I get the feeling the other shoe is about to drop

Like a huge earthquake.
Or hurricane.
Or terrorist attack.
Or war.
Hold me Yas Forums

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martial law, then war.

Or just more chinks nigs and spics

They become zombies.

>hurricane in March
The worst that can happen is that a tornado BTFOs an apartment complex somewhere in the Midwest

damn no mention of yellowstone? what happened to /pol?

Bump cause A BEEN said watch CA

I've been thinking that too. Maybe a true financial collapse. Maybe a solar flare or E.T. invasion. I feel the same way though.

>Hold me Yas Forums
Okay I got chu user

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Tornado? Meh. Earthquake? Could wreck a place (if Lisbon gets a remake of 1755 for example, the country becomes Bolivia-tier), but too local.

But imagine if Yellowstone goes off. Truly apocalyptical scenario.

We forgot.

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its yellowstone senpai

Id be dead in half an hour if it went off

Yellowstone wants you to forget

I was gonna say major quake
It would be the icing, knock out the water

A earthquake rn would send Cali into MadMax level chaos.

It's going to be war

I would be vaporized pretty much instantly. I would be A-OK with that rather than live through the horrors to come if it did.

war. don't be scared beta boi. gon be ok

Would we be extinct?

Me too, something is not right and the collective unconsciousness is agitated and stressed

Jefferson will defect immediately if a scenario were to occur.

This is the only acceptable answer for an American. War is in our blood now.

I've been feeling this too. I'm going to sound like a faggot but I've got a pretty good sense for these things. I prepped for COVID-19 in mid-Jan and I'm usually a skeptic. I've been right about other stuff before too. Something is definitely in the water or going to happen. The collective unconscious is rousing into a vibrato unlike one I've never felt before

with who?

No some would survive. There would be mass starvation and no doubt violent turmoil.

It's rising ala WWII

who the fuck do you think?

Too early to say, I have my eyes on Iran/Israel because of Madonna's last show. It could also be China/USA but that doesn't tingle me the funny way. I only know that it will be unexpected and according to the plan... A controlled disaster

>Iran/Israel because of Madonna's show
what in god's green earth are you talking about

i've read a lot of military history about wwII but not much about sentiments prior to it going down? was there a similar v1b3?


You’re lucky

That picture
One can only hope

My father said there was a huge depressive sentiment around, specially in Europe. Can't really know for sure, tho.

Mashallah, then Holy War


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it's actually "marshall law" now ... Rubio said so.

>The rod and the ring will strike.
Q memes aside, rod-and-ring is a mesopotamian symbol. It’s mostly Iraq but you could include Iran in Mesopotamia.

I hate Jews and Normies.

I would like some commentary on this. i don't really believe in that stuff, but i do think people react emotionally to world events and circumstances.

Boy oh boy are we in for a giant catastrophy. Also

>The star will gorge itself with clay

I'm not big into this Q shit since I feels it's controlled and done to muddy the water. But who knows this early into the game. What happens during this world wide quarantine will give us a few hints so keep your eyes peeled.

Okay? What else is new.

Some people feel shit. It's weird how it works but some people are naturally inclined to have their third eye semi open. Or like an animal that feels the pressure drop and goes into hiding. The signs are all over I guess maybe? I could say for certain though that people born into Sagittarius as their signs are really good with this mystical stuff, I have personal experience with a lot of people with this signs and they're sometimes eerily correct or they have that special sixth sense. But hey what do I know.

Do Geminis have third eye?

Asteroid gonna hit China dead fucking center. Check the diggies Im gonna get.

I'm not convinced that there is anything mystical going on. a human reacts to signs that things may be going bad. some people are more sensitive than others. but i do agree that we may be headed toward something else. disease and war often come in a package, historically speaking.

Montanafag here. The fish have left the lakes in Yellowstone. Not a trout to be found.

We’ll be better off with 90% of today’s people dead by 2021 anyway.

if yellowstone blows in the next 100 years i'll eat my own ass


the cool thing about everything being closed and everyone social distancing is the chances of terror attacks is pretty low

Was thinking this too. This coronavirus doesn't seem to really cripple everything but it sure as fuck leaves us vulnerable to other crises. Having both at the same time would be a nightmare.

This is it baby, hold me.

Might as well just rip the poles from the mantle and let earth's crust slip, causing supersonic slurry winds, and end the ride at this point.

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No, but you tend to be very socially smart. Extremely so from the gemini I've met.

Me neither because first I'm not a believer in christo judeo shit, but it's pretty ironic that we get hit with a plague that is baptised"corona" as in crown. It's odd and coincidental and I don't personally believe in coincidences. And yes, you're very rights... As always history, and most importantly time, repeats itself.

He he he he he he he
What about Iran? They don't give a fuck about quarantine last time I heard.

That would be the ultimate happening.

well i can't argue with those digits. fuck

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War with China imminent

moshiach comes, then ayys.
>Israel’s Top Rabbi: “I’m Currently in Discussions With the Messiah Himself”

The BIG FUCKING ONE is actually overdue for the PNW.

The San Andreas is literally a limp wristed faggot compared to the Juan de Fuca.

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It's not supposed to be a very serious virus, only enough to warrant collapsing the health organizations and brother are those institutes and staff very very very vulnerable. First it's handled by humans so expect exhaustion with such a massive attack, and second, nobody has a mega giga hospital to house 100's not even 1000's of people falling into respiratory failure. It's a very logistically made virus to attack the most vulnerable parts of an infrastructure and society.

It's the pole shift. The magnetic field is weakening faster and faster as the dipoles race towards each other. Once the field is sufficiently weakened, the crust can unlock from the mantle and slip, based on where the weight is. The heavy poles want to move towards to fast spinning equator.
Creatures can sense a diminishing magnetic field and are affected by it. Many animals rely on it. Magnetic excursions and reversals are linked to extinction events. The government knows and has been preparing in their Deep Underground Military Bases. You'll probably die, unless you're squirreled away underground by government or saved by ayys (rapture)

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