Anyone else using this pandemic to induce terror upon family and peers who didn’t listen...

anyone else using this pandemic to induce terror upon family and peers who didn’t listen? Feels really good after all these years of them comfortably ignoring and dismissing every warning generously given.

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What happens when it all blows over? They'll never listen when the real pandemic happening comes around.

>anyone else using this pandemic to induce terror upon family and peers who didn’t listen?

Why use a sledgehammer when you can use a scalpel? Move to the next step and tell them it is a bioweapon, and that the media is hyping it so people prepare for not only quarantine but the coming world war

I remember telling some family about Epstein 2 weeks before he was arrested, they thought I was crazy. I told them about the virus a month ago, "you're paranoid user!" Nobody listens till it's too late. But no I'm trying to spread terror, just letting them know that I'm usually a bit ahead of what they'll get from watching CBS

*not trying to

that's some teenage weeb shit right there, user

Did you at least sell them your TP 1/2 off?

based annoying schizo

No, because that’s psychopathic behavior, user.

Holy shit you’re such a cringey faggot. How’s 10th grade user ? newfag bitch

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i was trolling plebbit trying to come up with the most absolutely insane and overreacting comments and some dude literally got banned for telling me to calm down.

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I told a customer in a week or 2 this will be 9/11 every day for 6 months. And accidentally told a retarded guy ghat that someone I know, someone he knows, and probably someone in the neighborhood will die. He said he's going to pray.

What is funny is everyone I talk to listens to me now since I told them Trump was getting elected on the day he announced his candidacy.

Even my "cool wine aunt" with pink hair listens when I speak now. If they don't listen by now, either you don't speak with enough confidence or they will never listen. If they will never listen it is time to cut them off.

Just found the post, kekking hard. Good going m8

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If you weren't such a worthless pack of shit, people wouldn't lose confidence in you thus believing you from the start.

I literally had the best experience with my wife yesterday. She doesn't stop me from prepping but she always gives me comments like: "You're overreacting." "Calm down, you're seeing stuff that is not going to happen"

Well yesterday right before we enter the supermarket I tell her that I want to buy some food stocks one last time before we stay inside for a while, and she again says: "You are paranoid, we don't need more food."
So we enter the market and: Everythings gone. Literally everything. No meat, flour, sugar, oil, eggs etc. Just sweets and garbage.
The look on her face was priceless. On our way to the car she said with a low voice: "Honey we have everything we need at home right? We are prepared?"
"Yes, don't worry I prepared for this."
Fuck I almost came in my pants.

You are diagnosable with autism and are probably a gay homo with a lisp

Faggot vpn using panic shill SUCK dick

why don't you tools stay on that faggot site
looks like you'd fit right in

I don't understand. What activities was she involved in?
Also this is a pretty cunty behavior, give the poor bitch time to find an alternative. Imagine going off for the weekend and then being found homeless.
Since her stuff is at his house, it's actually possible this tard is legally liable, too.
Allaround weird shit

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dude... why do you let your "wife" talk to you like that. You do know that only makes her unhappy in the long run right?

Nice. That was def a chad moment

I hope you dicked her asap

Same here man,
Frauen sind nicht gut dabei, Gefahren wahrzunehmen.
Wenn du deine Verantwortung schweigend übernimmst und ihre Mecker über dich ergehen lässt, lachst du als letzter während dein Lörres genuckelt wird.

Bruh women are like that sometimes, you just let them talk and not let it hit your frame, at some time they learn how to talk to you.
What do you prefer, slapping them in the face or telling them to shut up like a degenerate?

Actually did, but very slowly, she's pregnant.

Had an almost identical experience with my wife. She's been condescendingly 'tolerant' of my prepping over the last 3 weeks, making a few snide remarks about my overreaction ocasionally. This morning Alameda county announced a curfew, starting tonight.
We did a last-minute shop, and just like you, EVERYTHING was sold out, down to the candy. All of a sudden my wife's singing a very different tune.
It's probably true that more men are needlessly paranoid than women, but holy fuck women just have 0 danger perception whatsoever. I'm not even sure they can guess if a dude is about to rape them, which makes sense from an evolutionary perspective (the women who could detect rapists had fewer offspring than the ones who couldn't, by definition).
Really makes you think if that's why women are so in favor of immigration etc. They just have no way of gauging the threat level of a situation.

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Well done muhammad!

going around stores coughing is a good gaggle

This. I just tell her that providing for the family and making sure we are safe is my business and she has to just let me do what I think is best. She doesn't dispute that but women always have to complain, that's just how they are.
A true chad just doesn't listen and acts.


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Mate there's no woman on earth who won't give her man shit. Even muzzies who can legally beat their wives get this.
Women run their mouths. Every now and then you remind them what it's like when you're angry, but you can't explode at them every time they annoy you. They're like children, they don't know better.

have her give birth to lots of white babies

Immer voran!
Ich wünsche alles Beste und starke Kinder!
Anyone else here who has to do 4 tries for captcha?

nowhere did I say to slap or even shut them up. you are reading to much into it, I mean it more in the sense that she should already know not to question you since you are the leader.

I agree with your assessment. I therefore think in a family it is just not their role to assess danger. That's what I am for, she has different qualities that are very important.
The forever single women are fucked though.

Okay incel how about you stop wasting time on forums and look for a girlfriend. Every woman gives her man shit, you being a leader just changes how much.

Working on it. Want at least 4.

Kek. People around me suddenly are freaked out because everything i told them will happen is actually happening and now they start to wonder what else i told them was true.

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Danke Kamerad. Bleib gesund!

I'm scared for my grandma. She hasn't been worried about the corona virus at all until today, when the bowling alley her senior league plays at was closed. Only now she's realizing how bad it is. If she gets the virus she will probably die as she has kidney problems and is almost 80... Other than that everyone everyone else can die and I'd hardly even notice.

>implying I am an incel
that is a bit rich.

Just because the governments and media are larping with you doesn't mean you're right.

My girl doesn't give me shit. Stop sperging out on the user for noticing your lack of a backbone.

Yeah I guess that was too much, sorry man.

i told people about epstein in 2015, been labeled a tinfoil hat conspiracy schizo since. people were worried about me when i told them about coronavirus coming to america and that its going to be nothing like sars.. Now they are terrified and unprepared, fighting niggers in stores for a can of beans while i sit on my stockpile. only my brother listened, bought a gun, stocked up on supplies, generators and solar panels.

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Definitely an incel

The only “prepping” you’re doing is when you prep Muhammed for your wife you kraut fag

it's alright hans, I know when people point out even small flaws I have it stings too. I just want my brothers to to see them. Though I applaud you on actually having the balls to go through with it inspite of the nagging.

When are you gonna get it Yas Forums is always right.

Leave your mom alone user

are you ready for a redpill?
I hope you are ready for a redpill.

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Godspeed Bruder im Geiste!

I do but instead of saying "dude you were right!" they are now acting like this is my fault somehow

>What do you prefer, slapping them in the face
if she's such a dimwitted cow she can't understand why you want to stock up on food, yes
or you could tell her the story of the ant and the grasshopper

some of the "spiritual" reasoning is bullshit, however the nature of male/female relations are explained rather well.

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Yes as a matter of fact. I'm attempting to reduce everyone I know to a state of existential terror while I gloat about my own absolute preparedness for the whole situation.

I only get the "funny" remaks about how they are going to live off of my stuff.
"Haha user, if things get worse we'll just come to you haha."
Mind you from people that have told me I'm crazy for prepping. As I said my wife is pregnant, the only thing these people will get is the business end of my shotgun.

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This is what female danger perception looks like.
Wouldn't be able to avoid a slow moving car from killing them.

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That's some cosmic levels of cringe OP you should feel bad

You want some advice dude?
Use all that energy to help yourself instead. I've tried (and still do at least for my parents).
They won't listen, nobody will. If this whole panic buying debacle has shown you anything, it's that 99% of the public are retards and deserve to be used like cattle.

its a bait post, roastie faglord