Excuse my VPN, but it's time to come clear with this...

Excuse my VPN, but it's time to come clear with this. It has been public knowledge for a good time now that there is two strains of the virus that cause COVID19. There is the L-type and the S-type. The reason for the two different strain is not commonly known, but I know and will share it with you. The L-strain is the lethal variant of the COVID19 disease while the S-strain is a safe strain of the disease that grants immunity to both, its also alot less infecious. Neither of these were never ment to be released into the public but none the less that happened.

When we figured out the lethal L-strain had been released into the public in Wuhan for well over two week, we had to make a very awkward call to the government and the PLA and tell them what had happened and what had to be done. The facility was set into mass production of the S-type strain while the PLA quarantined a lot of China. The PLA also warned to KPA about this and that's why the DPRK closed its borders before anyone else.
Meanwhile during the quarantine the stockpiles of the S-strain was delivered to many PLA air bases that started air disperal of the S-type to infect all the quaranteened cities to prevent the L-type from killing more inhabitants. Unforunately the L-strain escaped China's borders and made to the US and Europe and thats a disaser because the CDC or China will never recommend the west to produce the S-type strain and purposely infect their citizen with it, because that would be admitting that they made these viruses in the first place and lose face. This is just to get the truth out there before it is to late.

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Other urls found in this thread:


VPNs are for cucks honestly

Would you fuck her?

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Which vpn ya using m8?

If the L-strain is so much more lethal, why is Italy's death toll so much lower than China's?

>safe strain grants immunity to both
But there's been documented cases of people becoming re-infected with a second strain. If they had L the first time it would have killed them, and if they had S the first time then you're wrong about immunity.

I had to use a VPN service when I was in China, and all the countries they offered were pretty much all the top flags I see everyday on Yas Forums, so I'm convinced Yas Forums has a nearly 100% American user base, and the foreigners are just VPN fags.
etc etc etc

why is you camera so blurry

>HEY in ID

Grade A larp. Why did the chinks name the strains L and S when those letters are fucking meaningless in their backwards borderline pictographic fucked up language.

It's not

it isn't?

Something something Lego city

Because Italy has no reason to fake their numbers

Italy's death rate is higher because it's the L-strain that spreads there.

If you get the S-type first, the L-type cannot kill you.

what's up with the nasty "flu" a lot of us caught around new years? i'm still coofing from that

We use latin and SI for science you moron.

Shillbot detected... go to hell with your privileged unfalsifiable science denial.


I belive you.

Italy has 2000 dead and 3000 recoveries because of the L-strain while China has 3000 dead and 68 000 recoveries because of the S-strain was dispersed to stop the L-strain from killing.

That's actually plausible and makes sense. You already have a memeflag itt that sounds very much like an angry kike kvetching it's ass off and trying to shut it down, that's purposely not addressing it's reply to anyone so it's not replied to and the thread has a lower chance of being bumped, so that's an indication of you being over the target, OP.
>tfw the Wish and Amazon package connection nearly everyone was panicking over is what saved people from the deadly strain

Those trolls trying to shut down this thread isn't jews, they're chinese employees.

Proof or larp, though it does sound plausible

So, what's gonna happen then? Is the west fucked?

This paper expands on OP.
The furin cleavage is the only characteristic that is different from the bat virus, yet this modifier is what makes it human pathogenic.

I doubt it. You may be well versed in your position and subject, but so am I and since Iran got hit with the the more deadly L strain, it goes without saying that to think about who benefits the most from that would be the Israelis. The countries that the kikes have grudges against didn't get the S strain, but the country that they historically have worked with did.
Not rocket science, OP.

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The truth might actually be that they got the S strain initially, but it had another mutation that made it as lethal or more than the L strain. When you think about it, it makes sense since the receptor binder mutated to hitch humans in November with less bodies to mutate in.

Your ID is ONIONS. Therefore, that is a male.


Chinks should be gassed.

take this, user

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You type unprofessionally. That’s how I know you’re full of shit.

How could I prove anything? It expect your country to discover what I am saying long before the rest of the west does.

The west could survive with a proper quaranteene untill all carriers are dead, but its very unlikely that such a quaranteene can be maintained.

So trump did have contrail dispersal over good cities?

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>righteous and sinister
Ahh, good ole organic chemistry days

What are the symptoms of the l strain

This is a lot of trash. A quick lookup easily establishes that the S-strain is substantially outcompeting the L-strain, since the S-strain carries without symptoms more often and for longer.

"L" for "lethal" and "S" for "safe"? LOL that's not how shit gets named in the sciences. LARP.

So Im pretty sure I have the covid. If I get the other strain Im probably gonna die right contrary to what OP says

So it's an accidentally released bioweapon virus based on corona that has been altered in a lab as i expected. And then accidentally or overtly some asshole spread it. That's basically your story right?

Kill all commies.

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No random mutation rarely ever makes a human to human virus more lethal. That explanation is could have been plausible, but it's highly unlikely and also impossible since I know the truth behind the two strains allready.

The L-strain virus is carefully crafted in a way that does not teach the body to develop the proper anti-bodies for it. The S-strain is a crippled version of the L-strain when it comes to lethality while also teaching the body how to deal with both strains.

The S-strain was intended to be air delivered in China during times of biological warfare to grant herd immunity against the L-strain without using vaccines, because mass vaccination would get picked up by other countries intelligence services and know what it ment China was doing. The S-strain also very little infectious on its own with a R0 less than 0.5. This is for it to not ruin the L-strains BW potency in other nations.

Is there any other cure for the lethal variant of the virus? or is the only cure the antidote virus?

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I think Canada has the S strain

So the whole world uses the terminology "L-strain" and "S-strain", while L and S stand for lethal and safe?

You would be surprised, user

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VPNanon, can you confirm that this virus is the "B-plot", and the "A-plot" is mass arrests?

That would be either R- and S- or L- and D-, and nopthing to do with a virus.

No it's actually just random chirality prefixes assigned to virus strains that has no chirality at all in order to sound scientific. Biomajors does that to try fit in with the hard sciences.

kek this

Pump tell us more

tell us how the l strain kill

I'm assuming that's just terms he comes up with. Since L and S in this regard obviously means that this is a lab altered virus, so it has a safe version (a cure) and a lethal version (the weapon itself). Nobody makes a bioweapon in form of a tampered virus that has no cure. Cause it would be pretty stupid if you end up getting it yourself.. So what he's saying is according to this larp or whatever this is. There is an s version that they can release that protects you from the s variant. Like an antidote virus.

I don't know of any other cure, but anything that teaches the body to produce the correct antibodies against the L-strain will work. That's what the S-strain do.

If the body doesn't learns how to produce the correct antibodies for the L-type the immune defense is fighting a losing battle and death will certainly occur eventually given enough time.

You know how the 'L' strain kills dipshit. Multiple organ failure, and blood poisoning.. It destroys the longues so you die of respiratory failure, or it fucks up other organs aswell. This is what is up there on the global medical websites of how those who die, how they die. that's how it kills..

so all these celebrities, do they have lethal strrain or safe strain?

What if the government secretly released the s strain to parts of America and that’s why we got sicky sick back between November and New Years.

>China has 3000 dead
kek, retarded chink shill

>I don't know of any other cure, but anything that teaches the body to produce the correct antibodies against the L-strain will work. That's what the S-strain do.

But basically what you are saying is it was a lab altered virus that accidentally or with maliscious intent was released. And either china developed it themselves or they stole it from someone else. Is that somewhat in the right ballpark with regards to what your story seems to be?

>That's what the S-strain do.
are the vaccines in trail the s strain or something totally different

This would make so much fucking sense

>What if the government secretly released the s strain to parts of America and that’s why we got sicky sick back between November and New Years.
What if you're an idiot? Part of releasing viruses like this is that they're almost impossible to control due to how international travel is. They have been able to trace for instance danes being infected to an area in germany, and that area had probably been frequented by someone from china. It's absolutely insane to release something like this on purpose. These are things that only should be in bsl4 labs, if they should even be allowed to exist. They don't have to release it in USA for it to get to USA. This is why they have warned about pandemics for years. Because a virus has never had it easier than today where there's fucking travel going in all directions all the time..

Fake news, Dem lies

>This would make so much fucking sense
Ofcourse this would make sense for an american. That's why europe is harder hit than USA, that's obviously due to your own government releasing it in USA, right? It took a while for it to get to USA.. As it took a while for it to get to europe.

If S strain is so good for people why isn't there a huge vaccine campaign to use it as immunity for everybody? Bolsonaro and Trump didn't get vaccines with safe strand because this is a huge larp

intredasting desu senpai

And look also what idiots in USA do because 'muh freedumb' they insist on breaking quarantine risking further infections by keeping bars open cause
>muh unconstitutional..
Americans are such lardasses when it comes to shit like this. Either they think it's fake, or it's their government trying to kill them. It's like they are living on the fucking moon sometimes..

Fake and gay.

Take your meds

Is this why the English and the Dutch are talking about a "controlled spread" and "herd immunity"?

It's all fake retards, designed to make Trump look bad, fake news, lying MSM

Where is Chen Quishi
Which governments know about the strains?
What are the chances of a vaccine?
How long until this is over?
What is the actual mortality?
Is the safe strain damage permanent - does it damage lungs?
Are young people more immune to the diseases?
Why is there miniscule mortality in Germany?
What is the real incubation period?

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the L and S shit was chink cope and damage control trying to pretend they let the "safe" one loose while contained the dangerous one

What about the G strain?

China hasn't told anyone that the S-strain is the countermeassure to the L-strain because that's admitting they know more than they should at this point. It would be the same as admitting guilt.

Will the anti-HIV drugs, chloroquine, Vit C megadosing and Remdesivir work on the more lethal strain?

Also, an user claimed weeks ago that the vaccine strain was chemtrailed over America already.

guys this retard used alot instead of a lot he's clearly lying

Did the US gov have access to the S strain to spray us with or only the chinese? Everyone was sick in January...many testing negative for the flu...was that the S strain?

Post timestamped proof of not being a larper. I bet you can't, Eivind.

They hope that someone will have an immune system strong enough to form antibodies for the virus, which they can then use to cure others with. Aka herd immunity. meaning if it infects like say 30 million people, it is possible, but not for certain. That a few of those people might defeat the virus and not croak. It's also an insane proposal. The only decent option is quarantine to try to starve the virus of hosts. Also due to not being enough hospitals and ICU units if there are too many infected. Then they'll be sitting in their own houses without treatment croaking, and then board up their house and carry out the body in a hazmat bag for cremation.. Nobody wants that shit.. To have millions of people like that running around potentially infecting everybody aswell. Need to contain it. So the only way to deal with this shit, is what is being done now, full quarantine. It should have just been done earlier, before there were so many cases. Because it's not over, if quarantine meassures had not been put in place now, it would explode.

The reason they say they are trying to control the spread, is that's what they are doing. They are trying to stop the number of infected increasing by quarantining everyone with the virus. And anyone who has symptoms should turn themselves in, so they don't infect others. And then they are also quarantined and anyone in contact with someone diagnosed positive is also quarantined. And then they let it play out and those who survive survive, those who don't don't, but the important part is then there's not hundreds of thousands of people running around infecting more and more to the point of millions. Cause then nobody can do anything without almost certainly getting infected at one point.

And THAT'S what they are trying to avoid. The herd immunity is just massive cope, of if it gets totally out of control they hope that that will solve it. But that's not for certain and will probably cost millions of lives.

I shared a blunt with a military buddy that was fresh off a base a couple weeks ago and got sick. I had mild flu like symptoms for a week and then it was gone. I'm guessing that I cought the S type. Now I'm invincible.

Kys larping retard

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>China hasn't told anyone that the S-strain is the countermeassure to the L-strain because that's admitting they know more than they should at this point. It would be the same as admitting guilt.
Yes, they admit then that the bioweapon got out of their bsl4 facility. And they would also be culpable for financial damage and all the rest of it if this thing is not a natural virus. but has been altered in a lab to be more deadly and so on.
This is also clear to me why china try to downplay the numbers and initially tried to contain it. And pretended it was just a normal flu. But then the problem was it showed up in europe and european medical professionals realized china was not exactly being honest about it.. But technically had china been able to contain it, then nobody would have been the wiser.. Now since they lied, people didn't realize what they were dealing with. And w.h.o was so stupid they believed china that it was normal flu and basically said that if it come to europe it's nothing to worry about.. just a slightly harsher flu.. But then it got to europe and it wasn't like that. And quite frankly they should be fucking punished somehow for this reckless endangerment.

Obviously. Just reflecting

STYX shut your piehole

I don't know which medicines could be effecitve on the virus, none will cure it but some might delay death significantly.

Interesting. Myself and a lot of my friends and family were also sick with something around christmas/new years.

Did the US get sprayed with the S strain? Yes or fucking no please.