neglect their children.
>In New York City, 45% of people arrested for rape were Hispanic.
>The Hispanic high school drop out rate of 50% is unchanged across generations.

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I'm Hispanic and I agree that a lot of them should be gone, along with niggers, but I still want to remain here. I'm too Americanized -- not that that is a good thing. I realize that to be American is to be a slave to comfort, narcissistic individualism, materialism, and overall weakness. A white utopia will not save your country from these vices.

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No. This game only ends in a loss for you since half of you stole the land from the other half of you who stole it from others who stole it from others who walked over the land bridge and stole it from others and others.

It's just an infinite regress that ends up in some "nobody was there first" post-modern bullshit.

grand canyon between those tits

es que no jodas paco pinche mexico lindo y jodido esta bien feo y sucio, necesitamos otro lugar pa enmierdar.

You sorry mestizo shits didn't exist until Spaniards showed up and plowed a bunch of Indio whores and spawned the lot of you. You're as new to the Continent as we are, as much as you love yammering on about how "we wuz Aztecs 'n shieet".

feel the same fucking way desu famalam

Attached: Stages of a SJW freakout.jpg (900x506, 69.7K)

Last time I visited California I stopped to get a pop and chips at this shop up in the mountains. The are was warm and thick with the fragrant perfume of sagebrush. The sun was setting and it was gorgeous. They guy who ran the shop was this big old white guy. But it was all ruined by this ugly little shit plug of a beaner woman with a big furze of black hair. She had the proportions of an oompa loompa. Stubby fat arms. She rolled into the lot in a flatbed Ford 350 with two pit bulls in the back, bristling with muscles. She let them run wild in the lot. Everyone in the area got in their vehicles. The tension was palpable as the two beasts were baying for blood as their mistress swaggered around the lot on a massive power trip. I was a tourist so had no gun. I wish someone had pulled out a .357 magnum revolver and just wasted the two dogs and Esmeralda there. Just evaporated their heads into a fine red mist of vaporized blood.

>You're as new to the Continent as we are

no, we came before you nigger goblino

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This is what it is like living in California every day. Every day of your life.

>read the constitution
you are one who needs to leave.

I believe it. It's incredible how (((communists))) and their fellow travellers can turn paradise into hell in just a couple decades of mishief.

My ancestors literally created America. Shut the fuck up.

>not respecting the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo
you want another round or what?

Attached: veracruz.jpg (1300x1110, 382.51K)

>My ancestors literally created America. Shut the fuck up.

no, it was hispanics and niggers

Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to reach the present-day United States, after Christopher Columbus's expeditions beginning in 1492 established possessions in the Caribbean. Juan Ponce de León landed in Florida in 1513.[16] Spanish expeditions quickly reached the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon,[17] and the Great Plains.[18]

The Letter of Christopher Columbus on the Discovery of America to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
In 1539, Hernando de Soto extensively explored the Southeast,[18] and a year later Francisco Coronado explored from Arizona to central Kansas in search of golds.[18] Escaped horses from Coronado's party spread over the Great Plains, and the Plains Indians mastered horsemanship within a few generations.[4] Small Spanish settlements eventually grew to become important cities, such as San Antonio, Albuquerque, Tucson, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.[19]

cope goblino hahahahahahahaha

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What I fail to understand is that if your countries (latino majority) are so insufferable to live in, why would you want to do the same to America? Where will you flee to then once it becomes basically Mexico 2.0?

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Yeah no, you don't even speak an Indio language and you're trying to claim land on the basis of being "indigenous". Fuck off you mongrel shit.

The United States of America was not created by subhuman latinos. Fuck off.

>Typed out in a white man's language.
>that fact would not change if he switched to Spanish
The fucking irony

Lol you're not spanish you mestizo goblin abomination

>role playing as a Spanish man on the internet

>posts 100% Spanish women

If they could think that far ahead then maybe the Mestizo dominated countries in central America wouldn't be utter shitholes.

We do deal with it. It's called ICE.
Makes me laugh when spics try to flex about taking over land. Can't even handle the land you taconiggers already have. You had to come begging to whites.

To be fair, this is why I believe in the whole "subhuman" meme more and more each day. Sure there are exceptions to the rule, same as with niggers (usually mixed with white DNA) but for every one based nigger or spic, there are tens of thousands of orcs soaking up tax dollars and fucking everything up they touch.

>you're not spanish

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I bet the natives said the same thing back in the day

you're not a based latino, uruguay

The American Southwest was a sparsely populated desert outside of a couple moderately successful Spanish colonies in California. If the spics ever got their wish and totally took over they'd mismanage the water supply so badly they'd utterly depopulate Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and inland Southern California.

Don't post a picture of yourself, he'll know he got to you.

Starving? You? You got to be joking

Yeah so we should end up just like them for what? Evening some score? Jesus people like you are such faggots.

Show your amerindian face now


we are whiter than you achmed

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Do you have any idea how much lard the average beaner consumes? By Goblina standards she's skin and bones.

answer me

everyone in her village was starving, so they kicked her out

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Bledel has some spanish Argentinian in her, which is whiter than your mestizo ass.