This crisis is literally worse than the Great Depression

This crisis is literally worse than the Great Depression.

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Interdasting. We‘re all going to die i see.

>its going to keep going down
3 iq

Joke's on you I was already broke

user, we're just getting started

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>crying babyboomers destroy their own 401ks and investment portfolios panicking over a virus that is non-lethal to the people who actually work the jobs that their investments depend on
it's poetic, really

I can only hope this culls the baby boomer population by about 90%

And its beautiful

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More businesses are closing every day. It will continue to drop like a rock.

do you not care if your parents or grandparents die?

Well that's hilarious. Best jif.

Why do these memes make me laugh so hard, holy kek

The day of reckoning is here

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Finally WW3 happening

It's WW3 after this.

Most of the people reading this are gonna be dead within 5 years.

4 hours later

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>mfw the doom finally coms

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Great. When does the market bottom out so I can buy in?

Only if there actually is a benevolent God

No, fuck you boomer

>Wish death on your elders goy

This is your brain on Zionism

You basically can’t lose buying at this point

My grandparents are already dead, and I have only one living parent. I stand to inherit her entire estate when she dies. Her death = my early retirement

look at the absolute disregard for this mans own family. show your flag

None of us do
And all I have to gain is homelessness
But believe me, I will be much happier

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Do you think the economy is just going to go back to normal after the whole world was cancelled for several months? Better put on a helmet user, shits about to get retarded.

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Some big war is on it's way. The USA needs to ramp up domestic production after this crash.

>This crisis is literally worse than the Great Depression.
Its pretty fucking cool. All my money are in fixed bank assets so I'm enjoying the ride as you idiots decided to suck Wall Street's cock instead.

Invenst now then, you'll get rich!

The bear is silly

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>coping drumpftard

Who was the Earth accused of touching now?


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>Do you think the economy is just going to go back to normal after the whole world was cancelled for several months?

Stay poor retard

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>worship the people that destroyed the west
This is your brain when you're an NPC

What show is this?

If you want to know something REALLY fucky, the fed lowered the fractional reserve percentage to 0%. That means banks now have unlimited money.

Wouldn't be a problem if we could just switch to another system without a civil war, but here we are.
The western anticommunist propaganda and measures have finally paid off. A real movement with a leader like Lenin or Castro would have already started taking over the state during this crisis, but alas...

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pomp eet

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Eh so we are back to pre-Trump stock market. All because of a bullshit virus.


I'm buying back in at -40% to -50%
Your chart stinks; the SP500 lost 50% from its previous high

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Holy shit
One step forward, two steps back

... in the 2008 crisis

When do I buy?

The way I see it.
The depression: Communications was very slow so only the elites got to react and the dumb ones didn’t.
80's: Similar to the depression but everyone was too greedy to notice.
GFC: Everyone was in debt and they didn’t know it due to irresponsible lending practices. They spent big back buy the equity of their homes.
Corona: Its just uncertainty. Debt levels are low in comparison to previous market crashes.
Low interest rates means as soon as the dust settles cash will flow into the market at unprecedented rates.
People will die sadly but their assets will flow down.

3 to 5 year total recovery.
There will be a shit ton of early inheritance to spend as well. Sad but true.

This is my point. People have cash.

I know it
Because i am super smart

>it’s not going to keep going down
once the money printer breaks (ie hyperinflation) the dead cat bounce will be at 0.0

>most countries still not even in the lockdown stage

Some one here has definitely has 3 iq, and its not who you think.

Check em

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Bullshit, when this corona virus madness will go away, i am sure all markets will recover very fast. We are not in 1920 anymore. I am sure everything will back to normal very fast this year.

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More about depression than crisis, nothing great about it at all

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Same here leaf bro, I can't give a shit about their mountain of papers and digits. It's gonna crash and burn.

if i live in a house that's about to be paid off by my parents how fucked am i

The Simpsons

Assuming it will. Nobody honestly believes corona will go away when the weather gets warmer. If its persistent and cyclical then the world is fucked, at least until we nuke china flat and wipe out the source of it all, dog eating bug people.

>mfw fully liquid assets

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Yes, but the world will change. This is 9/11-level happening, if not bigger.

i'm speechless...

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I assume it's more volatile because the top-tier of investors has moved drastically higher in terms of money to wave around and raw control of the market. So when they start getting spooked it becomes a landslide as they sell and further spook eachother into selling more as it gets worse. In theory the fed making the money printer for brrrrrrrrrr should qualm this, but reality is that the economy is so artificially dictated by fiat now that it's just not going to work unless you ruin the economy with inflation to try saving the stocks in the short run. In otherwords everything needs to stop being shitty and investors have so much control over the market with fiat that you have to wonder just (((who))) they are.

>Yes, but the world will change. This is 9/11-level happening, if not bigger.

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I had a terrific time shitposting with you guys. Guess this is it.

9/11 brought about a security and surveillance revolution, this one is probably going to affect healthcare and hygiene standards everywhere. Expect shit like mandatory masks and period screenings dor jobs that until now didn't employ them.

Are you pretending this isn't happening?

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The entire neo-liberal world order is collapsing real time. You're witnessing the culminated catalyst for all the power struggle to come in the next 2-3 decades.

Buy the dip

no, it's just that nobody gives a shit what happens in 3rd world shit holes like the ones you're referencing. stop acting like the sky is falling you fucking idiot.


The fact that this is a meme shows you had badly the_donald has infected us

we were due for a healthcare gut check, I'm happy it happened sooner rather than later.


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I know right. And guess whose money they're going to use for the increased hygienic standards.

good, it's about time to put the last coffin nails in the burger empire

>no, it's just that nobody gives a shit what happens in 3rd world shit holes like the ones you're referencing. stop acting like the sky is falling you fucking idiot.

hey if it saves just one boomer life it's worth it

absolutely based

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is it just ,e or has Yas Forums stopped updating?