Don't buy wic food. Blacks and undocumented immigrants need that
Don't buy wic food. Blacks and undocumented immigrants need that
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imagine calling being held prisoner in your own home "social distancing".
copy that fren. buy all wic food quickly and only wic food
We can put your ass in a death camp if you wish.
Women In Charge?
what the fuck is wic
This. I'll buy it all, keep it unopened for 3 weeks and then return everything.
I agree, people with increased amounts of melanin and less-than-legal modern settlers need that.
“Will increase cholesterol”?
Women with Infant Children
Its a form of government assistance for chicks with babies
Whites are the highest recipients of welfare and food stamps in the United States.
WIC is an user giving you a (you) but not an answer to your question
It stands for "Women, Infants, and Children". Redundant, I know. It's another gibs program. A lot like food stamps or SNAP, (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), but for single moms because we have to reward poor life choices.
Kek my friend. Kek
Daily reminder that White male tax payers are literal cucks who support niggers by being their financial wife's baby daddy.
>The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
now do it per capita, faggot
>just a wordy gibs me dat
Not per capita you subhuman lying rat. Obviously if whites are 60% of the population then they would be expected to be at least 60% but they are even less than that.
Also take into consideration WHO pays the taxes. Niggers and single whore moms don't. Kikes and corporations don't!
It's the middle class whites.
Fuck this piece of shit country. Death to America the whore of zion
I did not know this. I will do my best to not buy this. I am sure I can find a substitute so that everyone can get through this together.
And don't buy dat crackas, das minez too. And so iz dat. When y'all crackas gon come feed muh nigglets cuz dey ain't goin 2 school?!
Jesus Christ.
I hope these things don’t exist after the chan burns through.
>Women with Infant Children
Jesus Christ user, the American taxpayer is a SIMP.
Baby formula raises testosterone that's why there's so many dykes now. Baby formula will cause gains, higher sex drive, and boosted confidence.
>Women, Infants and Children
Super gib program for mothers with children. You get twice the gibs of others with gibs.
WIC and the like should pay for ZERO brand name products. Just a taxpayer subsidized gift to the companies selling overpriced marked up junk food.
It's "everybody for themselves" time my qwain
is that the new cuck?
>Chicks with babies
They're called whores with useless future criminals, faggot
I'm on food stamps and typically items marked like this are a good value like black beans, rice, etc....but I also think it's an attempt to make poor people not eat like shit.
women, infants, and children. Its EBT but the standards are lower and it goes to moms and kids and from my time working it was 99% anchor babies
WIC people can go fuck themselves. My first job was at a grocery store and WIC people try to abuse it so much more than food stamps people and they're almost all complete cunts
Literally had a WIC Karen yell at me because she couldn't use it to buy like 5 12packs of soda
Thanks for highlighting this. Will prioritize these items, hold in cupboard for 2 years, then donate to local food drive for Thanksgiving of 2022.
>undocumented immigrants
Why would they? They can’t get food stamps
It's similar to cuck, it's "suckas idolizing mediocre pussy" which is your kind of dude who whales for twitch thots.
I'm buying up all the wic
In other words,
Were in this together. But fuck whitey.
Whites Infected with Coronavirus
>doesn’t know mexican’t are considered white
You really should lurk moor faggot.
I will try to buy as much WIC products as I can and promptly throw them in the trash. Maybe I'll dump them out in the parking lot one by one as the monkeys shuffle in and out of Waw Mawt
It is finally acceptable to socially distance from niggers.
WIC only pays for the cheapest generic. They put in some effort to make sure nogs couldn't resell it for liquor
Niggers and spics get free Healthcare called Medicaid and free rent called section 8 and free food from WIC and food stamp programs.
Damn, I never thought of that.
Now I'm going to buy nothing but WIC food.
I don't know if anybody noticed but it's welfare people that are causing all the shortages in stores. I went shopping at the end of February (before they get their monthly gibs) and everything was in stock. I went a few days after and everything was depleted. Now that we're getting closer to the end of the month most of them have spent their monthly gibs and the shelves are getting more stocked.
Damn lol you're right. In my head I did say skoo but I still wanted these guys to somewhat understand some things.
>support niggers
It’s the 14-15 year old spics living 20 to a household who doesn’t have a clue who babby daddy is.
It free milk,and cheese and juice vouchers they give to spics and niggers on welfare.
sorry bro, pic refutes you. unless you consider Kellogg's Special K a cheap generic brand.
*smacks lips*
The boogaloo Will be caused by WIC
that retard is purposefully doing this isn't she? she knew people will do the opposite of something like this
I never got this. If the pussy isn't mediocre it's okay to idolize it? Where does one draw the line between mediocre and elite pussy?
Just tell the shitskins to get free burgers at Jack in the Box instead - let the poor working class losers pay for their shitty corn flakes themselves...haha...suckers.
anchor babies can and do. When I worked in a grocery store like 90% of wic users did not speak english
That store may not carry a store brand, idk. I only ever see WIC tags on generics at HEB
No, but it's even more pathetic to pedestalize average women.
Do we.really need extra people that can't even use their own hard earned cash to purchase subsidized food survive this? They are worth more incarcerated.
Over here in Illinois they still give them 2 free meals a day from the school courtesy of the taxpayers. I’m sure the teachers will be paid for their month long vacation too.
fuck you, kerry
fucking corporate shill
WIC has existed in America for over 40 years how do you think those Spanish women keep their asses fat.
That negress can get some fucking grits. I love Kellogg's corn flakes with honey drizzled on the top.
nah burn it
imagine the chimp out
Foodstamps that are restricted to mostly actual food. The tag just means that product qualifies. This dumb negress thinks you shouldn't buy cheese
mfw the baby cry
and are still poor somehow
oh wait monkeys cant figure out how to use money
So you’re saying that tax payers are cuckolds?
And jews get free loans and bailouts. White guys get new tanks I mean coffins.
I have literally never known a more pathetic creature than the white American male. I'm white Euro. These cucks here get shit on every fucking day and still don't see the reality.
When they tried fuckery in Greece they tried setting the pigs on fire. One more attempt at gay shit and political assassinations were next.
Meanwhile muh guns and don't thread on me fags here just commit suicide with their AR 14 88s
fund it
oh this is the time of the month when we used to catch niggers trying to steal all the time. They would spend all their gibs in the beginning of the month on soda, junk food, and lobster and then try to use the self scan guns to just steal fuck tons of shit
Elite pussy is basically your pussy loyalty, but you're in charge of choosing said pussy
>prisoner in my own home
implying we were not already doing this every day
Yep. Kike Pritzker waived the qualifying as well so any kid under 18. No conditions whatsoever. Just here you go niggers.
i hate women
WIC covers a very small amount of products, some generic and name brands. The point of it is that it's only healthy stuff so they can't use it to buy bullshit they don't need
If I remember correctly they get a catalog that lists all the stuff they can buy and it's not that much at all. The OP tweet is complete virtue signalling and a non-issue
Lots of creepy bugmen and cat ladies in the comments thanking the negress for "educating" them. Lots of exclamation points! Thank you so much! I had no idea! You rock, girl!
Actually they figured it out very quick. It's Señór Kikestein and the Cathcuck church.
Could you imagine seriously saying shit like that?
lol how new are you
WIC items like milk and cheese are expensive.
Frozen canned concentrate juice are WIC items you get 8 vouchers for them a month.
It's so patronizing but they all do it. I feel alienated from my species.
Single Roastie Moms too. Don't forget about the Single Moms. They need your help.
No WIC pays for erich as concentrated frozen juice
Now I know what to buy
Great savings, frens!
i've been seeing it around a bit lately and i figured it was short for "simpleton". thanks for the explanation; i'm retarded
There's never going to be a boogaloo in the US. These faggots would rather kill themselves than come against their master. Against the system. Everything they did was justified for them by jews and that's why they can't fathom doing anything without the approval of jews.
If kikes gave them approval to firebomb women and children then they'd all volunteer. But never expect a single impotent white American to do shit.
why does she have a check mark? what is her contribution to society?
Fuck the subhuman niggers.
Now that is all I am going to buy.
In my state they feed them during the summer. They even keep the schools open so than can fucking dribble a basketball around and try not to rape or kill anyone.
O say can you see
>They need your help.
Do you know where you are?
Fuck you nigger. You hoard TP so I'll buy whatever the fuck I want.
What a backwards country cant even help single mothers
I went for an hour long walk in the woods today and went to the beach with my pup. We were doing our social distancing. You can leave your house and not be around tons of people. Nigger.
Whites are only statistically represented in SNAP. If you include all government assistance programs, blacks account for ~42%--that's 13% getting 42% of gibs. Also, "Female-householder families" (which I assume is bureaucrat-speak for single mothers), account for 50% of all government assistance programs. So white tax payers in the US are the biggest cucks on the planet.
Is that an American only thing because I pick up whatever the fuck I want in supermarkets? If I can buy food cheaper I will
Those accounts are always bots and agree and amplify accounts for mass retweets etc. Hardly any legit people still use social media.
My first job as a cashier we had to process wic checks all the time. If the food item is not wic compatable it won't cash out properly which leads to nigs chimping out because they chose brand name milk over the wic approved store brand.
I don't know how they do it now but this shit would take 15-20 minutes every time and would piss off people behind in the line.
it's for women with daddy issues and anchor babies
>single moms
no user, its one of the few programs not based on marriage status. and its about the only assistance that poor white folks on hard times can count on. And its not easily abused like food stamps. I'd be all for continuing that alone if abortion were outlawed.
wic are items specially labeled that poor parents with babys and young kids gets to a certain amount of money each month for. It's a nigger subsidy.
So whores then.
Shhhh... our lives at HEB are not those of outlanders...
No WIC products are specially marked for that government program where the food is either discounted or free, for the people who have WIC. It's just a way for people who use WIC to know if that product is approved.
Even Texas feeds them during summer
The ride needs to stop.
This food should be given to the people who actually paid for it.
Any fast food restaurant that takes ebt should be burnt down
But if an American man picked that wic can up will the woman working at the check out call you out for trying to buy it or does no one give a fuck?