This is what I imagine the average Yas Forums user to look like. How far off am I? Not brown enough?
Why are unironic racists so ugly??
Other urls found in this thread:
That’s probably just camera lens distortion which is quite common. The head shape is too uncanny
He looks like Karl Pilkington if he were gay
Ive got more hair than that
non-whites are significantly uglier than any "racist".
Looks like Tim Pool
I wish tim was racist, his content would be way better if he said nigger every now and then.
This is a cope. If you're on here you either look like shrek or blackops2cel.
Because the only people autistic and retarded enough to post their faces are likely to be genetic dead ends too.
Most faggots on here actually have jobs.
>Karl Pilkington
That was his job before he turned into a skaterboy, didn't you know?
Why doesn't he just fuckin shave it off lmao
Man I'd probs be racist too if I looked like that damn
Only a retard would post their face on pol and retards are ugly. Sage
Look at the top of his head.
They feel like they have nothing to lose because they hate themselves so much that they just start justifying their own problems by saying the average is wrong.
Like fat people that are trying to bring down fat shaming.
If you can’t laugh at yourself like “lol I’m fat because I like food and don’t exercise” instead of moving the goalposts, it’s fine.
But when you see a poo or a negro that somehow unironically advocates white power and shit, that’s just sad.
>This is a cope. If you're on here you either look like shrek or blackops2cel.
nice projection shitskin subhuman
I look like that BO2 incel but I browse bunker Chan daily, is it over for me? Only the Anarchists and syndicalists have good looking people on their side.
Why are you such a faggot who judges other men by their attractiveness?
I’m chad but why would I post my picture here?
cause ugly cunts shouldn't have opinions
right wingers always have that paranoid deer looking for predators look in their eyes
Especially when they make claims about how their race is superior.
lel imagine the cope
More human than your pig fucking, cum drinking ancestors.
They need a leader to look up to.
show flag
he looks like one of the brainlets
his head just stops
>muh racists
kill yourself, pol has once again proven to be right. the changs' coplete disregard for safety, hygiene and animal welfare is gonna end it all
spic actor
Yes all Yas Forumstards suffer from mental retardation. This dude is intelligent by Yas Forumsstandards.
Because nigga they aint communist
Correct the Record’s staff (18 and counting) is crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back corner of the offices of American Bridge 21st Century, Brock’s Super-PAC. “They’re always there; they’re always working around the clock,” former Clinton White House adviser Paul Begala says of the crew. “I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them!”
Especially swedes.
I would post a picture of myself. But you weirdos would screencap my posts and save my Pic and I'd be posted all over Reddit and doxxed.
Father Coughlin is based though.
Oh nononono
Ngl the DDR helmets looks worse than the Nazis
he's a mutt.
i don't remember him as a right wing.
also why are aussies on this larping bollacks
Is that professional Charlie Brown impersonator Tim Poole? I can see why he wears that beanie all the time now
What's wrong with that?
i look alot like barron trump funny enough
Like "conspiracy theorist", made up term to force people into submission through fear of ridicule. If you have half a brain, you should be prejudging everyone you meet, if only for your safety
>I imagine
Exactly that. Your imagination. I am a fucking chad and no I will not post a picture.
>I'm superior to minorities
>I can't afford a hair transplant or razors to shave my neck beard
>I literally developed a Jewish balding spot on my head and am trying to convince people I'm white
>Thinking a far-left Democrat who literally donates and shills Socialists is Yas Forums
Take your meds schitzo.
T woman
racists look fine, it is just Yas Forums posters who never fucked anyone in their life because they look like shit
I'm an exception though.
This was my last timestamp. I'm pretty fit and attractive.
you look like you are one bad day away from sucking cock for 5$
You're just mad a mutt is whiter than you.
You look like the school bully from a 1980s movie. Live it up
Watching Tim Pool clearly being on adderall on JRE was entertaining, he makes some good points but he's just a reactionary manlet at the end of the day
lol OP breeds with apes.
as far as i'm concerned kinda spot on desu
there was a popular video of him seething and sperging out after someone took his beanie off during a protest around 2015/2016
You're probably horribly awkward and have a weird muffled voice cause you talk through gritted teeth
This post kills TP threads-
Tim Pool is a joke, I was a big Tim Pool fan, he is very critical of the media and now he's just the same as the lying media.
In this video he says that a 2009 plan (obtained by Buzzfeed via a FOIA request) written by the Bush administration in response to SARS and MERS and implemented by the Obama administration suggesting that crucial intelligence agency personnel should have 3 months worth of food stockpiled in the case of a worldwide pandemic like the Spanish Flu is somehow proof that the Corona Virus is a global threat and we should buy his sponsor's emergency food packs.
I would post the video but I'm not giving him anymore views
You're beautiful.
You're trying to cope too hard, shut up and admire his beauty.
Theyre dissatisfied with their own lives
Thanks for the backup .
I don't really mind the hate though. I'm thinking of taking some aesthetic 1488 pics with my gf if we can get a hold of some uniforms sometime soon. This whole community could really use some positive aesthetics floating around.
He doesn't look terrible. I've definitely seen worse.
What is your purpose for being here, female? Why haven't you revealed your breasts yet?
I am good looking, but then again I am not racist at all. Just here for the news and the banter.