Are you fuckers happy that you got your little shitstorm? You've been talking about this for years, and now it finally hits and were all fucked. What about the people who didn't want this, what are they supposed to do?
I never asked for this.
So the Boogaloo has finally happened
Other urls found in this thread:
this ins't even a boog you fuckwit
>What about the people who didn't want this
then they should've listened.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Nobody wants the shit to hit the fan. Some folks recognize that it can and prepare accordingly. Others don’t and suffer the consequences. If you haven’t prepped it’s not cause you “don’t want” a happening, it’s cause you’re a retard.
>What about the people who didn't want this, what are they supposed to do?
Go back to the shithole brown countries they came from.
This isn't a boogaloo.
But, yes, I'm happy its happening. Its mainly killing Democrats after all.
What is the nigger mortality rate?
>babe, it's just like the flu nothing to worry about
Same as the wigger mortality rate
No I want it to go back to where nothing really happens but we chimp out and call it the happening and tell everyone to turn on CNN.
The real thing kinda sucks. Not even sure how I'm going to wipe my ass tomorrow.
Pathetic coward. I am enjoying every moment of this.
It's been happening since the day I graduated highschool. Let me be clear, all of this is a diversion. Somewhere out there right now a WHITE woman is having sex with a BLACK man. That is the real boogaloo. You fuckers have completely gone mad with fear and you forgot your only purpose in life. Tell me why would Sharon do something like that? I don't give 3 fucks if his dad was in the NBA and he is going to be Ivy league material. Fuck that, I have a stable job and I spent my whole life building up to this. Hollywood brainwashed you childhood sweethearts and you are too busy worrying about A FUCKING VIRUS NAMED AFTER A FUCKING BEER.
I don't want this. I bought 2 weeks of supplies and ate it all in 3 days and now I have no money left. I don't even have a gun.
Am I fucked?
Probably because you have TP. I ain't got none.
quit your bitching you dumb little slut and take life how it is
now shut the fuck up and post bobs and vago
Should have invested early.
Some idiot at the store yesterday said"it's just a flu they don't have a vaccine for, that's why they're freaking out". People are seriously fucking retarded about this shit.
relax cunt we'll be at war with China soon
>lay down to go to sleep
>put movie on netflix
>why not 2012
>close my eyes and listen to it
>somewhere in the beginning the crazy guy at yellowstone rants about the end of the world
>"..first the stock markets, then the economy, then the dollar, pandemonium in the streets..war and genocide..."
its all going to plan user. They have a solution.
>They have a solution
Is it final ?
It ain't a boogaloo until the grocery stores shutdown either cause the entire workforce is sick or the DCs run outta freight to send em
checked and hitler pilled.
Im pretty sure its a solid solution for their intentions. But its just one more step in a long walk.
Deepstate released it so trump is countering by closing borders all travel to begin mass arrest on satanists.
quit your whining and enjoy the ride. Fun times are ahead of us
>he thinks those arrests are for the elite
>Nobody wants the shit to hit the fan.
i absolutely want shit to hit the fan
Do I smell butthurt?
>A thing happens
>I never asked for this.
Is this god testing/punishing me for something because im too stupid to understand cause and effect.
Use a cob of corn and rinse it off at the local pond. get creative, we survived thousands of years with dirty butts
>Are you fuckers happy
The bridges and tunnels to NYC have not been blown yet to trap them there so no. I want riots, it's time for AWLF to get a wake up call.
Your in the same boat as most Aussies, aswell as myself. I've been living the neet life since November last year and been following the happening since January when Wuhan went tits up. I don't have shit, but I've been suicidal for months, I don't give a fuck anymore
[Pg 294]
[Meeting between Comey and Coleman on October 4]
>Coleman told us that he could not recall this briefing with Comey.
>Coleman’s notes from October 4 contained the following entry:
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
-9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
-Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
-Hillary Clinton & Foundation
-Crime Against Children
Naw it ain't a boog til the power goes out
MARINES are ready to put Antifa into the ground
Trumps so good at boogin hes gonna do it with the lights on.
I don't give a shit, I want it to happen, because the system is fucked, when you are wage cuckking and making less money than your boomer grandparents, because they wanted women to be in the work force, and import illegal immigrants so they can get cheap labor, and make us spend more on rent, and our wages are stagnating WHAT THE FUCK.
imagine the smell
This also witnesses.
My coworker literally called it a cold.
this isn't a boog... this is way fucking worse than that lol...
Qoomers are the worst.
Not exactly. This virus has only a 2% chance of death, the rest is just mass panic setting in.
Based and lotr pilled
N o t
Y e t
. . .
I love posting it because makes shills so fucking butt hurt.
Butt hurt butt hurt
You can start by raking yourself, faggot
The only respectable answer itt
The only people who are genuinely happy about this are people who have nothing to live for. Aka about 50% of Yas Forums
I have friends and family, a good life in general. I don't want to see my elderly parents die or society locked down for weeks and maybe months on end with no social interaction.
I guess the only positive is that when it eventually is over the reunion with everyone who has been stuck indoors will be a fantastically happy moment.
>Ranting about boogaloo
No Boogaloo
Check flag
every single time
8 ma r2018
When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
Yeah just look at the beyond retarded responses you are getting from these mongs.
In a way this has been great, because I've been trying to think of how to stop going to my hair stylist because she gives me a terrible haircut every time, but she's a family friend, and now I have the perfect excuse to stop going.
You guys have been mad fun endlessly, but I honestly am beginning to believe you are going to be vindicated.
>t. guy who ragged on qtards
Ok an honest question to happening fags. Don't you guys have families? Friends? Are you not afraid how it will affect them.
>inb4 I prepped to defend them
If the ultimate happening you wish for comes true, do you really believe that you will be able to defend everyone and anything you want? What if your family live on the other side of the country?
Missed digits
it is literally a strain of flu with no vaccine. you are the retard
corona accounts for 15% of annual flu cases. the difference is this one spreads a bit faster / better (air born, lives on surfaces perhaps a few days) so more people are catching it before the next round of vaccines comes out
the ordinary way it works is the flu strains are constantly evolving and new ones are killing people. but they dont spread so well, so perhaps 5% of the population gets a particular new strain one winter before it is added to the vaccine for the next winter. the only difference here is maybe 70% will catch this before it is added to the vaccine, so we have 1-2% of 70% die instead of 1-2% of 5%
No, I warned them and told them pedos and bankers are about to unleash hell.
They told me I was an illuminati nigger and laugehd.
I donated them silver as much as i could.
They have their own choices to make and will live or die by them.
The emotional blackmailing you are trying tto achieve here doesnt work plebbitor you should go bakc
because none of you ever had the balls to boog and it was never gonna happen. here's your opportunity, yet youre waiting for someone else to do it but they wont because theyre pussy bitches saying yes sir to mr. cdc, just like you.
Let all the shit hit the fans. I want this to be the biggest happening the world has ever seen
This is not a boogaloo.
OP I can only imagine how your fragile little mind would implode if a real boog actually happened.
This is a happening, but it's not the boog we all talk about.
Fuck off faggots, go play make believe in the sand pit
Nothing is going to happen faggots