Show you live in a free country

Show you live in a free country.

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post all the firearms you want
if you're circumsized it's completely negated

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the US is one of the least free countries on the planet my guy

datamine thread

I don't need a gun, therefore I live in a free country.

We used to have big-ass cars

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>I don't need a gun, therefore I live in a free country.
Canada has more than 8 million guns in private ownership, not bad for a frozen dirt clod of a country.

You did your best, ATF.


Should I buy a handgun or a carbine for my first decent gun?

My country is shit tier and is not free. But we know it.

That said, you keep lying to yourself thinking your guns mean anything when in truth you will never do shit with them. If your jew masters want they can even order a seize of your shit and you will just passively aggressively hand it out like the good little goy you are, while petulantly complaining on social media like a faggot.
>inb4 "hur durr they can take my guns from my dead body"
Yeah sure thing, faggot. Just like they took your jobs, your economy, your media and your money to sustain illegal shitskins. The truth is, if you burgers would ever do anything with your useless guns, you would've done it a long time ago. Especially in 2008 when the jews purposefully crashed your economy only to have the other jews in the government bail them out while they made billions off your sorry ass.

But sure, keep lying to yourself pretending "muh guns" means shit while doing fucking NOTHING to change your situation. Pathetic.

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only place you're truly free is where allodiums are honored

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i wish i did OP, i really do

>posts criticism of Islam on FB
>visited by police
>whips out wormy little dick

My president is an idiot and our virus shouldn't be held to it's nationality! It's a pandimensi...err, pandemical being and it's beautiful. Try reading it's fucking Twitter bio and checking its pronouns next time you racist, sexist WHITE MAN!

Also "muskets" or something.

>tl;dr textbook projection

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pistols take a long process to acquire you can purchase a rifle or shotgun within an hour, if you have no money constraints then absolutely go with a Ruger 556.(500-600$) $0.35 per round otherwise for a cheaper option a Ruger 10/22 is a great and reliable firearm perfect for firearm beginners at around (200-300$) and nearly 5 cents per round

>no backup ironsights when you find yourself months after the collapse with no batteries
Also how long are your fucking arms?

can't wait to see what those fucking raiders will do when they get a spongey dart to the eye

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Murder rate:
US whites: 2.5
Germany: 0.8
Conclusion: even white americans are criminal subhumans

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Reminder that if you have to jump through legal hoops to own fully automatic firearms you aren’t living in a free country.

fuck off alphabet

We won't get arrested for talking about Muslim rape crimes on the internet like Europe.

No but you'll be fired and deplatformed for not pledging allegiance to a foreign state.

>tfw when both free and intact
Just cuz of digits, (sig pilled) I'll post this

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All the brave Germans got killed off in WW2. Those alpha genes are long gone. All that remained were the weak beta men. And we see how Germany currently turned out.

I can prove I'm not in Europe. The holocaust never happened

He's right.
Society could literally collapse right now, but you'd carry on as normal like a good little goy.

It’s fine if you use official statistics without hate speech

>And we see how Germany currently turned out.
Still whiter than america

name a freer place
one that the government is explicitly shackled by its foundational documents

you don't need a gun if you live in a prison. food, shelter, socialization all state funded, and you even get free medicine.


> free country
> america
lmao. what a nigger.

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>no backup ironsights when you find yourself months after the collapse with no batteries
Etched reticle on prism lens = no battery needed

>US whites: 2.5

>being free
>not being allowed to buy chinkshit gats
Pick one

the 1.7% difference is niggers getting goodified

true if BIG

Good luck when you drop it and it shatters cause it's a cheap POS

See source wigger

I.. can't

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>australia talking about incarceration rates

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Only when my government collapses will that be true, and only after I've violated the NAP and raided you.

P238, my only sig. Would like a P226 as was the digits I reffered to, but have been thinking if getting a p365.

>Good luck when you drop it and it shatters cause it's a cheap POS
$~200 will get you a decent prism that you can drop multiple times without losing zero.

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Reminds me, I need to score some 7.62x54r


I've got a pretty scary looking Spoon, Not Sure If I'm allowed to carry it in Public however


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The US is not a free country. There are no free countries on Earth.
Everyday the delusions of freedom are becoming harder to maintain.

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>Ruger 556
Thanks, I do want something besides a pistol anyway

>money constraints
I have money but I could easily spend it on more prudent things. Just a college student living on loans

>There are no free countries on Earth.
Somalia is quite free

I live in California not very free over here OP

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Somalia is a tyranny of nigger war lords.
You should move there, Fritz