Happening in Melbourne on La Trobe St

Happening in Melbourne on La Trobe St

I'll keep you posted

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Other urls found in this thread:


k... keep me posted

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checked, could this be the fall of Melbourne for good this time?

>letting all that infected air in

What's happening

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Clean your blinds you filthy piece of shit

Ooh shit a police van. Shiiiiiiiiit.


is this a big one?

la trobe and what? i'm gonna head to flagstaff soon

Cops won't say

> happening
> filename timestamp: 15:13
yeah, i'm not buying it, nigger.

I work on la trobe and we’ve all been sent to work from home for two weeks. Happening confirmed.

la trobe and russell

your place must sure smell nice next to that trash can

My friend is the one there, I'm in Perth which is 3h behind

should do some google streetin' on la trobe and find out where OP spends his time at 6.20 on a Tuesday night.

Godspeed Australian fren

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Yes, it's going to be bigger than their little fire scare a month ago

probably just some cunt coofing on railings

rmit international student GO BACK TO CHINA

probably just melbournes weekly muslim stabbing event

yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah

first thing i did when i saw the thread, old habits die hard

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Just had it on the news - gunman shooting at police


my nigga. was about to post something like this.

Australia has gun control.
They did a buyback and everything.
I don't understand?

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METH TERRORISM AGAIN. probably a car of peace.

calling it now.

What happened?
What are the cops doing now?

Eyebrows banned guns, not Tones

>that free wifi phone booth

i wish my neet cave had one of these outside.

OP’s getting a sticker on his window next time I’m in Melbourne

Bump. This could be interdasting

What am I looking at here Yas Forums?

Its just another Melbourne nigger being a total nigger.
Im going to stick a pol sticker on OP's window tomorrow.

Do you have a link? Can't find anything about it.

Hang on a fucking sec.
Thats a Vic Police HQ window OPs looking out.
OPs works for the cops.

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>literally google
You didn’t even try, user


Thats Sydney

OP's the shooter and he's hiding out in the station?

OPs an Idiot.

I did google, you don't know Australian cities.

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The sun set there an hour ago

Aussie cop bants, we need more of those


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OP waited to get home before posting because that was at least an hour ago or longer.
I will do a shadow analysis.

NA,by the shadows its over 3 hrs ago. Closer to 4 hrs .3.30pm.

Happening cancelled. Some guy jumped off a balcony.

Yas Forums proves fucking useless yet again.


Toilet Paper robbery?

stupid thing to do

>Please seek help if you're feeling down.

Its all ASIO-driven false flag so that under these heightened conditions of corona pacic, people will be happy to bring in martial law and a military coup/junta.

Its basically to get us under the boot of fascism ... AND THATS A GOOD THING

its finally happening

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Could be the opposite, they could e false flagging in orderto arrest 4channers, who knows

I remember when someone set a bomb off right there ;)

Prohibition doesn't work if it doesn't make the thing magically disappear.

Things don't magically disappear.

Prohibition doesn't work.

Stay frosty.