Americans can't cook for themselvs

>americans can't cook for themselvs
cant make this shit up

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roasties refused to learn how to cook, and boomers didnt teach their children anything

If they have money to eat outside they can buy a rice/bean cooker.

Hello anons, it appears to me that plebbit faggots and JIDF shills are pushing the meme virus on here to put you in fear and give up your rights.
Well I'm here to tell you to tell them to go fuck off and eat a bullet.
The US Government has NO POWER to RESTRICT the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to peacably ASSEMBLE.
This infers that you must move from your home to the place of assembly, infering you cannot be told to shelter in place, quarantine, abide by curfew and ANY other nonsense these traitorous fucking tyrant politicians pull out of there AIPAC owned ass.
Remember the kikes want us all dead and crashing the economy is just a means to a end.
Every fucking person on this board cant even answer the question of how someone is diagnosed as "Presumed positive" before the CDC tests them with the CHINESE test kits.
Wake the fuck up idiots and do research for yourself.
Do not trust the fucking JIDF main stream media and their muh Russia hacked the election meme version 2.0 the wuhan jew flu.
I trust you all are smarter than this

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fuckn deal its eugenics

our extraterrestial lords command it

the virus gona teach milenials and zoomers to be self eficcient and /fit

Boy, living in a wooden box with no utilities a few floors up, surrounded by millions in the same situation seems like a really bad idea now, doesn't it?

get rekt bugmen

>grocery stores aren't built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time
ummm that's exactly what they're built to do
sorry your easy to cook preferred items like pasta and canned soup are all gone but there is enough food kicking around in stores still to feed people for weeks even without a restock

>Take magic glowy screen
>Use fat fingers to punch in 'HOW MAKE FOOD' on jewtube
>Infinite step-by-step tutorials on how to make anything you could dream of
How is it even possible to not know how to feed yourself in current year? Even if boomers are shitty parents

no need to worry its only the rich jews who depend on the goys to feed them

look at his picture. who gives a shit about what some retard on twitter says

The absolute state.

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Retards on twitter and bugmen can’t cook for themselves***

and then Bernie uses this to say “they’re living paycheck to paycheck!!!” when they eat out all the time, subscribe to multiple streaming services, blow money on their weekend soma. I see this shit all the time among all kinds of people here in my beaner city.

this is beyond fucking pathetic.
expect this only to get worse because this is exactly how the elites want us but even dumber fatter and uglier so we will literally be unable live without their product™

Natural selection at work. It's beautiful to behold really.

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Don’t forget onlyfans and gifts for camgirls on Amazon! Simpin’ aint easy, as it were.

Lemme guess... Houston?

HAHA el bingo

Only men with small dick need to worry about cooking

>can't cook
TV dinners and toast for two weeks. It won't kill you.

Or y'know, just fucking google recipes.

This virus is GOD's wrath and cleansing of the earth. I'm fucking scared as fuck but I really believe this in my heart and soul. Children don't get the disease bc GOD has mercy

My brother is going to med school down in San Antone, went to visit him once and I was amazed. I saw — no exaggeration — like thirty fat spic bitches riding around the city on electric scooters, all in one day. It was like the universe had just offered a two for one discount on fat spics

cozy up and start reading Revelations user. see you in paradise

This. Millenial Americans and younger are borderline useless consoomers that just want to offload the cost on someone else.
>oh you have more money than me
>well you can pay for all my poor life choices
Girlfriend and I cook meals together and make meal plans. Save shitloads of money and also age better because we aren't pumping garbage into our bodies.
>t. Millenial American that hates his fucking worthless generation of hipster faggots

>niggers and retards in the major cities are going to starve because there are no McDonald's or Burger Kings open to serve them

fukkin lel. Fuck NYC.

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Lol just buy eggs and cook them everyday.

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too based for /pol
where's your autism

All u need is hot pockets and microwave you honkies

>Millenials aren't spoiled, they said,
>Boomers aren't retarded, they said.

Houston ironically has more beaners even though San Antonio is a spanish name. My auburn is 79% hispanic now. there are parts of town (where my families used to live) that are effectively Mexico now. Every business sign is in spanish, every neighborhood, every restaurant. My dad travels a lot to work and he’s said that when he drive through that area he used to live in the 70s, he says it Actually smells like mexico city.
Bro It’s hard to throw a stick without hitting a beaner here. It’s hilarious because i’m actually getting ready for the white flight phenomenon.

That feels just absurd to me. Do Americans really or is that just some obnoxious liberal crying because he needs to cry about something all the time?

>He can't cook a fat juicy piece of steak for is pregnant wifey

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suburb* wtf

I figured. Used to live there. Champagne communists have access to WiFi, use Grubhub all the time, 3+ streaming services, eat out 5+ times a week, go to same overpriced bar every goddamn weekend.
>why don't I haz monies for healthcare?
I fucking hated every single second of the five years I lived there. Houston is a glimpse at what America would be like with a spic majority. Crumbling infrastructure, rampant crime, atrocious traffic, fatasses congregating like herd animals, retards who take no responsibility for their fuckups and wish to offload the burden on someone else.

>>americans can't cook for themselvs
Hes actually doing the fucking cuck-face in his profile pic. Is this what you are now america?

It’s an obnoxious liberal whining about fellow obnoxious liberals who can’t do anything for themselves because they are perpetual adolescents

>can't cook
is this even a concept? how could anyone NOT ABLE TO COOK?
>throw an egg into boiling water
>voila, a boiled egg! I can cook now!
s m h

Only ducks can't cook.

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You are both 100% correct.

Lest we not forget the Lowered Trucks that they love so much. They supe them up with a big ass muffler so they can drive off and feel badass burning their gas just so i can pull up next to them at the red light. It’s behavior that falls somewhere between ape and human and the constant exposure to it makes me want to read more uncle ted

i’m afraid so, at least that’s how it looks from the other side of the internet. I’m sad, can i come live with you kowalski?

>endless time for smartphone apps and bread and circuses
>can't be fucked to open up youtube and learn some staple food recipes

It's hard to give a fuck sometimes.

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>grocery stores are built to feed us 100% of the time
if you cant boil water you deserve to die

His pic is actual basedface

Oh yeah. Fuck those fart can muffler fags.
>accelerating slower than cars 100× quieter
South Park should have parodied those fags instead of Harley riders. At least a Harley is loud for a reason and it will always sounds better than a vehicle than sounds like a weedeater on roids.

* Basedface

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>it’s white people’s fault that i sunk 5 grand into my 1997 chevrolet silverado and can’t afford diabetes medicine for my self, my mom, my dad, and my 8 brothers

also i keked at fart can muffler and the proceeding onomatopoeia thx

You know natural selection has gone wayyyyy out of whack when even people who can't do basic -fucking- chores manage to stay alive.

It's time to cull these imbecils.

>start reading muh rehashed jewish version of hellenic astrology
Yeah no

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Jeremy doesn't know how to cook. You'll learn really fast buddy when you are starving.

he can ask his wife's boyfriend to teach him.

Hes right. Fuck boomers. If you can't beat the virus you can die.

You're welcome user. I aim to please

americans are the most useless pieces of crap in the entire world. They need to import all their scientist cause their third world country education system and their addiction to fat makes them retarded blobs of grease. The only thing they're good at is at shooting each other.

Wtf just make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

>grocery stores are not designed to feed 100% of us 100% of the time

Imagine thinking restaurants harvest their own food

okay jackass but i was talking to the user that subscribes to it so
fuck off?

Would someone post that one nigger minister that claimed food didn't come from white farmers but from dey grooshooree sto

*laughs in roasted lamb and home grown veg*