The biggest and darkest blackpill I've take

Tl:dr: women on the pill (all of them) don't like men (aka masculine men).

I will die alone
Not because I never loved
Not because I didn't try
But because the age of men is over
And we failed to defend it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I will die alone
death is a solitary journey, kid.

That's not true brother

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being beta af doesnt help
they want feminine chads
ie jawline and hairgel and pretty brand clothing

>implying you're masculine

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More than you faggot

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So we either get to be chad, reproduce but end up alone and miserable. Or we get to be beta, cucked and humiliated but at least get a family. And people wonder why we are having so many social problems.

I skimmed it, could you paste where it says that?

I just found that masculine features are a boon for short term relationships, non-masculine for long term.

don't even (you) me with less than four inches of beard, girlyboy

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That's it man. It like Leonidas in 300, if they had summited they would have been kings and gods, but if they stood up and fought they would die.

I rather die. When a woman speaks on politics I will raise my hand in fury and defend my forefathers from an attack like that. And if I shall die alone so be it.

Intro: "... We also found that individuals using oral
contraception do not show the above effects, indicating that such hormonal intervention potentially dis-
rupts women’s choices for evolutionarily relevant benefits from males."

Yeah, men without bear are gay eh?

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post jawline with timestamp then fuckboi

I'm not doxing myself fed

Why don't you post your fucking muscles you fucking fat cunt? Is it because you are a fat cunt?

no wonder women don't want you you fucking coward

>thinks beard makes him masculine...
It’s your presence you fucking faggots. Masculinity is your behavior and the way you carry yourself.
Some gay ass beard makes you look like a bum with a weak jaw and soft chin
Or fat and hiding chins

a beard doesn't make you masculine but it's an exclusively masculine biological trait dumbass

>And we failed to defend it
so true

Drive is a movie. Ryan Gosling is paid to be pretty and play make believe for a living. At least find actual men to look up to.

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I actually got off contraception because it was turning me into an npc. I literally had one of those arm implants that has basically a 0% failure rate, and for about the 4.5 years I had it I became a completely different person. I've sworn it off completely, so I'm sure there are other women out there who have done the same or are making sure their daughters do not go through this. Don't lose hope user

The masculine traits are listed in the article, a beard has nothing to do with your facial masculinity beyond potentially hiding a weaker chin. Also, fair skin? Just saying, you might not be quite as masculine as you're thinking. Which is good by your own remarks.

I didn't say I was masculine I said I was more masculine than him, and so far he's done nothing but bitch out, proving my point

It makes sense. The pill basically works by tricking women's bodies into believing that they are already pregnant. Biologically speaking, A woman who is not yet pregnant will be more interested in securing the best possible genes to pair with her own, while a woman who is already pregnant is going to more interested in a partner that will be capable of providing resources for her and her upcoming offspring.

Good for you. Shame your slut friends and try to get them back on the right path. Hopefully it's not too late for you.

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I'm sorry but gingers aren't masculine

nice cope, nigger

Are there any real studies that support this rather than one persons opinion?

What kind of contraception do you use now?

Thanks. I've tried but most won't don't see the long term effects it has on your brain chemistry. It makes you less logical, more emotional, and more bitchy, but it happens over a slow enough time that most don't notice. Basically pmsing 24/7. I believe why a lot of women on birth control settle for less masculine men is because the actual men don't take their bullshit. I realized that birth control was ruining my relationship, and that I had to confront my issues head on before I drove away people I loved. A lot of women don't do that, and they instead continue being psychotic bitches, which only onions boys put up with.

YOu’re glowing to much rn

you realise a beard makes you looks like you drink s0i by the galon

Damn it is too late for you. Go find a BBC thread to shill in, roastie. 6'4", 230lb red headed snow nigger here.

some gingers can be masculine, but they have to be chads and swole

there's been a lot of chad gingers like Barbarossa (The Holy Roman Emperor and the Ottoman Naval Captain) and also Erik the Red and various more.

Although tanned skin, dark hair, and blue eyes gives you the most chaddest look of them all (Blackbeard the pirate, Sean Connery, Gerard Butler)

I had the weird scraggly beard for a long time. I thought it made me look more "serious" but actually it just looks gross. Short beard is way better. Long beard makes you look insecure

There are other studies I can't find currently that show a link between a decreased cognitive function and birth control use. It makes you into an emotional npc.

Just look up side effects and they can be very threatening. You can have a pregnancy outside of the uterus. The arm implant I had had a serious side effect of blood clotting and there was actually a case lawsuit. I currently just use condoms because hormones are scary. Copper iuds might work too, but my guy is pretty big and I'm afraid of anything being in me so we just stick to condoms.

Nigger like I give a fuck. If I don't knock up some bitch by 33 I'ma kill some normies

Y'all gonna see me on the news one day. Chicago IL

10mm is the scientifically most attractive length for facial hair, but only if you have good coverage.

Sorry but purple nigger knobs are disgusting and I will never advocate for BBC. What's up with you guys trying to flex on each other and share pics, weight, and height? Seriously your bmi is in the overweight category, nothing to brag about

Never understood this. As a male why would you be adamant about having a child? You realize you're a male right? You're not on a biological clock and women don't care about your age, in fact the longer you wait, the more your situation will be attractive to women.

Ok, no problemo

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BMI is a shit indicator of fitness level. Also you don't belong here. tits or gtfo.

Case in point:


Wow a based roastie, now show tits or get out.
Rules are the rules. No egirls, no simps

>Serious thread about birth control
>B-but you don't belong here!
>Only fat neckbeards lamenting that no women wants them!

Keep coping chunker.

Sorry but my tits are only for my husband's BWC to cum on, not for you loners.
>I'm not doxing myself fed
Choose to believe me or not, I was trying to be nice and give you hope of finding a trad women.

This is Yas Forums, not a kitchen.

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Lol you look like a fat neckbeard.

>"hi guys girl here"
>a man

Unless you show tits we can't trust you faggot.


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>Post tits or GTFO
>Baited into posting his own tits
Sorry you spend a little too much time in the kitchen

Again not doxing myself. You seem to fully understand why you shouldn't do it. Also my husband isn't a cuck, and posting pics of my tits online is emotional cheating. You can choose to be all doom and gloom about never finding a women, but the fact that you don't take my word for what it is just shows you'll always be a miserable faggot. Women don't want men who cry all day that they'll never get what they want. Just make it happen.

Do the implants immitate the hormonal cycle, like how with pill its 3 weeks estrogen overload then 1 week for natural progesterone etc, or does it just do continuous estrogen feed?

There is quite a bit of research showing that for women who opt to take the continuous estrogen route to avoid the bleed experience various subtle psychological effects (and not so subtle in the form of reduced sex drive) that could be interpreted from the trad standpoint of creating conflict within marriage,
by losing sense of/dis-integrating the more metaphysical aspects of the feminine nature. Jung would have said it in terms of losing sense of the animus as an other in terms of herself as anima. Theres a reason in many ancient fertility religions, the time on the cycle was considered to be the time of maximim power in her access beyond the veil. Hence why oracle ofdelphi and other such figures gave their prophecies on the Bleed.

Pro tip this argument makes you both look like fucking faggots

I'm a masculine female and I love men. Fuck off

Your post makes you look like you can't come up with a rational thought.

I'm a blondish brown haired blue eyed 6'3 English snow nigger, and I've fucked redhead girls

Show tits

Continuous estrogen, so in my opinion it is much more harmful than pills. I also believe it is stronger with how it is inherently administered. I was hoping I'd get no period, but nope, I was always in this state of in between. There was definitely a reduced sex drive due to emotional changes, but also physical changes. I was on my period all the time but it wasn't heavy and uh let's just say it really affected the color and smell of my natural lubricant. it ruined sex for us all together and that is when I decided I had enough.

I definitely felt like I lost touch with my primal sexual nature. I have had rape fetishes ever since I hit puberty, and I've always wanted a man to dominate me. I lost that entirely on birth control. I was only concerned with going to college and getting a good job because that is what my family wanted me to do. I found myself not really getting turned on by anything and I more was just unhinged and emotional. Without it though, I'm completely different and I definitely know what I want in life. My sex life has been great now that I go through my actual cycles, and I find that my husband is more attracted to me in general too. Must be pheromones

nobody cares whore

>Sorry you spend a little too much time in the kitchen
Bro, the cum is making you speak nonsense

Holy based

I wasn't talking to you faggot. Why don't you contribute instead of being a whiny bitch?

Go to bed Stephen

How many times do we have to go over the same fucking shit?

See "girls" (ya fat fuck) this is why we don't want you in politics, you don't have thick skin, you don't wanna talk about the important subjects and you take shit too personal

ITT failed sons harass their own women

Seriously fuck off. No one cares about your smelly cunt here. Can you not fill your need for attention on some other social media platform? Go back to checking how many likes your last status got for the 100th time.

Haha you called me based at first and now you're offended that I'm calling you a pussy like everybody else. Stop crying online about women not liking you like a nice guy. I tried reaching out and giving you hope for the future, but you're just a faggot who wants to be miserable. It's not your masculinity, it's your attitude.

>it ruined sex for us all together and that is when I decided I had enough.
IF you are a real woman, you are one hell of a roastie. You stop taking this shit because sex was getting shity? You got your priorities all out wack

>now you're offended
Come on man, just stop ok?
You really think I get offended over text?
You really think I give that much of a shit about you?
Do you even know what shitposting is you newfag fat sack of shit?

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I try to make a thread about how fucked up women are and then they come along and derail the fucking thing man

And no one cares about pictures of your smelly fatass. I was answering someone who asked me a legitimate question about the hormone cycle. Im sorry a little story is too much for you to handle, go back to pinching that millimeter peter to pictures of women you will never get a chance to fuck.

That guy's last words were "God damn you!" and he died alone after being given drugs so that his death would be announced in the morning newspaper instead of the nightly one.

And there we have it folks, the small dick jokes are here at last