>Be whitefag
>claim themselves smarter & More civilized than Asian and black
> and this
>Be whitefag
>claim themselves smarter & More civilized than Asian and black
> and this
Other urls found in this thread:
covid19 isnt any worse than any other viral cold
you're a cuck
>asking China for help
Shut the fuck up mutt, what would you know about health?
Ok. That's fucking fucked up and stupid as shit.
Nope he’s right
Lets see some pics and videos of what is happening in China to compare.
hey if you want to live in fear over something incredibly mundane and normal, go right ahead
No he isn't brainlet
Whitoids are subhuman and retarded as fuck, don't let the Yas Forumstard propaganda and the white vanity syndrome fool you.
>gives us a link to a quack doctor
Fucking Americans lmao
>European netizens rendered speechless by crowded bat soup market in China
anglo's aren't white.
>quack doctor
>worked for chanceller schroeder in germany
keep coping panicfag
Asians are way more germaphobic than westerners are though in general. How often do you see someone (who isn't asian) wearing a mask in a state owned nigger farm? Practically every jap wore them before this all hit, chinese too, but that was partially to avoid breathing toxic air.
Good goyim
For the Herd!
I want boomers and their schizo bullshit to LEAVE
This is proof it's a nothingburger.
the guy is talking kraut ffs
>kills 6-10% of people over 60 who contract it
>no worse than common cold
Pick one
> Don’t ask for China’s help when things start to get bad. You got yourself into this mess
I hate the Brits as much as the next guy. But let's not pretend like they flipped off civilization by eating an infected bat.
its the same, except most years they don't do these tests on elderly that die of respiratory problems, lots of old people die of pneumonia every year
just this year you were tricked into thinking it was a pandemic to crash the economy
Herd immunity via vaccinations? Nah.
Let's go with the live virus in the wild, what's the worst that could happen?
>its just a cold bro, trust me
good goy, go line up at walmart and buy those things from mr. shekelburg that will save you from the plague
Its an interesting study
I didnt realize how common coronavirus was. Approx 10% of "flu" cases involve it.
I'm with you bro but as you can see the shills are working overtime pushing this BS.
>kills 6-10% of people over 60 who contract it
That makes it better than most viral colds.
Anglos being anglos
these pictures will be in history books like the pictures of parades during Spanish flu
>I just wanna grill for god sake
More Belgian waffle.
why people so racist, they racist against whites
essentially the history of greek islands and all those fags fucking each other in the butt always at war with each other
im more white
a crowd of people???? listening to music????????? wow, truly, there is no denying now that chinks and niggers are just as smart and civilized as whites
But you are a quack roo rammer, why shoudl anyone including yourself listen to you?
fuck off panic nigger. your inciting over a fucking flu. eat a dick
Well, how many white people eat bats, rats, or have inter-species sex with diseased chimps?
>>kills 6-10% of people over 60 who contract it
with an average age of 80 and or have severe existing illness
anyone dumb enough to be in that group and goes to a concert, should meet darwin anyways
That is what freedom looks like. True freedom, the freedom to forsake your own life and to jeopardize not just own family and friends, but your entire species.
>Can you no longer see a road to freedom? It's right in front of you. You need only turn over your wrists. - Seneca
I know you're purposely being retarded but nobody is worried about young people getting it. It's all the old people around them they're worried about.
Maybe we do need a mandatory curfew. Maybe we really are too stupid to take care of ourselves.
>chinks triggered by whites having a concert on the other side of the planet
and I thought Yas Forums were the biggest outrage bait retards on the entire internet, I stand corrected.
kek. the state of you lot begging to be locked in your houses by the government.
unless youre planning to stay locked down for YEARS theres no avoiding the virus, its not just taking a couple of weeks of work
The UK is the worst nation in the Anglo sphere, and arguably the worst in the world. I'd rather be with the muttiest of mutts or the most simpering of Leafs than be with the English. They fetishize authority to a disgusting degree, they trade whatever freedom they have for the slightest feeling of security, they worship the people who rape their children and shriek and holler at anyone who is revolted by their actions. They whine and complain, nothing is ever good enough for them and whenever you help them, they betray you. They have some authority they created crush your skull for the sheer reason of wanting to exercise their power, and stand back smirking with a smug, satisfied grin, "he deserves it" they reassure themselves. But worst of all they pretend that this isn't the case and roll all their shit down hill to us.
The whole cursed islands can burn, and the Queen and her blighted offspring can die drowning in their own shit for all I care.
what is the medical definition of a "viral" "cold"?
is there a "bacterial cold" too?
Good thing is we don't have to wait long, they'll get the covid-19 and proceed to die from catching it due to their old age. Hopefully when they are on their death bed, someone will go up to them and whisper "it's not real".
the good goyim are the ones that are buying into this sensationalist media bullshit.
They'll die
But only after spreading it EVERYWHERE
it's not those the people who die that suffer
the idiots who infect their parents/grandparents will have to live with it.
Brits are mostly white. They are not quite people, though.
How many in there are over 70? Handicapping everyone when you could just lock down care facilities is retarded.
But this is not the right way to do it. The idea is to slow the infection rate. Not increase it to where the NHS collapses (which it will). Zoomers are dumb, selfish cunts who think boomers are to blame for all their woes while they make blogs on their smartphones.
You can't immunize against it. Having it doesn't guarantee your body will know what to do when you get exposed again. Then that second exposure will become lethal.
>not being authoritarian
Wrong board. Everyone here has long since given up on the libertarian solution to the woes of the world. You can’t trust idiots to handle themselves accordingly.
the heck is wrong with those brits
>chinese netizens speechless of concerts
>japanese netizens speechless at US school lunches
>thailand netizens speechless at lack of western child brothels