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Rigged, why cant they let Burnie win?
Honestly, the graphic designer could have made that up in order to test the design. BUT, because of everything that is happening, I-m sure as fuck, Trump is teasing the deep state.
Yawn. I’m getting sleepy. Let’s go to bed frens
...and they hacked it out to the public, to show their premade narrative
The politics, news and history are fake and gay is the final red pill.
Weeeeeeeew, big if true.
Democrats are cheating bastards, news at 11.
As Republicans, who would we want to go up against Trump?
The Pedophile with Alzheimers
The Communist with a stent in his heart
Link to that post?
>as republicans
Journo spotted
Rocky De La Fuente is real? I thought he was a meme.
Politics has always been a pro wrestling circuit.
It’s when they think they’re in charge and are sniffing baby blood.
Probably fake but completely unsurprising if not
>>As Republicans, who would we want to go up against Trump?
Adolf Hitler, savior of Europe and eternal leader of the white races.
I want Bernie because I got tricked into wasting years and an absurd amount of money in a degree attempt that amounted to nothing when I was 16, making me a debt slave putting 2.5k a month into the garbage for a good chunk of my life
Wonder of they'll change the numbers a bit to make it believable that this was just a simulation or something
Well know tomorrow if this is real
heres how bermnie can still win!
>le deep state
There is no deep stare, just the state. And its 100% controlled by kikes.
It’s not rigged, they’re just losing.
wouldn't be surprised, Illinois is notoriously crooked
Reveal your breasts; otherwise, see yourself to the door, ma'am.
too bad you're stupid, huh? Should have taken up a trade.
That's what I did several years too late after I realized I was going nowhere and ruining my life completely
Even if bernie had 100% of the delegates the DNC could legally choose Biden as the primary candidate.
Delegates are just a way to judge capabilities of a candidate.
They are a privately owned entity so they can do anything they want and all democrats are dumb niggers for not knowing this.
>Should have
Good advice. Maybe he can hop into his time machine and do that.
>Station ID is "WCIA3"
The mask is starting to slip on a massive scale? Does anybody else feel it? (((They))) are trying to finalize some kind of plan, and at the same time everybody is beginning to wake up.
It’s a race to the finish now.
>I am willing to squander my country/birthright by voting for a subversive socialist that made a promise that appeals to me personally, because I tend to make poor decisions, that will likely never be fulfilled anyway and I will be relegated to standing in long lines for limited fungible goods, medical care... for the rest of my life. However, I am willing to take that chance for personal selfish reasons.
Literally everything on Yas Forums is fake lol
post the source you incompetent bum
call it what you will leaf, some call them illuminati, some jews, some reptilians.
Fell for the college scam and it's the only chance I got of not making literally zero money for two decades
>Should have taken up a trade.
yeah....I did exactly that and after 15 years I'm now jobless and can barely walk.
From 2017.
Try harder plz.
If you're going to share doctored photos you should be smart enough to know that a primary wouldn't call it's nominee "president".
it's just a rehearsal goy
of all the things going on right now i'm glad more and more people are understanding that one simple fact
holy fuck
Nah he registers as a candidate in a lot of states. Here in NC there are like 15 candidates on the ballot for president.
They probably tallied the early voter mail-in ballots.
>the amount of butthurt in this thread
This happened before, I believe in 2016. They claimed that they were just "placeholder values" for the graphic
>the two are mutually exclusive concepts
You're a retard. An oversimplifying retard, which is considerably worse.
Already asked in the last redditfaggot thread if this niggers name was pronounced rock or rokay. Either way he's de la not my president.
Trump received information that the DNC would rig the democratic nomination for a Biden win. He knew this sometime around 2017. Trump investigating Biden was a direct result of this information. The most based thing that Trump could do is to disseminate this information for the world to see how crooked the DNC truly is.
you can literally before a journeyman anything in 4-5 years and be easily making 30-40 an hour
stop being a fucking retard
but you're probably a pansy ass bitch who can't handle anything more than sitting at a desk
Just graphic testing, nothing more.
feeling sleepy
your post already demonstrated you are not fit to vote
also check'em
it's roke, sound the "e" like in "e"mpty
this is real you dumb fuck the news channel responded
I realized nothing is real over 30 years ago.
I will never recover
turnouts a little low innit?
Also this- whoever said (((they))) wanted to destroy marriages was right: cleveland.com
upon further research 2016 results
hillary 1,039,555 bernie 999,494
Fuck off glowie
how did the (((real))) values match up
Bernie himself doesn't want to win. He just want millennial's shekels.