
>'Cruel' BBC attacked as TV licensing plan 'doesn't go far enough' amid coronavirus crisis

>Devastating reason behind PM's statement - Experts warns of 250,000 deaths

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My stomach has been a bit off since Friday the 13th lads – anyone else? Have they put something in the water supply to help spread Coronavirus?

>Coronavirus: UK to unveil new financial measures to support economy

>tfw mum has covid
>Saw her last week
>Now starting to feel right chest and a coof coming on

At least I'll get two weeks off work.

wear a mask. wash your hands

It is the League of Shadows

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Listening to LBC,
Apparently because Boris only asked people to avoid pubs, and didnt make it mandatory, none of them will be covered by insurance, basically screwing all publicans.

Odds on another announcement today making it mandatory? should shift as much of the cost as possible to the insurance companies (its what we pay them year after year for).

Think I might use the chaos and fear to make money.

>posted the other night about how I didn't prep because I thought I'd be working in crowds anyway but now it's been cancelled
>decided to get a months' worth in
>went to 24hr Tesco at 3 this morning
>notice saying it's no longer open at night
>went back for opening at six
>in the ten minutes I waited out front a massive queue formed behind me
>everyone tense as fuck avoiding each others' eyes
>doors open, all shuffle in
>loads of shelves of essentials still totally bare after overnight restock
>make do with what I can and get a decent stash for a month
>it's christmas shopping-busy by the time I get out at half 6
fucking wew, barely scraped in there. Never be caught with my pants down again after this

FTSE opening in one minute.

ohayou karenfriend!

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UK government has once again fumbled the response to this. no masks available for people to use, no disinfection of public transport, travel bans way too late. confusing messaging telling people not to prepare while the government takes absolutely no action, inciting panic buying and hoarding.

i hope after this there are still enough people alive in the UK to produce the liquid dnb i like listening to



>i hope after this there are still enough people alive in the UK to produce the liquid dnb i like listening to
top kek

It's just a gentle coof, no need to worry.

FTSE100 up 2% (107 points)

I didn't get 2% richer so why should I care?

only if you know good tricks

I think it's more because they actually want maybe a handful of people to ignore it and just keep the economy ticking over while potentially spreading the disease through the fit and outgoing population.
But yeah the insurance payout thing makes sense too. They're posting astronomical losses and have the means to come shilling to the govt.

When do we reach the point where people believe it's just no longer worth keeping nan alive if it means we have to live in the plot of Onions Green for the rest of our lives?

alcohol kills disease, people who drink vodka are the least affected, go to pub and roll in a bottle of vodka into your body, you may catch a heavy hungover but not the virus

And when you're hungover you're more likely to catch the virus as your immune system takes a hit and alcohol kills gut bacteria. The only way alcohol might help is if you're drunk 24/7.

For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.

If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.

They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.

If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.

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What another boring shit thread

>if you're drunk 24/7
Not bad but unfortunately I have to earn shekel using my brain and it requires a clear thinking.

>tfw up until two years ago I was literally a deathspiral alcoholic who drank vodka morning noon and night
If this had happened back then I would have been begging Kek to purge us all, now I actually want to live and there's a flipping plague

Daily reminder that it's just a cold designed to get you your inheritance early.

go to Yas Forums then, as I've figured that is your type of entertaining threads

Any other London anons here?
I hope you own a car to get out of this place when the shit hits the fan.

The roads are fucked at the best of times if the shit hits the fan in London you ain't driving anywhere.

Decent motorbike is what you need.

I'm holidaying at the moment. In Edinburgh and will make my way down to London slowly.
Am I fucked? My return flight to Australia isn't until April 3rd.
My friends are telling me the situation in Australia is tense, lots of empty supermarket shelves and mandatory quarantine for anyone entering the country.

They've already put up diversions from the outward motorways onto the ring road. Apparrently IKEA is their base of operations & are storing dissenters in the sections with the rugs.

Lmao have fun getting a flight.

I was due to fly up to Scotland start of April and my flight got cancelled yesterday morning.
I'd say your chances of getting a flight back to Aus, in a couple of weeks when this has really kicked into gear, is next to zero.

What's for brekkie lads?

Large pizza and a can of ting here.

New Poll: reveals the public want to see PM Johnson take on the global pandemic.

>65% support the introduction of food rationing

>90% support testing everyone entering the UK.

>80% also support the cancellation of big events

>25% think it is extremely or very likely that someone they know will die.

>75% of people think they would be able to cope financially if they needed to.

>70% are getting information from tv and radio.

>Only 30% say they are reading social media where fake news is more likely to circulate.

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A 'boring shit thread' you've contributed nothing to, spastic
You all talk mad shit about namefags/tripfags but you already miss us when we're gone

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Silly cunt.

So, this is a full on happening now eh

Sainsburys had been cleared of lager last night, bar a few 4 packs of carling and the single bottles bit there wasn't one crate of lager to buy. We got our priorities straight lads.

whoops link here

We need a right-wing coof squad to go coughing in mosques.

m8 you should just try and get back as soon as possible before everything gets grounded

FTSE100 and FTSE250 now in freefall after promising opening.

reminder that this is life for the next 12 months at least

Oi shiva' me timba's, oi gots mui uh spo'ah tha Gook Lung oi ded, jolly good show Sirrah, ta-ta and tally-ho

do you actually read the express?

National coof
Coof 18
British Union of Coofers

not sure if its a hangover or i got it

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If it gets to the stage when they ask the elderly with no symptoms to self-isolate for a few months, would a neet in the house have to stay neeting or can they go out for food runs? Asking for a friend.

I normally go into my office on a Wednesday and Thursday, thankfully in the safety of Wales with plenty of heating oil, food and bog roll.

Gf works for the council and she had to go into today to finish their contingency planning, until yesterday they didn't even have a list of staff mobile numbers to use if they need to send mass text alerts.

Only if absolutely necessary is the advice

not sure if i had it or not. our country won't test you unless you had contact with someone going to an affected country or go to the hospital.

>prior to day 1: more coughing than usual.
>day 1: feel ok in the morning around lunch time get strong post nasal drip and feeling a bit nauseous. buy week's worth of food anticipating that im coming down with sickness
>day 2: wake up and i'm ill. very sore throat, blocked nose, low fever, headache, muscle pains. able to get up and do stuff like walk around and cook. lots of sputum, some is blood streaked in the morning. have some bouts of diahrrea through the day
>day 3: still ill. dry sharp coof developing, in the evening my chest feels tight but no shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, right lung aches if i breath in deeply. still able to get up and do stuff and vacuumed my room but it left me quite tired. some sputum and some blood streaked in the morning
>day 4: muscle pain and sore throat gone. everything else still there. coof becoming quite bad, eventually lung pain subsides. still able to get up and do stuff. a little bit of sputum in the morning
>day 5: most symptoms gone, very infrequent coof. lungs feel ok and no longer tight. lymph node aching and mild headache, but largely fine. one bit of sputum in the morning
>day 6: feel essentially fine today.
so was this coronavirus? I'm hesitant to call it a cold because usually colds dont come with muscle pain and lung tightness. hesitant to call it a flu because usually the flu fever fucks me up way worse than this and i never got lung problems from a flu. however it was fairly mild as far as sicknesses go.
need to self isolate till friday according to the government, regardless of what it was.

Whats going to happen to us wagecucks? My boss is proper shit, doesnt follow any type of guidlines, doesnt pay peoples pensions but says he does (dw hes under review by the pr) hes not going to pay me if we close, what help can i get? Or do i just have to become a neet for a while? Asking for me because i have no friends

people are starving. Fuck you. Now food isn't being delivered from restaurants.

How am I supposed to eat. We are all dieing.

It affects people in different ways, some people have really mild symptoms, some dont have any at all apparently

think its just a normal bug going around

been off my food also, tired and dizzy most likely from not eating much

might pop into a greggs outlet later and get a reduced tuna sandwich

I thought you had a girlfriend?

So the other 70% are reading the Guardian and the Mirror where there's even more shite.

My throat feels swollen. I'm gonna have to stop smoking because fuck cancer

First day “working from home”.
Hungover as fuck and still bollock naked. Better log in to skype at least.

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yeah from what ive read having very mild symptomss is perfectly possible

by mild they dont mean bedridden with fevee

>No Hitler Coof

Girlfriend just left me for a raider lads.


Fuck knows, Boris needs to act somehow, pausing rent, vat and bank dues for two months would be a good start. Don't think my landlord is getting his rent at the end of this month, my taking have been halved for the last two weeks. If the economy is paused we need debts to be paused.

Yeah i do but shes not my mate, i was just trying to do a funny

Fuck, thats perfect as well

I think some of those elements today will be set out by the government.

>Hitler Coof
Shameful, that's very uncoof.

I'm praying for them desu, as well as me 3k Boris bung and 7k loan that have not even been set up yet.

Four boxes of smileys in the freezer. Chinese at uni acting smug because they’ve dealt with corona virus.

David Miliband shilling for China because of course, he's the head of a major international charity which probably takes many donations from the PRC.