How are all these celebrities contracting this virus yet I haven't heard of a single person who has or knows anyone else who has tested positive for the corona virus
How are all these celebrities contracting this virus yet I haven't heard of a single person who has or knows anyone...
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They travel and go places
they don't sit still for 5 seconds, always around the world surrounded by different people
LA is infected
They are neets who happen to drink wuhans finest adromochrome elixir
>Dr Pavel, I'm SARS-CoV-2
It's been said that they took tainted adrenochrome
Dr. Covid, I'm CIA
because they are always out socializing unlike you
I have a friend who works at a hospital that has people on life support from corona virus
I told her she cant suck my dick until after all this shit is over because don't want her diseased ass near me.
They travel alot for their jobs and live in cities infected with homeless people
have you or anyone you know actually gotten tested?
It's a Globetrotter Guillotine
Because Coronavirus is not real
This is such a ridiculously obvious psyop. Fuck these kike mother fuckers
Was getting infected part of his plan?
Whoa. That’s a big virus, for him.
They're actually getting tested
>they travel and go places
on private fucking jets
literally fucking jets, as in they fuck on the jets
Celebrity coronavirus is the dog whistle of the year, all these people are pedos
Crashing this quarantine with no survivors!
they suck a lot of cocks
I'm in LA, I've been on over 10 flights since the first /cvg/ thread. I pick my nose habitually and I never wash my hands. Why dont I have Corona yet?
Naw someone like Aidan Gillen isn't big enough for the private jet treatment. They just travel first class.
well i never met a jew in my life but people insist that they exist and im inclined to believe that
Is that how it spreads? fugg
They actually get tested unlike us piss ants.
>on a private jet
celebs are not that rich, gook
NEETS shall inherite the earth.
They need a dead celeb pretty soon, or it will look fake.
....did everyone know he is both CIA agent and Little finger?
I’m in LA and I have it
You do too you’re not showing symptoms yet is all
The less celebrities the better. The rich are all getting tested bc they can afford it.
Because Corona is near harmless unless you have HIV or anything that immuno-suppresses you.
Actors getting tested because entertainment industry has a lot of gays. Actors also love immuno-suppressing drugs.
Fuck you poland this is why everybody hates you
they're gonna have to fake some deaths to sell this mountain of bullshit
>CIA gets infected with SARS2
Who's next? Smee Maimen? Doktor Pavelheer? Button Lee? Maybe even Juan Ovyu?
coronachan is a big girl
Why does Gillen wear the mask?
>What happens if i take off that mask?
You make a tweet, dont go to coachella this year
So let me get this straight, they show no symptoms but they get a test anyway, yet the CDC is specifically telling people who do not show symptoms to not seek out a test.
What is going on here?
I doubt CIA is even rich enough to fly first class regularly, he's a very minor actor.
CIA GOT IT? You better believe in ''coincidences'' when you see one!
All things are pointing at Bane.
He's a big guy
It's the Chinese Pedo disease. Only pedos will catch it
If I remove the ventilator, will he die?
>2 more weeks bro
Yeah that's what they've all been saying.
>If I take my mask off, would you die?
Fuck that hit Russian bling pls and mini live
You're an uninformed guy
Was getting sick part of your plan?
I have Corona *coof coof*
Any normal person who gets it doesnt have their name shared with the press.
You don’t hear about Joe Schmoe getting hospitalized because if he posts about it on his twitter it isn’t national news.
HIPAA means the news can’t release people’s names, but famous people talk about it to their fans.
Use fucking logic, please.
this and they can actually afford doctors and tests on demand no questions asked
i have to drop a thousand, maybe a few, and even then probably still have to be deathly ill to get a test
he was recurring on GOT for years, probably millions / ep
it's been said that you're retarded
for you
no. it is bullshit. they are paying to go in to isolation so they dont catch corona virus.
saying they tested positive is a cover story.
t. guywhodoesn'tknowanyonewhocaughtit
please don't think now. it's not what we need at this moment.
If you take off my mask, will africa die?
Shit you got me dummie. A lot of effort for a single shitpost!
>coronavirus is killing hollywood degenerates, most of whom are probably jewish
holy fucking based
Do we all have corona and just don't know it yet?
My aunt and uncle have it (got it in Spain)
Lol. Keep thinking it's nothing. I now have a very mild cough. Wouldn't be surprised if I have it. I planned on staying at my parents, but now am quarantining so I don't infect them accidentally.
There are like 3800 reported cases in this country of millions, so no, it’s no surprise that I don’t personally know someone who has it.
Is it just me or are celebrities and public figures way over-represented? If only a couple thousand have the disease, how come 0.01% of the population has like 5% of the cases? And don't talk to me about muh socializing. Normies take crowded subways and airplanes constantly.
They can afford the tests and your friends probably already have it
They got wuflu in the adrenechrome
going to a hospital so you can avoid a virus seems like a horrible idea
>most are Jewish
Wrong on both counts.
but normies don't get tested, rich actors do
Begone newfag
>Little finger?
They have the money to pay for everything out of pocket so are actually being tested.
Rich famous people have easier access to testing.
I dont know if these threads are bait or not. Maybe you dont know a lot of people in real life, that may be the answer. Also a lot of anons reporting sick including me
Pedo gangbangs.
Because the media doesn't give a fuck about Bob the trucker from Iowa. They only report on faggots who play make believe for a living.
The logical conclusion then is that there are many times more normies infected than reported, which means it's literally a nothingburger virus.
>celebs are not that rich, gook
yes they are, what is this real retard hours?
They have access to testing and also have social circles with lots of foreigners and overseas travelers.
>catch it
Not how diseases work. Only pedos die? Possible, but not likely since adrenochrome is a meme anyway.
Or not. I'm not a fucking biologist.
It's literally viral marketing. They claim they have corona, wish their fans well, and oh, look, I've also got a new tv show or film coming out on streaming services, you could stay indoors and watch that instead!
Cynical, tasteless promotion. As always.
>I now have a very mild cough
Me too. But it's almost exactly like one I had about a month ago. I think I'm just developing allergies.
no. they are rich enough to pay for complete isolation for 6 months. its actually the safest and most secure place to be
The virus is everywhere, these people are rich enough to test themselves
Are we getting a full infected GOT cast?
I heard a big guy crashed his plane
This is genuine retardation
It's not nothing just because most people are fine. If we allowed it to go uncontrolled we'd see hundreds of millions dead.