Anyone else been downloading tons of stuff in case the internet goes down

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No because I'm not a coomer

That's a great battlestation. I wish I still had anime girls as my desktop icons.

yeah I hear that y2k might be a problem

I did years ago for the things I could not hard copy. If you do not have a solid library and 3 months of needed items minimum you deserve to die in my book.

>has model-M
You gonna be okay.

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user are you aware your monitor is probably worth hundreds of dollars

archive Q offline

that's not his monitor u klun


not my computer in op pic btw but here is the destkop background if anyone wants it

primarily been grabbing tons of music and some vidya roms/isos I had been meaning to play. also some pdfs and books that could be useful after shtf

>8 captcha to post
>"your computer is sending automated traffic"
why the fuck does this happen every single night? happens every night after 12 AM for the past 5 days

Attached: 1569358088756.jpg (640x480, 51.24K)

all Q posts, archive offline!

(Cut&Paste the last 3 Q posts into 3.) (1) (3) (2)

Any decent pc games lately?

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thanks for the wallpaper, i suddendly got the urge of downloading stuff way before than the covid shit, im filling my sdd with music mostly, i already have the whole snes roms collection and some n64

Happens to me too.
>buy a pass goy
>t. Hironigger

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And what happens when the power goes out user?


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I have a 4TB drive half full of movies and tv shows to catch up on. I had a good bit before we got hit by a hurricane a few years ago and learned that it was important. Some people in my town had no electricity for almost 3 months and others had no cable or internet for 10 months. I was lucky and got electricity on day 10. I made temporary roof and ceiling repairs and turned my air conditioner on 4 hours after my electricity was hooked up. I would go to the free wifi spot the cable company hosted in town and download shows to watch in the evenings after working hard all day clearing downed trees, boarding windows, and helping distribute relief supplies.

I try to make hard copies of things I really like anyways. is this digital prepping?

what's something good to watch? haven't seen a good tv show in a long time.

i'm going to play some psx jrpgs, been meaning to replay legend of mana:

not to worry user I plan to capture some slaves and have them charge my battery bank on the exercise bikes I've set up in parallel in the basement

holy b-based

12 super slow captchas to post this, after the first successful captcha run of 6 the post failed to post and said I "mistyped the captcha". this is the worst it's ever been.

ya, got my vidya and anime ready, but will be useless if the power also goes down

as a matter of fact yes I have

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my fucking external drive is full and theres nothing left i wanna delete to make room for new anime :c


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Things I'm thinking of compiling:
>How to garden, charts to remind me of when to plant certain crops
>Cooking, baking, jarring, etc. Recipes that will last for long periods.
>Animal husbandry knowledge.
>Defending a property, maintaining weapons, good long term weapons and how to build and maintain them.

Attached: guy-fieri-explains-how-he-became-the-mayor-of-flavortown.jpg (618x412, 80.44K)

I have books, comic books, videogames and DVDs so I don't care


No point.
When shit really hits the fan there won't even be electricity, let alone internet.

Covid-19 is actually a computer virus

Like what? I keep thinking of making a library of stuff incase the internet goes down but never get around to it.

>happens every night after 12 AM for the past 5 days
This can't be a coincidence. Same shit happens here.

oh my god
explain the day thing about time cube fucker

He disabled No-script captcha on purpose for this very reason. He made it quite clear on /qa/

To answer your OP though, I've got some books to read and music to learn. It's best I get off the computer anyways

and they model M keyboard is worth a few coins also
hes a hipster faggot

What, no XCOM?

You had one job user

Attached: xcom.jpg (960x491, 106.16K)

fucking gr8 game

I just autocannon HE everywhere to flush them out.

this is me

I know. It fucking pisses me off. I will NEVER buy a pass just for that reason. Even after he disabled the noscript captchas, you were able to bypass the current ones by clicking on the accessibility headphone icon and typing in 2 words like on the old captchas. Not anymore. He must have changed something again recently. It seems they are more numerous and slower now the more you post. I was also range-banned from posting images for over a month recently, which I assumed was just another attempt at a money grab by hirojew.

based and boomerpilled. Read books instead!!!

as a data hoarder, yes

total storage capacity of like 17TB with it mostly being filled


Hypnospace Outlaw

ripped a lot of shit the other day to keep me afloat for a couple of weeks
will probably just off myself or try and make my way towards jap land to get muh animes
>he doesn't know about .pdf
poor fool

the coomer meme was always forced and never funny
only faggots use that desu

I thought it'd be the straw that broke the camels back but i'm still fucking here. Still working on my 4chinz dependency.
>you were able to bypass the current ones by clicking on the accessibility headphone icon and typing in 2 words like on the old captchas. Not anymore. He must have changed something again recently
Yeah it just automatically locks you out now doesn't it? What a dog cunt.

>muh youporn dindu nuffin

Finally someone who knows the feeling.

Got any cool or rare shit?

is the internet really going down?

>best grill
>stone cold
>mech warrior

Lots of porn and other stuff has been downloaded just in case

What if you were blind and wanted to post? Should complain to Google.

237 GB of books on my hard drive. I can restore the knowledge of all mankind in a couple of fucking minutes

I considered that but I doubt they'd care about an evil blind nazi

Coomer here, just spent the last three days backing up my 1300+ BBC video collection with multiple failsafes. Even got two backup generators to make sure my devices stay powered.

This virus is a godsend.

I work for the state and office closed.

For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I have enough time to jerk off to BBC and Coom to my heart's content.

I can burn ten hours per day jacking off to this stuff and it doesn't fucking matter.

I don't need to go anywhere, do anything, answer to anyone except my own fucking dick.

What does time mean when civilization comes screeching to a halt?

Hell, every punk ass porn shamer and normie wonk died overnight and left me entirely alone on this planet, I would be perfectly okay with that, as long as I have a skyscraper of BBC porn to enjoy.

Honestly, the biggest threat to social order during all of this is coming from the white guys who still try to pretend they aren't just as hooked on this shit as I am.

Really, guys. What will you do when the web goes down?

When you can't just log onto Pornhub and feast on huge, hurking, pitch black bulls pounding tight little white girls into the stone age?

You're going to fucking riot or die from the withdrawal.

The CDC needs to tell all white guy Coomers to get the fuck READY.

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Don't you mean a not-see?

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Nice trips Carlos

i am stockpiling up on steam games. i have 100 odd now. will buy more tomorrow. single player with no need for internet is recommended

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