Seems bribery doesn't work outside of New York (kike) realty circles, or the mutt Congress...
>the krauts refused
Seems bribery doesn't work outside of New York (kike) realty circles, or the mutt Congress...
>the krauts refused
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imagine thinking it wouldn't be best for america to own it.
Israel has a vaccine, too. maybe Germany shill is helping drive the price up. lol
>imagine not being able to come up with anything yourselves, because you're now completely kiked "get" society
It wouldn't. Fuck your fat money orange.
This was disproven.
CureVac and an ambassador said so. Every news source only sourced the Sonntag news or whatever which was all made up BS.
i am deeply offended that you called Trump a dotard.
Post-in-point for why the wrong side won the war/s...
>"disproven" [sic]
>posts no sources
hmm... I wonder...
It wasn't disproven. It happened. The owner of CureVac told Trump "The vaccine should be for everyone."
I hereby sincerely apologise for my crude implication that the elderly codger-in-Knesset was mentally deficient, and and offence I caused the soft, obese underbelly of the MIGApede.
>"disproven" is not a word
Try "buy" you fucking retard. Trading money for vaccine. Do you call buying medicine at the store bribing?
But it can be a word if we make it one. But only if we're in this together.
Also, more sources.
Retard can't go get the vaccine from kikeistan?
So that is how their game is being played
Shut down the AIDS researchers that would have noticed the likeness to the nCoV virus and then turn the thing loose hoping that another country would develop a vaccine and then they could ride out the panic and just buy the cure from a foreign country.
Although this is something that you would think that Trump would want to have for the US its a buyout and really a way to control the production of the drug to jack prices up for the other patent holder Israel.
Israeli firms announce their cure and instantly the US makes offers to different countries to buy out their cures for profit holding companies in Trump's lobby
He was going to use our money to control the patent for his Israeli brownie points....
are you lying to us or lying to yourself?
>Israeli firms announce their cure and instantly the US makes offers to different countries to buy out their cures for profit holding companies in Trump's lobby
It's alright. We also have a very promising codiv cure as well.
Dear user,
First off, thank you for your continued service and devotion to Dumbledore’s Resistance.
However, please be aware that our previously focus-group-approved memes of ‘dotard’, ‘miga’, and ‘Zion Don’ have lost effectiveness due to being both last year’s *and* last decade’s memes, and you are to stop using them as per instructions in our newsletter, titles “Stale Memes Lose Elections”. Please contact your field coordinator to obtain the newly authorized “super dank” and “ultra spicy” memes, which will ensure 2020 is our year.
Thank you,
Burgers are unironically a new nazi, we must prepare to fight those braindead zombies in this century.
They are already testing the vaccine here you dumb fucking ape. bbc.com
the world doesn't need more mutts
You would probably hand it over to Israel, so that they could than start producing it and take all that credit and make all the money.
>see: Nietzsche
>Israel has a vaccine, too
No, they don't, kike rat.
They claimed that they are researching one, like everyone else is doing right now.
So how real is this one vs all the other "we've come up with a vaccine and everyone wants it, invest now!" scams since January?
Holy shit this thread again.
Shut the fuck up already, meme flag, no one gives a fuck. Fields.
"There will never be a vaccine because it's not possible." - the virologists of Yas Forums
So again, what happened to all the other vaccines that have been announced?
>and just buy the cure from a foreign country
Imagine buying the cure from the kike infested mutts... it would be like $100K per hit... they're literally let 90% of the planet die from it, before subsidising it
>tfw the chinks' "Belt and Road" is looking better by the day
>tfw mutts are the enemy of the entire planet
Should tell Germany that if we don't get it, Russia gets them
Testing vaccines unironically takes many months.
>krauts refused
How many times are we going to have to teach you this lesson.
I think this was more about being "THE FIRST" .meme (via a kraut company .pathetic/a_get_society) -- as is the dotard's obsession
This time we're the good guys!!! OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED
>teaching anyone anything
>know literally nothing about history, nor war theatre
>...nor the great russki wall of winter
>thinking China isn’t the true enemy of the entire globe
Imagine buying the cure from the UK and having to wait 10 years for delivery.
Germany should be the ones to save the world, it would be fitting since saving billions kinda beats whatever Holocaust shame has gone in for years. I love germany and I hope you all beat the fuck out of this virus!
Y-you too. Never forget that despite our differences and shitty/incompetent politicians we're still people and we're all in this with our skin.
Already debunked.
I'm pretty sure Trump is telling that Angela on a daily basis. She just never gives a fuck about anything.
It's only bad when Trump does something. The commie fucks never give up, even if they lose on every front against the man.
They denied ever having received such an offer.
See and It's true.
>orangemannad story no.3838482275069382
Trump will be trump.
plumbers are scat rat scums
too true, joo
>believing any of these Chinese-sponsored articles
Not falling for it, Chang.
they will sell it to chinks instead.
Journalists are enemy of the people
>Burgers are unironically a new nazi
no dude, you killed the good guys, this is all your fault
and deeply inside you, you know it
What's so weird about that? I think it's only natural that people with money will try to get their hands on whatever seems valuable to them. Why are people realizing just now (in a state of emergency) how capitalism works? I guess this coronavirus debacle will be a wake-up call for all those who thought they didn't need socialism in their lives.
I'm also curious to know whether the anti-vaxxers are gonna get the coronavirus vaccine if and when it comes out.
If you ever wondered what the actions of a low iq, tunnel-vision subhuman sociopath looked like, trump is the prime example of it.
THEY DONT EVEN HAD A VACCINE THEN YOU MORON, Trump wanted to buy it in advance IF they were able to make one
The guy just told him no, he wouldnt sell the patent
Simple, yes ?
sounds a bit propaganda like to my taste
If America is the best why don't they make a vaccine themselves?
The point, you fucking mouthbreathing mutt, is that he wanted it for the US only and to let everyone else in the world die.
See You're the moron. Are you the same German who didn't know how to use the stock market interface?
We got the best scientist folks. The very best, but sometimes... best just isn't good enough. So you have to pay the second best for the good stuff..
You are now a jew. Average americans turned into kikes.
>extremely miss leading title