Fuck these faggot companies asking for handouts every single time. I hate this so much. Let them go fucking BROKE

Fuck these faggot companies asking for handouts every single time. I hate this so much. Let them go fucking BROKE.

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>heh lets let our industries die out so other countries take over

Gotta agree with this one, the last time I was on a plane, I wanted a can of coke. Every time I've ever been on a plane, I could ask for a coke and an ice cold can would be delivered to my seat, for free.

The stewardess asked for my card, I asked why, she replied that it would cost $6USD to purchase the can. A can of Coke doesn't even cost $3 in San Fransisco, the most overpriced city in America.

Needless to say, I didn't purchase the soda. But you know what the real fucking retarded bit is? Free 5-hour energy shots, as many as I wanted to order. I got 2. How the fuck can they afford to give away energy shots but charge 600% mark-up on a can of soda?

The Virus is Dangerous
The Government is Covering all up
Remember to pay our companies tax payer gibbs

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I’m happy people are waking up to the fact that capitalism is just socialism but for the companies

Ye fuck them hope they will bankrup and milions of whites lose their job, maybe then whitey will wake up to see what happened to his country. nationalist revolution is impossible without hard times. Now whitey will get fed up with you shitskins rly fcking fast when he is jobless without money while nonwhites getting handouts while commiting crimes

I bet if they sell their cell phones they’ll be right as rain.
Back in my day I worked at the airport 36 hrs a day for two weeks during the summer an paid all the airlines bills, had beer money, paid all my college tuition, bought healthcare companies and 9 houses by gum by jingo.
These youngun corporate ceo’s need to learn how to buckle up.
Guess they messed up taking the airline meme. Should gave gone in the trades.
Worthless lazy ingrate sumbitches.

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Trumps economy

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>have billions of dollars the company will never use
>cry for money when people don’t fly for a few weeks
They can lick my anus

Join my big gay ol’ Antifa rally in Wuhan

You’re retarded. People are going to need to fly when this is over, why would you faggots want to have to rebuild your whole fucking industry due to essentially an act of God? These companies are not insolvent, they are simply temporarily illiquid. What, you want to throw every fucking mechanic out on to the street? Then step all over your dicks to rehire/rebuild afterward as the creditors take a functioning human/computer/mechanical giant machine of interconnected parts and devour it like fucking parasites?

Get your head out of your ass you fucking mong.

sponsor deals and very macro investments into the product; you

>essentially an act of God? These companies are not insolvent, they are simply temporarily illiquid.
They should have gotten insurance, fuck them. Or you can volunteer sending them your bank account if you want to make their C-Suite bigger

Let them go bankrupt

Shouldn't they become publicly owned in this case?

user, Fortune 500 companies deserve to die they consistently push LGBT bullshit now and regulation to kill competition. They'll also fire you in an instant if you call a faggot a faggot

I used to think the love of money was the root of all evil as the proverb goes, but it turns out I think the envy of others’ money is the larger evil. The government can attach terms and conditions as to how this money is spent. They often do, as long as people are watching and pressuring them. The 9/11 bailout was reasonably successful at that, mostly because we still had vestiges of an independent news media in 2002. At any rate it’s better to pay some people off to keep the airline industry afloat unless you want to pay PPP $3000 for a cross-country flight after creditors mothball the fleet (or more likely sell them off at basement prices to Asia/ME for offshore bribe money). Your gay and emo hatred blinds you.

> user, Fortune 500 companies deserve to die they consistently push LGBT bullshit now and regulation to kill competition. They'll also fire you in an instant if you call a faggot a faggot
Personally I’d still like low fares after coronavirus AND the ability to call fags fags without repercussion, but those are to me mostly separate issues.

I have an idea. If every executive in that company from middle management up got three jobs part time at starbucks, safeway, and taco bell and shared a mansion with 20 other execs, their company would be solvent again.
In twenty years they’ll be able to pay back the money they need to borrow.

Why should we bailout companies that promote cartel like business behavior and brags all day about how much they love faggots and that all their workers must love faggots. Fuck you, piece of shit Jew. Either we let capitalism run its course in the private sector or the socialists will eventually take full control

>should have gotten insurance
>insurance companies run by jews and are a scam
Pick one idiot. And they do have insurnace, insurance just doesnt cover that. All policies have a limit paid out and no policy would be able to cover a world wide shutdown. Not aying i belive in handouts, im just pointing out you are worse then the supposed jews you hate. At least they dont chnage thier narrative every time they open their mouths

Its because the average business is in debt up to their eye balls from constantly updating their tech.
Barely anyone lives within their means these days when banks and finance companies are literally begging people to borrow money off them.

>Looks at ID

OP is a FAG

The Japanese system of having them bitch-bow and apologize to the nation on national TV would be an option too. All of these bailouts are just typically sweet loans with forgiveness for some parts, for example, if they keep staffing too plump to avoid huge layoffs, etc. That money to workers is just immediately pumped back in to the economy, so it’s really not all that bad.

>The Japanese system
American zaibatsu when??

Yes, this

Fuck you, capitalism is survival of the fittest and if a massive company can't survive this let them burn. Stealing from the poor and middle class to rescue Executives with a 100% Fag rights campaign rating is criminal.

Please call me Moshe. You need to understand the difference between insolvency and true emergencies. Emergencies disrupt otherwise solvent businesses. You have to provide liquidity for important sectors in an emergency or everyone becomes insolvent and therefore it BECOMES socialism. Socialism is the default low-energy everything is shit state. You have no idea what you are talking about, and rather than listen with an open mind, you’re 200.0% MAD

this virus scare is causing what I wanted in the first place.
I told people to stop spending money and they could easily crash the economy. and here we are.
hopefully people get used to it and realize how shitty all those theaters and planes and restaurants really were. people mindlessly spending money on pointless garbage.

we got along without airlines for most of humanity's time on earth. i think we'll be ok. these fucks are just greedy.

>You have to provide liquidity for important sectors in an emergency or everyone becomes insolvent and therefore it BECOMES socialism.
You're freaking dumb no one is going to become insolent if an couple airline go under, especially in the age of telecommuting. Go lick Corporate ass faggot

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Football australia was crying about needing money, 10 million to stay alive

a bit fucking rich in the middle of a global pandemic, next day there were scientists saying they need 750k to properly trial vaccines

sportsball brainlets

For real, gonna let people learn they have the real power, and have been bankrolling the elite with their frivolous bullshit

You’re a faggot because you advocate needless destruction of things not yours to destroy. It does immense harm to the country to “be without airlines” but you’re ok with that because you’re an asshole and you only care about yourself.

if you cant reach a certain place by foot, you have no business there

Guess you didnt read did you

Are you some kind of dumb brainwashed goyim? Why does it matter which country a globohomo corporation originates in?

No globohomo needs to go. I dont need shit from china i cant get here. At least we can move our factories to honduras. They don't eat bats and arent sneaky. They also dont unleash bio agents on their own people.

But but were all the same

>You’re a faggot because you advocate needless destruction of things not yours to destroy. It does immense harm to the country to “be without airlines”
>You're greedy for not bailing out rich multinationals that endorse fag values,
user, you're suck a kike. Also the country won't be "without" airlines you mong some will survive and smarter investors will buy the airline assets and keep them running when things get back to normal.

Holy shit, this is public schooling, right here. Are you drunk or something? I hope so. A solvent business is a business that in normal times, always pays its bills. An insolvent business is a business that in normal times cannot pay its bills.

When there is a true emergency, terroristic act, act of God, etc... IT DOES NOT MAKE A HISTORICALLY SOLVENT BUSINESS INSOLVENT. It simply becomes illiquid, in that it has no obvious way to get back on its feet after the shock it received.

This is an liquidity problem of the business and they will get cheap loans to help them out until they recover and become liquid. Is that really so hard to understand?


>socialism exists, except that it's just for companies and banks
>the commoners that raise up the taxes for this welfare? LMAO get fucked serfs. Pay a gorillion when you get sick, pay another gorillion for education and be thankful and proud for it, or are you a dirty commie????

Problem is, unlike with private individuals, government fucks business twice as hard if it tries to hold any savings. Business tax is structured to ass rape you if you don’t spend pretty much everything that comes in. After all, if you have money left that you didn’t need to blow, that’s profit, so you’d better be ready to part with 1/3 or more of it even if you barely come out ahead!

When I worked for a small marketing firm years ago as the lowest on the totem pole, I nearly shit my pants when, the year we moved to a new office twice the size, I got a $1000 bonus check at Christmas. I knew they spent a small fortune on the move and expansion, and as it turns out, even after going overboard on costs, they did well enough that unless they burned off the remaining thousands before year end, they’d pay more in overall taxes than they would have had they not given out bonuses. After all, they were a family biz and couldn’t afford to put their money offshore like Apple or open a new “headquarters” in a sheltering country elsewhere.

So, don’t be retarded and believe this faggy meme is accurate, because it isn’t giving you the whole picture. You can make money by saving and gaining interest, most business just gets tax raped if they don’t just barely show profit.

they should, but they could also fire their non-crucial staff

Roasted on suicide watch, MUH job


The entire sector will be bailed out, just as after 9/11. The reason why is that does not make sense to needlessly kill off normally solvent key industries because of a black swan event that causes a liquidity crisis. You are a smoothbrain, Somali-tier intellect and you should probably get back to shelf-stocking.

They are too big to fail and they know it. They used their profits for stock buybacks and saved nothing, so now that there is a temporary (but massive) decline in airline use they are going to the feds with their hands out.
Really should have just re-regulated the airlines or even nationalized them, as it is we're paying for them anyway.
At least back when they were regulated we had qt 3.14 stewardesses instead of the hags now.

Because you'll work for Chang, memeflaggot.

>true emergency, terroristic act, act of God,
Go fuck yourself, a homeowner whose house get burned down from a forest fires doesn't get bailed out. These assholes had all the time and money to prepare for a foreseeable emergency like this.

only poor people have to be responsible

Because they sit on a pile of people they use as leverage with the government.

> You don't want your money to go rescue rich fucks that had all the money in the world to prepare for a financial or national emergency
>You are a smoothbrain, Somali-tier intellect and you should probably get back to shelf-stocking.
So this is the power of being a pseudo-intellectual

Insurance for what? People not booking flights? There is no such insurance dumbass
Biggest cost for airlines is not middle-management executives you fucking faggot. You think those jets are cheap? Do you know how much god damn money it costs just to repair a coffee maker on one of these things? Kill yourself bitch.
>Fortune 500 companies deserve to die
None of these regional airlines are fortune 500 companies. They actually do provide a genuine service. They ship your fatass from bumfuck town to podunk city for $100 at sub-sonic speeds.

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Thats the thing that chaps my ass the most - some old boomer battle axe in her 60s working three transcontinental routes a week. But wait! If you take some dogshit grade C hub to hub, like Charlotte to Boston, you get mid 20s babes doing three of those a day lmao. Fuck the airlines.

>Insurance for what?
For temporary federal flight prohibitions you retard that's completely foreseeable especially after 9/11

So now that the feds throw away 20 billion, trump spend 500million on CDC, all of the money towards testing kits, tax cuts for small businesses, and now the economic crash...

Does this mean it's unlikely we will ever get funding for the wall?
Seems impossible compared to 4 months ago at least.

You choose to live in fire-prone areas, so additional fire insurance is how this is solved. In non-fire areas, this is simply your house insurance.

You really don’t want to over-incentivize companies from hoarding money, see . A global pandemic putting large swaths of the world on lockdown was not foreseeable a quarter ago, and for the larger society, it’s better to have that money zipping around the economy rather than being hoarded just in case a black swan pops off.

Free market will being us their replacement.

stfu Bernie

Genuinely hoping Boeing has to pull out from civilian aviation for good, they don't deserve a penny from that market but public execution instead

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New companies will rise thanks to the free market. No more bailouts for corporations.

You think your blind recitation of the propaganda you’ve been taught means you’re making an argument, bless your heart. It’s truly a sad thing that our schools left you with an undeveloped brain. My words can’t even reach the logical part of your brain (if any) before your amygdala hijacks the show and sends us to clown world. Good luck out there, user.

They want a loan, not gibbs.

>A global pandemic putting large swaths of the world on lockdown was not foreseeable a quarter ago, and for the larger society, it’s better to have that money zipping around the economy rather than being hoarded just in case a black swan pops off.
There's plenty of ways to shield assets, these companies know them forward and back. Also federal flight bans are always foreseeable these days. Don't give me this shit. Free market works if there's demand there will be supply and someone to fill that demand. Therefore airlines won't disappear, they'll just change ownership

and if you give them loan a few years later they're asking for debt forgiveness like a social studies whore

Learn how to read faggot.

I agree desu. This companies don't cut you a break when you are down. Its not like they'll let you fly for a job interview for free when you are unemployed. So fuck them. If airtravel becomes profitable again, someone will rise up to take their place.

>recitation of the propaganda
You're the one pushing federal reserve bullshit Keynesian bailout propaganda. This is completely anti free market


>Heh let's print money and prop up unsustainable industries and sink our future's wealth into them.
>Heh this means the moment these unsustainable zombie companies inevitably go down, the entire Western social security and pension system tanks with them and might disappear entirely.

Your way of thinking is the reason why 2008 market cycle was halted by money printing and the can was kicked down the road to a point where things can't be printed out anymore.
If this was a legit bull market this virus would be a nothingburger and companies would make it through without handouts.
Instead the only reason these fuckers are alive is because they have been given cheap money and promises of bailouts.
And now during a slight economic slowdown things tank and companies go instantly out of business, because there's zero real fucking profit in them.
Corona is the best thing that could happen to us. The crash was inevitable anyways. The faster these fuckers go bankrupt and the market cycle resumes the better.

Fucking let them die no more bailouts
New companies will replace them eventually
How can you call it a free market if you can fail if you are big enough
Down with this socialism for the rich

FYI vegas anons if youre wondering why the casinos are taking hits, its because ZION DON the social welfare Republican is going to bail out anyone who takes a hit. So if you were a failing business why wouldnt you take a hit?