Weird lights over Canada. They seem to be in some strange formation. Several other Canadian friends see them as well. Is this possibly military related? They stay in formation and switch positions frequently.
Happening in Canada
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Just stay inside op and dont scream.
big place fuck head, where?
Outside of Ontario
That looks photoshopped dumbass.
Air Force. This happened in San Diego last year and someone broke it down.
here comes the alien invasion. remember the tic tac vid and the declass?
Is that the Satellite train thingy?
I'm going to watch bass fishing and monitor this thread.
Came to see if there was a thread about this yet. Canadian friend called me talking about weird lights in the sky in a straight line. He thinks it might be military.
Wow you big fucking dummy way to narrow it down.
Kill yourself but please delete this cancerous piece of shit thread before you do.
just seen it in mission, bc. 36 lights. all in a row. jumping around (up and down) then just fadded away
>outside of Ontario
Shitty hair thread
Gonna need a vid..
I saw a bright light in MTL in the middle of the day sunday
Near the olympic stadium
It's Q-user flying over your house.
Fire lanterns
Literally Elons Starlink satellites, go back to sleep
Is this the real one?
Why would they be sending out the Air Force right now?
Memeflag habbening?
OP confirmed gay homosexual with tranny corona
NESARA/GESARA will be implemented soon.
Those are Elon's internet satellites. 100% guaranteed. Very distinct patterns/numbers.
Corona is a gaslight opportunity not going to waste.
I'm getting sleepy. Let's all go to sleep.
Crazy! I'm headed to the bush asap.haha
I've seen them also.
someone post a goddamn video
There's a prominent star formation like that with like 3 or 4 stars. Might be near Orion.
Look up dummy
I saw it too on Saturday night, I counted 8 of them all in a row flying across the sky. I thought the first few were satellites. Spooked me and the wife.
And yes I know it's a carp
I didn't know that they were real...
This changes everything
Storm readiness
holy shit they want everyone quarantined so we dont look up
Whoa a satellite train thing just flew over my house!!
There's a weird circle in the sky over my city right now too
>Outside of Ontario
Starlink, they're flying right over you
Back in 2017 I was dating this girl. And we were walking back to my house around 10pm. And there were THESE. LIGHTS. In the sky. We were walking north bound and they were heading south. SLOWLY. VERY SLOWLY. About 200 ft in the air in perfect formation
SILENT. ABSOLUTELY SILENT. No helicopter blades. No jets. NOTHING but some lights moving in formation heading southbound. We looked at each other completely terrified. It wasn't anything like we've seen before. If the lights were attached to something the damn thing must have been the size of a football field. But we couldn't make out any shape AT ALL. Just THESE FUCKIN LIGHTS moving PERFECTLY together in the sky
I'm not saying ayyes but all I'm saying is I've never seen anything like that before or since
That’s a tropical cloud hole
Those are google drones spraying corona virus like they did out west over christmas
They're real... and they're here
Imagine thinking you can see a satellite the size of a small car over a hundred miles up when you can barely make out a 737 at 35k feet..
It's reflecting the sunlight you fucking mongoloid!
Somebody hasn't done much stargazing then
> mission
That's uranus
Well not with that attitude ya can’t
It's the orbs, user.
ET disclosure incoming
You could see Sputnik from space, nigger.
>From space
FUCK. I'll do it myself:
>Swedish intellectuals
>t. Muhammed
Canada has a military?
Those are drones
I watched 37 of them fly in a straight line
flying west to east I live in Cali
they were coming back from the desert land
two days later Trump announced the peace deal
Hey Sage, are you hiding in this thread?
I always knew you were a Yas Forumstard like me ;)
>eastern queers seeing sheet lightning for the first time ever
My poor babies :)
Come, nestle under my one giant tit. I'll protect you from all the nothing.
Those are extinction entities
I’ve been hearing helicopters fly every 30m last night and tonight. Waterloo Ontario here.
I'll admit, when lightning discharges from the sky outwards instead of from the ground up, it's some freaky 'make you believe in vishnu' shit.
This, what you are witnessing is Sky King
Fucking meme flag faggot.
would ayys want to friend us, invade earth, or just experiment on us?
also, you guys have any good alien movie recommendations?
shine a laser at them
Those are Starlink satellites. You can use a tracker to confirm it.
probably pleiadians
say hi!
hello, pleiadians!
Satellites, ain't no big deal. Might be impressive to a Neanderthal.