Guys my gf just caught me browsing Yas Forums and told me to get the fuck off there, "they're all mentally ill"
What do I do now? How do I tell her I am also mentally ill?
Guys my gf just caught me browsing Yas Forums and told me to get the fuck off there, "they're all mentally ill"
What do I do now? How do I tell her I am also mentally ill?
You're supposed to be 18 to post here
Shit thread
behead her on live stream for Allah
Who else back on Yas Forums after years on different boards just because of this happening?
Show her your collection of rare Pepes. She will understand.
tell her she's based
ask her how she knows this
lol what a fucking pussy
I'm a woman and you need to man the fuck up. Break up with your girlfriend and kys nigger!
Okay, sure.
>I'm a woman
You know the drill.
I told her I voted for bernie... I didn't even go to the polls...
lmao absolute cuck
tits or gtfo bitch
I browse Yas Forums in public on my phone. I don’t give a shit. I’ve found out that a lot of my co-workers are Yas Forumstards this way, including the 2 security guards
Funniest shit ever.
You should grow a pair of balls, dump her, then send her a copy of Mein Kampf
>being this cucked
Just tell them you're doing research on the infamous hacker known as Yas Forums. I'm still saving that for when I get caught
t. surrounded by non-mentally ill
suck your gf's dick and take his sons out for new jordans.
You and you're "girlfriend" are fucking retards
You stand your ground and tell her to fuck off.
Women follow strong men, if you do what she says, she will eventually leave you.
This is a test.
quickly take a pic of her tits and post it on here then say how you were defending her from all us nasty incels on the internet objectifying her
I was off the site ever since M00t left
I don’t know why I ever left
tell her "tits or gtfo" irl
She has a point though user why are you browsing Yas Forums and not fucking her right now?
Fake and gay consider kys
She lets me choose to not have sex.... sometimes
Tell her to shut the fuck up and get to sucking while you browse Yas Forums you betafag.
Stick benis inner butt.
Why are you seeing her then you nigger
I would never consider a long term relationship with someone so irrational
you figured out you have cia agents employed at your job. grats.
security guards man
think about it.
Must be sad to be with a brain dead partner that can't take a joke here and there.
Just hit her bro
Are you sure you arent into cuckoldry?
Because could have fooled me
The secret is I was telling her about how I was on Yas Forums... we are social distancing right now.
Cum in her best friends body wash.
be sure to give tyrone my regards
>What do I do now?
Stop coming here because your relationship should be more important to you than we are.
>How do I tell her I am also mentally ill?
Take it to your grave.
Absolutely 100% faggot.
As if you let this hole whine at you like this.
You deserve the suffering your due.
At first I unironically called him FBI & told him to fuck off
Even if he is CIA I don’t care, I know I’m already on the FEDs lists
Pull up bestgore
then ask her witch would she like better
impact her hard
I come here whenever something interesting happens, last time was epstein
you have really good handwriting user, nice
Let's make babies
so a few ideas
Tell her you're looking for funny screencaps like this
Tell her you're trying to convert them to leftism
Tell them you usually browse some respectable board (/lit/ is probably your best bet)
Give her the blue pill and dump her
Tell her you're a spook.
Listen to her.
Pick up a copy of Mein Kampf instead.
Quit LARPing. Tits or gtfo
what if I told you.... I'm the tyrone...
So you're her dildo faggot
Race mixing is degenerate, user.
You should know this by now.
>Stop coming here because your relationship should be more important to you than we are.
might as well just cut your balls off and buy yourself a leash, faggot, you cant call yourself a man anyway.
Grow a pair and dump her ass. There are plenty of redpilled women out there.
Didn’t see that one coming.
Not for them it's not.
nice handwriting, tits or gtfo tho
Pretty nice hand writing for a nigger, you're alright user
Just remember, there's a nigger with a bigger dick fucking your bitch behind your back.
You’re not wrong.
But that doesn’t make it right.
bless you OP. Please, don't kill yourself, but do break up with your girlfriend or manage to redpill her
grow the fuck up
>"they're all mentally ill"
sortof, call her a whore and smell her feet also send pics of her feet NOW
Show her the screenshot of the killdozer OP.
She, being a woman, will love the story, the chad underdog fighting against a corrupt system and giving his all against it.
She will weep, and look at you with new eyes. She will see you are the wisest man shes ever met.
Then, dog her raw painfully. Beat her pussy to a quivering pulp.