
Deleting a thread about Google no longer censoring political searches?
Like there's such significant conversation going on now at 3 am that we can't have one thread about a significant happening? I guess we don't have a blacked thread right now, gotta have one of those.
Anyway, you know what comes next.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10812 All Your Google Are Belong To Us Edition(1).png (2387x780, 404.21K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10812 All Your Google Are Belong To Us Edition(3).png (1277x411, 195.4K)

>attention, everyone.
>I have an announcement to make

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10812 All Your Google Are Belong To Us Edition(9).png (1022x458, 134.32K)

Your thread got deleted because it was shit, and now here you are crying like a bitch with another off topic thread. Based jannies keeping reddit cancer off of my /Pol

Go on nigger.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10812 All Your Google Are Belong To Us Edition(4).png (572x453, 680.3K)
Why they (((shut it down))) ?
There are 3 different threads atm, but ours was cookin'!

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10814 The Funkalicious Get Dawn - We Ain't Sleepin' Edition.png (1000x732, 94.53K)

> Reddit cancer
This is clearly a shill or a bot.
Don't respond any more to that ID

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This will get deleted too schizo

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 6 things to know about the EpiPen shortage The nationwide EpiPen shortage is being felt, especially a[...](1).png (1177x1319, 221.04K)


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Good work but can you combine these into one please.

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Sorry lad but the catalog quota for Corona threads is at 75% and rising. They need to make room for the 74th thread about toilet paper.

>please, frens
>This will only take a moment

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I’m convinced this is always the same fagget leaf

Final Fantasy
Katamari Damacy

Ninja Gaiden
Golden Axe
Gunstar Heroes
Resident Evil
Sonic the Hedgehog

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Q Research General #10813 The STRIKE will be FAST Edition(3).png (2387x150, 19.15K)

They extract it through the eye

This is so fucked up

>dont respond to dissenting opinions
>not from reddit
go back

Golden Axe isn't that good.
Streets of Rage, on the other hand.

For your kind, I hope so.

Sleepy hours, yaawwmm...go to fucking sleep!


you do realise that Yas Forums is global right?

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>but above all
>And I cannot stress this enough
>More than any other



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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Translate covid into Hebrew and then retranslate it back to English, you'll get Kobe - Google Transla[...](1).png (704x2823, 109.67K)

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Man this got hot HARD by shills. Can you describe the phenomenon?

They're no longer censoring pro-Trump information?


Attached: Screenshot_20200317-003146_Google.jpg (1080x2220, 718.05K)

So this is the new Shekelshoah, Hillarygate, Yellowstone is exploding schizophrenic nonsense you will be spamming for the week and calling anyone who questions you a shill correct?

Yes, we are schizo and AFLB is a genius.

Attached: Always faggy leaf tranny.png (2312x3376, 2.85M)

are you okay? are you okay? are you okay?

what in the holy fuck

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 jimmy comet - Google Search.jpg (2524x1872, 1.6M)

Ok i was the guy telling you to stfu about adrenachrome last night.

Jfc. You need to just post these. Jfc.

I'm not even saying i believe this. But the epipens and shkreli and the black eyes. Jfc. This is good.

>I would like to thank our guest speaker for his adrenochrome dump.
>This thread wouldn't exist without you.

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this, fuck jannies


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well done fren. Give yourself a pat on the back.


I keep hearing about this but I haven't seen any proof. Someone post some before and afters to show what has actually changed. As far as I can see google searches are as kiked as they've always been.

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And reported Jidf. Go back

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dont you have some blacked threads to be posting in or some shit?

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>I'm mentally ill therefore everyone else is too
Stop projecting faggot. Take your Adam Olanzapine

There was like 4 whole fucking threads with nothing but proof kike shill

WTF and now you're making it about jannie drama from 2 fucking years ago at niggerresearchgeneral on a different website that doesn't even exist anymore. Omfg.

This is why you niggers need to suck Freddy's dick.

does anyone have the pic of the "celebs" with a black eye?

Leave mutt's law to the americans, Christmas present

Fuck you shill kike

No I was taking shit to AFLB In fact, I've dropped the info I wanted to and got you two retards bitching already, mission accomplished.

>everyone who asks for proof is a shill sent here to subvert my very important larp thread
Delusions of persecution and grandeur, this is why you get called schizos

Yea that's what I thought you nigger faggots wouldn't post any proof just keep shilling your kike lies for more shekels you fucking niggers

>why you get called schizos
And you still haven't figured out why I post here, have you?

>nigger faggots
Heavy Basement Dwelling Niggers, was that what it was, I can't remember..

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 politician with black eye - Google Search(1).png (330x457, 357.15K)

Because you're mentally ill and relentlessly spamming stuff about reptilian shapeshifters releases dopamine

Holy fucking shit. And you delusional cunts wonder why nobody's on your shit site anymore.

You know most of the retards in your doxxing circlejerk are going to fucking prison right?

>reptilian shapeshifters releases dopamine
check'd and no, it's cause it so fun making you two fags look stupid. Will and Mike, my buddies, who's topping whom tonight?

Yea, probably, we're all domestic terrorists and such.. amiright?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-16 Cemexgate - Google Search.jpg (2525x2597, 2.48M)

Justice for all.

>He has literal characters he's created as part of his tangled delusion
Holy fuck where do you tinfoilniggers come from