Trannies Of Twitter: Rise of the Dead

So twitter trannies think their top/bottom surgery is more important than the coronavirus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

End of Transvangelion

No, it's worse than that.
>trans KIDS
They think mutilating other children's genitals is more important than coronavirus.

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Hopefully these child abusing scumbags will off themselves when their poison isn't delivered on time.

>People are dying
B-b-but I wanted to help this child slice off his dick!

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I'm pretty well set for the apocalypse.

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I didn't read your bullshit post beyond tranny. No one cares about anything tranny. Go Jack off to them somewhere else you faggot.

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Too bad it took a pandemic for people to realize tranny faggot issues are not worth anyone's time.

>a virus harbours wrongthink
There’s no way you can convince me this isn’t satire.

How selfish are these cunts that they only care about a pandemic because it might delay a little bit their mutilation- I mean operation

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How can I forget the best one

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>anime avatar
Every fucking time lmao

that kids are getting their dicks chopped off as young as a few years old and the parents arent allowed to stop it. and i guess the normies are fine with that or something.

government just brainwashes your kids and chops their dicks off and if you try to stop it they adopt out your kid to some gay couple.

i dunno i guess we just roll over and take it because the tv news normie masses are so incredibly fucking subhuman retarded.

Of course they do.
If they had enough sense to think otherwise, do you think they'd be going tranny in the first place?

Like everything else, it must be a problem that revolves around them or it's not a real problem.

No surgeon does surgery before 18.

Even estrogen typically isn't done until 16 or 17 but since so many trans people self-med often they will start full hrt sooner than that.

Peak delusion?

Jesus please hurry up and end this joke of an existence! We get it God is real!

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I've had Enough.

>how are these people socially accepted

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I hope this shit lasts a bit longer.
This is actually correcting society a bit right now. People are waking up and reevaluating stuff.
Nobody will waste time on trannies in a proper crisis.

Talk about inverted priorities. This is why I hate trans people. Learn when to shut up.

I have enough HRT to last me 50+ years so I'm not worried lol


>tweet was march 15
>yo they saw it coming
They can't be serious. I hate happeningfags but Yas Forums saw it coming before any fucking tranny

Just wait till a bunch of tranny zombies come pounding thru your windows to steal your HRT vials.
And you’ll have no food or ammo because you spent it all on HRT. Survival of the fittest. Those who rely on hrt are not fit. Your out of the gene pool.

It's because all trannies are incredibly narcissistic, despite hating themselves.

Fuck I wish the corona virus targeted these retarded fucks and left normal people alone

Normal people need to go just as much.


Guys stop attacking "them" over basic constructs!

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There are people with legit medical.needs getting screwed and these guys are crying they can't chop their dicks off.

>knowing HRT is commonly in vials and not in pills now
I see you, egg. I see you.


I know anons love to be defiantly and cynically ironic but this is a really powerful statement.

Read. it. aloud. and let the words resonate...
heady stuff: empowering, liberating.

HRT costs significantly less than food lol
I don't use prescription, it's too expensive. I boymode most of the time anyway so I'll be fine.

Wait until they can't get their hormones anymore. There's gonna be men with no dicks, whiskers and titties walking around in a rage.

(This virus is really something--returning things back to nature and balance. Eliminating the mentally ill, the Darwin Award winners, and every other useless eater on earth. THANK YOU CORONACHAN!)

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Too bad the second wave can’t bio engineered to take out only the dna of half Y chromosome retards. I wonder if we can China to fire up CRISPER

why can't viruses wipe out all the anime trannies in the world?

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I was just thinking that in an apocalypse scenario these people would not be able to continue their HRT.

LOL don't let anyone else know you're holding cause you know they'd slaughter you to get it. IF the first dude that you try to fuck over pretending you're a chick doesn't do it first. Post apocalyptic world is not nice.

You look like a guy 100% of the time, don't delude yourself

So--basically Yas Forums is all transwomen? Fuck me.

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I just let people gender me however they want and usually even when wearing guys clothes people gender me female.

Trannies don't even know how to use bulk powder, I'm not worried. That's not even my full stock that I have. I have 500g medroxyprogesterone, 55g E2 valerate, 15g E2 cypionate, 10g E2 enthanate, 10g finasteride, and 100g hydroxyprogesterone caproate.

more proof that trannys are just exceptionally dramatic faggots

Dude if we end up in WW3 or something... no one is going to give a flying fuck about any kind of lgbt bullshit or pronouns, nor will they give a shit how you look in guys clothes. Your either going to be useful somehow by being able to hunt, fish, gather some kind of resources or just be left out in the cold. Your HRT will not mean shit. None of your vanity or lookism will mean shit. You won’t be genderqueer or be trying on different clothes in the mirror, fucking with your social media for likes. You’ll be chopping wood or something.
In a lot of places right now you can’t even wait tables or tend a bar for cash. Because restaurants and bars are closing.
If full blown happening occurs the world is going to become fully aware of the retardation that lgbt and cross sex hormone therapy and pronouns based on “how I identify” is.
I’d put away your silly HRT now and start learning to be actually useful somehow.

They do in Thailand and other third world countries.

Enjoy cancer and heart disease. This shit is as bad as those meat heads at the gym who juice up with anabolic steroids. No one should be taking the bullshit cocktail of hormones you are on. Even females themselves shouldn’t be taking that shit.
Put down the fucking retarded drugs and try to recover your HPTA. Because when the happening hits your boob juice is just going to keep you weak and tired.

>people more racist than ever (fuck china)
>record gun sales, realize that that govt cant protect you at all times
>trans and abortion services halted
coronavirus is the best thing to happen to humanity in a century

Trannies tend to be self-absorbed narcissists with less empathy than your average Autist and less foresight than your average Democrat.
The Left has always been about child abuse. Marx and Engels advocated for it, NAMBLA was part of the gay rights movement from the get-go, and John Money raping two boys and mutilating one is why gender identity exists.

I have a chem degree and my job is pretty secure. They are wealthy enough that they are giving parents paid time off until September due to the school closures here.

Why is it just the kids he’s so worried about? They don’t seem to fetishise the fat old men who think they’re trans. Really makes me think.

I don't take all of it at once. I take estradiol valerate and cypro only currently.
Everything else I have is just a backup plan for when my cypro runs out because based on everyone I have contacted cyproterone is no longer being manufactured in China due to the lockdowns.

Literally conspiracy to commit murder on their own family member just to rip money from their rotting corpse in order to pay someone to mutilate their cock. These freaks are despicable.

And since its killing people with underlying health issues, we finally have a return to natural selection.


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Based zoomer

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Hurry and increase the rate to 42% you creep

No they don't. Dr. Suporn in Thailand was the main doctor and he was 18+ only (he's retired but the policy still applies for his clinic).

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>I got a chem degree
>but I still pump my body full of hormonal drugs that harm my body like a fucking retard

A chem degree never saved a smoker from emphysema. You’ll reap what you sow

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times.


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That's bullshit but I believe it


Is it possible to break the cycle, to ensure we live perpetually with strong men and good times?

If you base your entire life around something that needs a global supply chain and techno capital complex to sustain itself you deserve death. Simple as. Smash the funkopops and tranny pills.

After you kill yourself, what happens to the rest?

Imagine thinking that cutting your tits off to look less feminine is somehow more important than actual life saving cancer surgury.

I take solace knowing there's a 41% chance this faggot kills himself.

No one seems to care much from my experience. Transphobic people can't even seem to tell I'm trans anyway.

Are you really surprised? You already know they're fucking insane.

It's estrogen, various types of it.

Typical Twitterite

How do you turn 41 into 100? With corona.

I don’t think so. Good times will always breed complacency, and when those who made the times good pass away all that is left is the weak.