Tinder thread

tinder thread

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I'm willing to bet she's a single mother


why do americans age like shit?. bitch looks like she is 40

>why do americans age like shit?. bitch looks like she is 40


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can you imagine being an orbiter in 2020

holy shit, men really would be the weaker sex


It’s the black cock. Pornstars who do interracial age worse than those who don’t (compare Angela White to Alexis Texas, or Sara Jay to Cory Chase)

This... is like a meme.

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Drugs that are thrown at kids in America, especially birth control

she looks closer to 60 to me
why do swedish age like shit?

not really a good prime example of americans but majority if not all coal burners look like that
they're hideous and so are their spawn

fucking based. every white woman belongs to nigger dick

subhuman shitskin

>chat only
>tits out in pic

this bitch is projecting on a whole new level

>Ethnicity: Mixed Race, Cancer

god damn 26? she looks at least 40 wtf are they feeding these roasties nowadays

little dicked white boi

shitskinned filth

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>26 yet looks 40
>niglet future criminal
Fucking retards. It's almost like the niggers are exploiting their idiocy.
They're so pitiful

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You should just let us take over at this point. You fucked up, goybros.

The last thing the gene pool needs is more mutts, user. Listen to reason.

Why else is she on tinder ?

Obese kikess seeking a Kang.

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Absolute state

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>want someday
>my menopausal mother's age
jesus christ

Pick up your phone MENSA is calling

Ngl I'd dump a load in her snatch but someday ain't ever coming sweetheart

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This is your doing, vile shlomo

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>still wearing choker at 46

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first post smartest post

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Only redeeming quality you Asians have.

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Same here, coal burners look like shit especially after they have had mutt kids and have to put up with their psychological and behavioural problems which seem to be disproportionately rife in black/white mutts. This is why I noticed lately white women who dated blacks say they would never have kids with a black guy, I think white women have noticed this and that black dad's generally vanish that the whole interracial thing is starting to subside gradually here.

Our diet consists of stress about being bad consumers and corn syrup.

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>a whole generation of old bitter women

this is the end times

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Kek, every jew I've met has been a spineless faggot.

>want some day
how? while being 54? it's nearly impossible to get pregnant after 35, but at 54? wtf

How can a person be this delusional? Doesn’t she realize she is out of the game? Become a bun and contemplate your life decisions. Try avoid turning your daughter into a cum slut with daddy issue.

Jews will pretend retarded if needed

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mommy gib milkies

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Dude bitches lie about their age, have you ever met one? She's probably like 30

>this is what women my age look like now

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that is literally post-menopausal

what the fuck is this bitch on, did she freeze her eggs?

She wants kids at 46?
What the hell are these woman smoking.

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54; wants a kid someday.
Fucking kek.

>job: Master's degree in Economics 2002

thanks Margarita

There's nothing wrong with these women except for the
>want kids someday
What is up with this delusion? I don't want kids, but if I did I'd be planning to have some before I hit 45 and my ovaries are shrivelled up. Jesus Christ.

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>CUNY School of public Health

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Jewesses love the BBC

Hmm, it's probably her definition of "shit together" that's the problem

It wouldn't matter according to a doctor I talked too about this about 2 years back after 40 they might as well not even attempt.

Alpha chad coming through

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>elderly midget with crystal meth eyes

old hag, also fuck people who are into the 'cat person/dog person' meme. That shit is 9gag tier

She says she's 39 but she might as well be 59

my country is done for.
what is even the point.
I need to move to Australia or just die.

>wants kids someday
When??? In her 50s?

We need to burn every last feminist professor, author, and politician at the stake for making a generation of women this fucking delusional.

The HoloQueen aka Mary Camacho aka The Rope Mommy aka The Rope is Nigh

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>has kids doesn't want more
>no smoking
>no drinking
She's fine, despite her shit taste in television.

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State of it!

This is very obviously a catfish

Dude, holy shit, these are some hideous women! Why are you only picking post wall ones who are 25+??

>all these men not realizing that there is such a thing as adoption


have sex incels

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>did she freeze her eggs?

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Women that are like 35-40 i could see still wanting kids cause they can still have them
I had a friend whos mom had him at 40

I would

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> 26

Women blatantly lying, lying, lying.
She's easy 45 or 50

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>implying people want to raise another person's tossed out trash
>implying people want to raise a whore's living abortion

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Describing yourself is like biting your own teeth. None of these people are what they think they are or project their shitty lives to be. They are empty soulless husks and imbibers of judeo-hedonic-faux-consumer-culture.

Th guy looks Jewish and Cuckholding is part of your religion m8

Your kind are the ones who created the specimens pictured. It didn't have to end like this Herschel.


If you're healthy it's possible, and there's no shame in trying.

Only adopt white kids whose parents died of unfortunate circumstance

Shes really trying bros

The narcissism on this whore.
fucking hilarious every time

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As if things wouldnt be worse.

i thought sexbots are illegal ?

You think any of these career women would want a NEET stay home husband? I have a HUGE cock and can fuck them every day non stop and I can do it without ever having to work while riding off of their money.

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Makes you think an affair with Corona-chan wouldn't be so bad after all, doesn't it?

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im 23, girls my age are too much fucking work, can i fuck these milf hos, or do even they want megachads (im not ugly btw far from it )

THICC jewess

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I'm sorry that your single mother did a shit job of raising you, but if you are old enough to be posting on this website you should know how pathetic it is for someone your age to be acting like a retarded fag for attention.


It can't be this simple.

Based Bruce.

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We’ve got the same roasties here mate; don’t waste the airfare.

You'd probably do better with them since the girls your age prefer older guys but most women are a headache regardless of age.

>hockey fanatic

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>tfw no 5'7" mommy domme wonder woman

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What an immature fucktard.
Chronologically 39
Mentally 12

Do you bros think i have a chance with this queen?

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yes, for approximately two months they would love it, as they pretend to dislike gender norms. Then they realize they don't, go look for Chad with 5 figure income and end up at 49 on a dating app

post-wall hags are evil
they've spent their entire lives being whores and terrorizing young men

Hot bod.
Jesus Christ how low is the bar?

>all these ancient sluzzers with “want someday” in their bio
Amazing how far we have fallen.


At least it’s a girl, so it will be a stripper/drug addict instead of a violent thug.

Hot climate makes the anglo go full whore.

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>Women in their 40s
>Selecting ‘Want kids someday’ option

Hahaha what a joke