Elite here. Just landed in Queenstown New Zealand. 13 hour flight from San Fran on my jet with a few other well connected friends. Absolute fucking lol at you peasant wagecuck faggots. The virus is real, and it's going to kill anyone who can't aggressively self isolate. Bye bye plebs, robots will do your jobbies once you're gone (which will be very very soon).
Elite here. Just landed in Queenstown New Zealand...
>New Zealand
you're not an elite, they would stay away from that place since it just got quite fucked earlier.
>traveled by plane
You are not going to make it
How was the terminal? Chocka full of sniffly backpackers I bet, lol. Ur fuckin dead m8
>he thinks he's an elite
Actual elite here. I'm currently speeding towards my home star system, Alpha Centauri. You fucking human trash have no idea what we've unleashed. You are finished. We'll be sending our Reptilian slaves to finish you off soon.
Not for the rich
>not knowing the only safe house is the CIA headquarters at the bottom of a lake in Switzerland
lol sucks to be you OP goodbye
Boy if this is true, you have shit for brains.
>Elite here
Pleb here
You are losing grip by the day
Your delusions of grandeur are beyond that of the politburo in 1985
You better make it off world if you want to live
After the cleanup from the unraveling DUMBS will not save you (picrelated)
>not knowing the elite NZ bunkers are a trap
We will find you.
>it's going to kill anyone who can't aggressively self isolate
Except for the sub 2% mortality rate, right? And the overwhelming majority of them are older, retired people who are already not working and are an active drain on the economy?
You will die in the worst possible despair without immediately dieing, while shitting and pissing yourself, while people look on and laugh, breh
>Source: just trust me bro
Kys nigger
i know the exact location of all bunkers in the central otago region.
Somebody should be hunting these people down in NZ, lol. Seems like fun.
enjoy fucking all the sheep you retard faggot
Oh dis gon be gud
corporate arrivals go through their own terminal
Already know about how you fags will retreat into the earth and mountains to try and hide from the Wrath of God. And that's when all of your plans and money will be rendered useless. For what will you do when the Earth itself is torn asunder? For all of your plans and preparations, you will die in ways that will make you cry out in vain, "but this isn't how I deserve to die! This is how the slaves deserve to die!" and right before the crushing realization hits you, the deceiver, satan that you placed your trust in and you thought would protect you will tell you, "But you were always my slave. You chose this."
>came from SF
You're already dead.
Sorry m8. Corona done got you already.
I've been licking toilet seats for the past 2 months and still ain't dead. The devil himself couldn't kill me, for I am the most toxic substance on this planet.
I'm going to drag you out and hang you
once shtf and people know there are all these billionaires sitting pretty in there mcbunkers, they'll come, tractors and all
I work from home and only ever left my home past 2 months to get weed from my friend or buy food at the store. I should be good.
Post pic of you Amex Black card or gtfo poorfag larper.
the south island has many areas that are uninhabbied and gets cutt off in snow fall alot
knowing these idoits that have never seen a winter at -20c defrees cenigrade of the virus doesn't get you the fucking cold will.
snow in queens towns gets up to meters deep in mid winter.
and with fuck all food coming into nz
and if the bunkers in a remote place with no vehicle access. well lets say its not going to be pleasent. given most elites have no surivial skills. if everyone dies so do they lol.
robots can't milk cows or feed cows or move cows or get plam kernal in the winter and dont know how to save water.
they would kill all the cows in one season kek.
and yes thenj everyone would die this is how stupid you elites are.
post it then idoit.
What a fag.
I'm family with literally the most wealthy/elite family in the bay area and they're still sheltering in place. Fuck off with your LARP nigger.
We know you're full of shit because you'd be aware of mass concentrated hatred and it's affects there of. But hey, there will be people waiting for your ass on the other side when you fail to attain physical immortality.
Fuck off, before I send half the West Coast to find you pricks. You don't deserve this land
Economy is not greater than people you imbecile.
>has to use planes
comes to board full of neets
>"ha ha you can't aggressively self isolate"
are you lost user
It's funny when people assume things about the type of person they fear on here. They're almost always wrong.
Certified homosexual.Bad larping poor fag be gone!
What if they are prepared to fight back?
what are you implying?
And you know what I think is happening? Actual concerned people come on here and see the uncivilized shit show that Jews and shills do on here and then when they see a neet, they think he's like all these pictures and words posted by Jews and shills. They've been preconditioned on what to expect and therefore they're almost always wrong when they call the shots. The only time there is an actual -bad- happening off of this place is when the Jews and shills condition an unsuspecting person to act out their predictive programming. The Jews hate this place and are chiefly responsible for a lot of what's wrong on this site.
Omni-elite here. Currently moving to dimension 616.
non-elite complete phleb here
your just mad you wont get to live out like mad max raping and pillaging like a boss fucking beta azz bitch
They are foreigners in NZ, what will they have?
Wow that's actually a terrific breakdown. This place is a reprieve from the relative levels of NPC fuckery found everywhere else on the web - despite the obviously huge levels of dysfunction. I find it ebbs and flows too. There's a lot of level-minded folk. You just have to separate the signal from the noise as much as you can.
But yeah. I certainly see some 'egging on' or conditioning of unsuspecting anons to act out predictive programming, as you called it. not sure what to make of any of it. one has to stay as discerning as possible.
The only respectable answer itt desu
all those contractors who were delivering the bunkers know where they are. trucking companies, hiab services.
theres at least 30 bunkers in the queenstown/wanaka region.
some up to 100 sq metres,
i doubt any of them hold a nz gun licence
an Elite wouldn't fly into Queenstown lol.
"Hey guys bill gates here I just landed my plane on the Eiffel tower during an international emergency."
>pathetic alien elite thinks he's elite
Transcendental elite here. I am currently here and not here. There and no where but every where. I am simultaneously on every plane and no plane imaginable and unimaginable.
You petty aliens have no idea what you were willed to unleash or will unleash. When you are all gone and all begin other entities will begin to and finish doing the work you won't do and have done, and did.
I'd rather live 6 months in civilization than a lifetime in new zealand.
The NZ government isn't doing anything besides politely suggesting that it would be nice if recent arrivals to the country could please maybe self quarantine. Doesn't sound like an especially safe place for elites. They'd probably be better off in their bunkers at home.
Meditate so that there is no difference between life and death, fear and hope, love and hate.
For the liberation of all sentient beings
they fly into queenstown airport and dock at the corporate terminal, independent customs faculty
new zealand is great, except for auckland. that place need a nuke.
they've already arrested and quarantined a few tourists who failed to self isolate.
yep, they clear customs from their privite jet and hop straight in the car
Flies from san Francisco
Infects kiwis
Toilet seats are amongst the cleanest surfaces in the first place. Start sucking kitchen sponges and door handles before you ever post here again, pleb
Elites can’t exist without their peasants retard. Enjoy killing yourself After severe depression while being isolated in a bunker while apocalypse goes on
Of course something that doesn't exist couldn't kill you, fool. You need to separate yourself from that fiction. It's clearly affecting your judgement and you can't deny this because you used a term from it. You wouldn't have learned it any other way.
>Elite here
Lol. Went to New Zealand. Do you have to wind a crank to power your internet?