Knee how lads

>Qantas and Jetstar ground 150 aircraft as demand for travel plummets

>ASX rises on opening, materials sectors leading

>Gruesome video shows special forces brutality as ex soldier alleges murder

>'I'll lock myself in and punch cones': Aussie traveller gives a VERY honest account of how he'll spend his two weeks in coronavirus isolation

>RBA calling an emergency meeting to slash rates to 0.25 per cent ‘inevitable’

>Feminists kick frail elderly man from “women’s-only” train carriage

Fuck me lads its near on impossible to find any news other than conrona

Attached: BASED SAS.jpg (700x467, 192.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for fuck china

I busted a nut to the video of Louisa Jesperson getting beheaded. She was a whore so she deserved it. Is that normal?

Give me a gf or I’ll coof

The ABC is so desperate to defend their chink overlords they attempt to swing attention back to based white males in a warzone removing kebab.

Attached: 1582949943655.webm (600x338, 2.94M)

Don't worry, I can tell the difference between bugmen and humans just fine, dumb chink.
What, so people shouldn't go to prison for sharing child pornography?
I could send it to her if I wanted to, but I don't want anything to do with the work of a Zionist from a chink colony.

Attached: broomhop.gif (666x375, 793.45K)


Attached: shutdown_squad.webm (272x480, 1.06M)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

the abc are faggots but i hate ads more

Can you smell that? Its the quickening. As the masses regress under current stresses, we are seeing the beauty of societal disintegration.

I just hope we see some feminists strung up in the streets in the coming months. Gonna be some entertainment on TV in coming months.

Diversity means biohazard

Attached: 1581598831635.webm (366x650, 2.82M)

1st for the Cheese
That link

Attached: 4569258732.jpg (1011x1049, 186.59K)

That doesn't work if you're living in a colony, bugman.
Hey chink, whatcha doin'

Attached: disgoost.png (400x500, 183.26K)

How we feeling about the boomer card special shopping hour

Entitled fucks

Attached: E4CADD42-ED0A-492E-9BDA-5786C7322B52.jpg (300x191, 12.63K)

i'm sick of it anons.. can't even enjoy video games these days because they're filled with cheaters, or leftist propaganda

is it wuflu?

Attached: 1584429212348.jpg (945x437, 28.35K)

What about sky news? Are they pozzed?

any update on the lockdown?

I don't understand why it hasn't happened yet?

my wife's mum is a nurse at the Hobart hospital and she said they are already turning their ORs into ICU.

tas only has like 7 confirmed cases but she said the hospital is already overrun with sick people they just aren't testing.

we are in nsw and I'm ready for the lock down.

how the fuck are we meant to look after all the aged care centers? it's a god damn impossible task unless every single staff member quarantines themselves completely.

Doesn't matter, soon all of you so called 'Australians' will be speaking Corona.
Yes, you dumb fucking chink.

when does that crowd turn on itself and they kill each other? Wheres my habbening dammit?

Its fair enough. If they had to physically compete with me for food they'd get wrecked to fuck

How do I get into a de-radicalisation program frens? I don't wanna do something that I'll later regret...

It's was quiet at the gym this afternoon.


Attached: Hnnnnnn.jpg (880x1192, 414.34K)

Stay mad, coconut nigger.
You'll never step foot in this country again since we deported you fat black ugly arse.

Who cares if a trooper or two shot a sand nigger. That is literally their job right now. Send some of these gayBC faggots over there and see what happens when you don't put them down like the dogs they are.

Martial Law when? We need Death Squads on the streets now. Suppression is Liberation. The Jackboot is Freedom.

screencap this something just happened

screencap this

shit will fall apart by marches end, bet my neetbux payment will either be re appropriated or it will just be all over by then anyway

I hoped she wiped down that seat afterwards. Thats very unhygenic.

I hate women. I can't stop wanking to pics of dead women. Is that normal?

Literally do this you poofter cunt

Attached: 1582783527354.jpg (700x462, 91.4K)

The chink said, while sucking the erect penis of an Abo.

Attached: DEESUUU.jpg (800x500, 132.29K)

gymthots are getting out of hand

Beware The Ides Of March

I thought about going to the shops just to piss people off with my DSP pension card but I didn't need anything so I didn't bother.

if you look in the mirror, there's a naked dude taking a pic lmao

Attached: [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 05 [UNCENSORED 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Eng-Subs].mkv_snapshot_08.29_[2020.03.14_16.31.56].jpg (1920x1080, 185.58K)

>screencap this
>screencap this
The fuck is this shit, ASIO? At least try and space your posts out.

Attached: 1584187531379.png (1185x630, 631.96K)

Is pic related from the video with 3rd party commentary nigger who wasn't present to witness anything yet has his statement held up by your liberal faggot media outlet as gospel?

Gonna get in early tomorrow and stock up n watch the normies seethe as i leave the shop with tons of shit and then they all fight over the scraps left

I can't wait till wife bashing is an Olympic sport

That's me, cunt

>how does it feel to know Ive had sex with over 1000 thots?

Attached: bsbs.jpg (720x540, 49.49K)

man you've responded that to me almost every time I post in Auspol, not that often I might add, spooky coincidence, I was waiting for a big happening on sunday, I took the Dow as enough of a happening

Im such a fucking loser, i havent even been invoted to a corona party

Attached: Screenshot_20200317-152735_YouTube.jpg (2340x1080, 721.25K)

Yep, same one. Fuck that give up faggot with the running commentary.
I'm sure he'll be found dead soon of suicide with two bullets in the back of his head.

na not glowie just watch news later tonight
number 9 urban centre

I'm a qualified Enrolled Nurse. I studied other areas for my bachelors and post grad. Was robbed of a future in those fields via boomers flooding our nation with half of India/Pakistan.

Absolutely hate Nursing with a passion was miserable and suicidal on every placement I was on. Mum mentions the government is looking for new grad nurses to help out with Covid 19. I have fucking asthma I don't want to be near it at all. I was also lost reason to help this society. 31 Years old never had a GF thanks to my height (5"3") and hypergamy pushed by Jews and enabled by boomers. Said boomers have destroyed my country via mass immigration and anti white propaganda. LET IT ALL BURN.

We can only hope.

We need to start referring to all the shitskins getting violent at the supermarkets as guests. If we say non whites or whatever it'll be taken as a racist attack on them straight away but calling them guests makes a person go wtf guests? and then when it clicks that we mean foreigners it absolutely will not matter that they then call us racists because we will have already made them internalize foreigners as guests and made it their own. Why is this important? Guests can overstay their welcome and when the public is suffering and thinking of them as guests they will begin calling for segregation and mass deportations. All the niggers need to do is keep acting the way they are and it's inevitable.

Attached: abbo.png (1202x720, 46.04K)

>Interspecies Reviewers
Is it good? I heard its degenerate

the freaky thing is this is the first time i posted it

other anons must be seeing the pattern too (no shit, not larping)

who dat bitch does she do porn

Why do you live in such a dump?

it feels kind of gross that you've responded to me dude, i don't wanna know that shit

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.01_[2020.02.11_21.07.30].jpg (1920x1080, 232.07K)

Do you have a p.o box?

Safely navigating our diverse/biohazard cities is the ultimate redpilling experience.

>C - Categorise species of human from safe distance
>H - Head for a safe path around lesser species of humans
>I - Immunology discipline as you come close to the threat
>N - Navigate safely away from current threat to the inevitable next diverse subhuman encounter
>K - Kikes are responsible for this ridiculous situation you find yourself in this once-white nation

Attached: 1580297755128.webm (700x394, 2.49M)

you mispelt indiginous

They can fucking suffer the main the Kung Flu has spread as far as it has is because they are generation of good globalist goyim scared of being called racist if they protect the welfare of the whites who built the nation.

well all have po boxes dude. Dont you have an anus?

You run that YouTube channel huh that highlights the African menace.
Gods work user.

your house is a shithole..seriously have some pride for fucks sake

yeah it's pretty funny

Attached: [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 05 [UNCENSORED 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Eng-Subs].mkv_snapshot_01.00_[2020.03.14_16.18.30].jpg (1920x1080, 240.15K)

if i die who will look after my cat :,(

based manlet

Hi newfag

You misunderstood. I said 'do you have a p.o box?'

Attached: images (54).jpg (202x250, 7.84K)

God fucking damn it I didn't see this thread.

Same bro. the part where she screams for her mom makes my peepee extremely hard

nice and peaceful outside

>I get get a gf because I'm such a pathetic faggot
>But I like to blame it on my height

the same people that gave everyone this disease.

except they will gut it and eat it

take that back you baka

>gotta keep cardio up

Lovin this kung flu hoax

Attached: rgtsdg.jpg (896x1200, 401.37K)


Is that an uncensored titty? In a non hentai anime? Wut?

I hate women. Women are fucking evil and need to be decapitated. Is that normal?

just applied for centrelink, underemployed slightly already and my workplace will be shut down due to wuflu

>Israel to track coronavirus patients’ phones

I hear people saying Friday, which is the day the new Doom game comes out. Gonna need a copy for I'm locked away with my booze and weed.

oh yeah thats hot

Attached: 1584257259613.png (729x638, 153.72K)

sucks bro. you miss out on the neetbux 750

Australia is no more. This cunt is full of self obsessed selfish pricks. Peoples behaviour has been abhorrent.
I dont want too even think about how people will behave when the shtf for real.

Also fuck that nigger sas. Shooting an unarmed man on the ground. Fucking nigger

lost my job lads
all the courts closed down
least i have a go bag so i can go live innawoods if things don't get better

How do I get psychological help frens? I fear I may do something that I'll later regret...

it makes sense, actually the virus might be slightly containable if you use programs to detect coughing or people searching their symptoms. then you locate the phone and weld their doors shut

where does your poo come from? Thats right, it comes from a po box


Attached: 136776832458.jpg (696x369, 18.4K)

UBI incoming. job services will crumble

Get some friends, fren

>Josh Frydenberg to learn if he's ineligible to sit in the Australian parliament

>The federal treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, will learn on Tuesday if he is ineligible to sit in the Australian parliament, just days before he is expected to unveil the second round of stimulus to combat the economic effects of Covid-19.

>Frydenberg’s eligibility has been challenged in the federal court by a Kooyong constituent, Michael Staindl, who alleges he is disqualified by section 44(1) of the constitution because he is a citizen of Hungary, which Frydenberg denies.

>The federal court heard the challenge in February. Chief justice James Allsop, justices Susan Kenny and Alan Robertson are listed to give judgment on Tuesday at 2:15pm in Sydney and Melbourne.


>Australian shares surge 5.8pc as BHP, CBA notch double digit gains

>To equities, and major brokers highlighted a number of top stocks as oversold in the recent market turmoil.

>BHP was called out by Morgan Stanley for its potential at current prices, after a 31 per cent de-rating so far this year. Shares in the miner surged 11.9 per cent to $28.21.

>Meanwhile, Rio Tinto put on 6.9 per cent to $83 and Fortescue lifted by 10.7 per cent to $10.69.

>In other high profile upgrades, three of the four major banks were upgraded by Jefferies – helping the broader sector higher by 9.2 per cent.

>Commonwealth led the charge, adding 13.3 per cent to $67.64 as Westpac gained 7.9 per cent to $17.25, ANZ rose by 11.8 per cent to $18.40 and NAB lifted by 6.7 per cent to $17.21.

>REITs were the only sector to finish in the red, down 2.4 per cent led by a 9.7 per cent drop in Charter Hall to $7.68 while Unibail Rodamco Westfield lost a further 22.8 per cent to close at $4.60 after flagging weakness in Europe from broad city closures earlier this week.

yeah dude, they cooked some meat on her vag too

Attached: [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 04 [UNCENSORED 1080p][AVC x264 8bit][Eng-Subs].mkv_snapshot_16.57_[2020.02.02_03.28.53].jpg (1920x1080, 190.84K)

you get 10 free visits with anyone just get a pajeet GP to write a mental health plan for you

you do know that now theyve captured a bigger market, they will next make The Mark a requirement, right? And they can call the shots because they are becoming the single source.

I reckon tattoos on your hand by June.