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I am Chinese from Houston Chinatown. I have coronavirus. Ama

One of my coworkers has it.

My sister is a dentist in Calgary AB and she caught it. Expect it to pop off there bigtime in a week because she is usually busy.

Yes, one of my danish friends have it, but he stopped responding about a week ago, hope he's fine.

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friend and coworker possibly has it. Boss and his wife I know for sure have it and in isolation. Thing is you don't here about the infected because they put in places where they don't have internet access.

nope. I have asked a lot of people the same question, and no one knows anyone who is sick.

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I think I've had it, not sure because when I was sick there was no testing available. I hope it means I'm immune.

No but I'm currently working in the Emergency Operations Center in my area and responding to 911 calls during my regular shifts.

My uncle, who works for Nintendo and Wendy’s and was at Sandy Hook says that it’s totally real guys.

I'm pretending to have it so I could skip work

or cell service?

My >gf works in an ER and said they had their first death there today

60 y/o with pre-existing conditions. Came in during the morning, was gone by the afternoon


Okay, sorry to ask but did you know anyone who actually died?


In my workplace of 200 people, 2 of them are out on sick leave
Reason: Corona Virus
At first they thought they had the flu. They went to get diagnosed by doctors, but in a nearby city someone died from corona. So they were tested for it
Came back positive.
They’ve been put on 2000+ MG of antibiotics
I’ve spoken to one of them. He said he’s hallucinating a little but, he said he doesn’t know if it’s from corona or from his antibiotics
He’s a relatively healthy dude so he’ll be okay
I don’t expect you to believe me, but whatever

I have it. Its weaker than the flu except It is hard to breathe. Feels like smoking 10 cigarretes in a row. Also I got a headache and weakness

>60 y/o with pre-existing conditions dies
Bullshit. that never happens

Pretty sure I’m recovering from it. Had the Shanghai shakes and everything. No cough or fever and I’m convinced it was because I regularly vape propylene glycol. On week 2 and still getting the shits. Can definitely “feel” the virus throughout my body and it’s worse than any other virus but not THAT bad.

Gone as in.... checked back out cuz he was fine r...right?

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a social worker thats investing me for alleged mental abuse of an elder said she may have it this morning when i called in to setup an appointment.
when i tried to call friday about it her voice mail said she was in olympia for that day but she works in wenatchee washing where we've had 2 reported cases.

how much to fuck your daughter?


I am friends with a Chink girl from Northern China. She said her family had it and her great aunt died of it.
We met in college. Fucked for a year or so, then I graduated and she moved back to China the following year.
She said the worst feeling was not being able to fully yawn. She said it always feels like you need to yawn but it can't be fully resolved and is frustrating. She also said there is a lot of mucus and loose bowel movements.
Pic related is a pic I took of her like... 10 years ago.
>inb4 yellow fever.
Not really. I don't particularly like Asian girls but she was a virgin and wanted to lose it, so when it was offered, how could I turn it down?

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Which is what I find so strange about the hysteria, of the 3 or deaths my state has had the youngest was 50 and they all had poor health. Two had diabetes in addition to other conditions and one guy was 91.

I actually have it. Not even larping

My gf's sister is getting tested tomorrow, I'm coofing myself

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>implying the majority of Americans aged 30+ DONT have diabetes


I think I’ve got it. Came back from Thailand 7 days ago, about 5 days ago I got a fever and a cough. Feels like the flu really. Rang the healthline but they won’t test me unless I’m in a really bad way. I think it’s a way for NZ to downplay the amount of cases.

What are your symptoms? Mine was low grade fever which spiked to 102, lasted for a week. No real congestion but a dry cough, and felt like crap with body pains. Must have gone on for 2 weeks straight. I still have a cough too.
I tested negative for flu. It didn't feel like bacterial infection either.

Paste and bean-filled.

I doubt that. They're probably getting absolutely pummeled with phone calls. They're being smart and most likely told you to stay at home, avoid contact with others and notify them if your condition reaches a certain threshold.

Only 11 cases in my country at the moment.

Yes, a friends grandmother is dying in Italy.

Wrong my gf's sister is a caregiver, she is symptomatic and they called her in. She's getting her test tomorrow morning.

You’ll have immunity to the strain you got but this shit is mutating and will continue to mutate. Everyone will need to have home testing kits and anti HIV viral pills in the future unless you want to ride this shit out year after year.

How do you feel?

Ok. Why am I wrong?

>like smoking ten cigarettes in a row
So for the Chinese it was like cutting back on their smoking eh?

Yes actually my nurse friend is positive for COVID-19 and we’ve delivered her canned food in my neighborhood to her as she self isolates.

>Its weaker than the flu except It is hard to breathe.
Exactly. I could barely walk across the room without feeling like a ran the 100 yard dash.

Someone who attended am event in my town got it.. Thats about it sofar.

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to jest jeden wielki wałek

Yes. Three or four people. All denied testing but confirmed by doctors, and negative for flu. Testing is opening in the next 7-10 days. Get ready for a fuck ton in the next batch in 7-10 :)

You believe politicians would take action to protect people instead of wallstreet, you think somebody is going to save you. That's where you're wrong.

Imagine being this cynical.

Best friend tells me few days ago that people we know were at a party with a kid confirmed to have the Wuflu, degenerate club promoter flew back from europe ( think he said paris ) and immediately goes to big party at an airplane hanger, started posting Instagram stories saying he had the virus... see this on news today youtube.com/watch?v=2UUjpy6vH1E, guy we don't know but same story and is identifying the same guy as who he contacted it from. Definitely real virus, but definitely (((manufactured))) panic, 1% chance Qboomers prove us wrong.. lots of interesting shit happening

she didn’t attend a dental conference in BC did she?

I have it. I got it off my daughter who spent a lot of time in Europe.
I feel like I have a cold and sore throat. I cough a lot but im generally doing well.
I have enjoyed my last week isolation.
I have whiskey, beer and plenty of food.
I would never have discovered Yas Forums if not for corona.
My KDR in modern warfare has improved dramatically and I now constantly to the winner boards.
My daughter has 1 week of isolation to go and shes having a ball. No symptoms at all it seems now.

No. I live in a major city, my office is in Chinatown, my wife works in the ER of a major hospital, and nada. Just rumors.

Holy shit he's already dead

can u imagine the qtards being right holy shit what if


Yeah I'm sticking with my high call volume theory.
I think that when it comes down to a situation where everyone is at risk, it doesn't behoove a politician to protect their financial stake if their own lives might be jeopardized. And it requires many key people with a certain level of psychopathic behavior. Also, it would be only delaying an inevitable crash once the virus grows in NZ.

My sister's boss is quarantined. He's the (((CEO of a credit union))).
Also every new case in VT is some rich faggot who owns a vacation home here.

Really starting to make me believe the tainted adrenochrome thing.

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It's spreading in a building next to my fathers work.

No, I don't associate with kidfuckers, adrenochrome addicts, nor frequent flyers.

My brother might have it, in turn possibly infecting my mom and I

What does bat taste like?


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>Came in during the morning, was gone by the afternoon
Just like restocked toilet paper.


>They’ve been put on 2000+ MG of antibiotics
>For a virus

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i have family in philly that is under quarantine from being exposed to the kid in the school. other than that, none of them have any flu symptoms.
i serisouly think this whole thing is a drummed up scam by the deep state to get biden into office so we can open borders and get back to the NWO agenda that is the NAU (NORTH AMERICAN UNION).

How are you doing user, be kind and provide me with your coordinates please! :)