Creator of the web thinks it isn't censored enough

>Women and girls face a “growing crisis” of online harms, with sexual harassment, threatening messages and discrimination making the web an unsafe place to be, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has warned.

>The inventor of the world wide web said the “dangerous trend” in online abuse was forcing women out of jobs, causing girls to skip school, damaging relationships and silencing female opinions, prompting him to conclude that “the web is not working for women and girls”.

>[...]“Many companies are working hard to tackle this discrimination. But unless they dedicate resources and diversify teams to mitigate bias, they risk expanding discrimination at a speed and scale never seen before,” he writes.

according to this article women and girls are the sole victims of harassment on the internet and the fact that people have the freedom to criticize what they say is proof of sexism/bigotry and oppression that can only be solved by more racially diverse companies and even more policing of the internet

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Have they tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?

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>Women and girls face a “growing crisis” of online harms, with sexual harassment, threatening messages and discrimination making the web an unsafe place to be, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has warned.
fucking really now?
>say anything negative about a female, get fired, get blocked, get banned
>operate a discussion forum that is basically pro-male, specifically pro-white male.... get shut down
>can't do anything on the internet that is upsetting to some women

>but women still aren't safe enough

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meanwhile, random thots put on pounds of makeup and easily rake up thousands a month from lonely males

sounds like thots are getting patrolled

Bless up

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Nice honeypot.

the internet is just raw, unfiltered truth
censor as much as you want, it wont change facts

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The British people are servile serfs and peasants who don't understand anything but being tax cattle for sociopaths.

just don't go on the internet then

>people describe an "unsafe place" as one where you get your feelings hurt

The real threat women face is the hyper sexualized streamers that would men have to become because of simps and capitalism.

The fact the big companies allow titty streamers is destroying a generation of normal ass girls who play video games but don't want attention.

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>Sir Tim Berners-Lee
who??? a fucking bong? what do those retards have to do with the internet?
it was invented by the american military

It's just awful. If only there was a way for people to participate online in anonymous way.

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nah bro, change the message you change the reality
you just gotta hold hands, sing kumbaya and belieeeeeve

he invented the web dumbass. it's the technology with which websites with text and images are hosted and retrieved through the internet. obviously I don't care for his political commentary, but his work is monumental make no mistake.

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>creator of x is god of x


Ban all pajeets, problem solved.

Checked and correct. The Brits giving Indians English was a huge mistake. They should have their own internet like China.

what do women even want bros...

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just outlaw women on the internet


nobody said that
to not be accountable for anything they do

>endless validation, attention, and options on dating sites like Tinder, Buble, Hinge
>free money for semi nude/nude photos and videos on OnlyFans and “premium” Snapchat
>free gifts, beta male orbiters, and donations for playing video games while attractive on Twitch

The internet truly is a cruel place for women

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Being bitch forced into submission.


When will people learn that genes are deterministic? Races and sexes are different.

The guardian have twisted his words.

He is a staunch believer in freedom of ther internet and wants an internet bill of rights

It would be a real shame if someone reported this e-thot to the IRS, don't you think?

I dunno. I always imagine it'd be fun to be swarmed. Then again who wants to be swarmed by a gnarly 45+ year old dude as a teenager?

You could take his money and destroy his marriage but at what cost to yourself.

But it's not like women can't just play an ambiguous character online. It only happens to people looking for a certain amount of attention, well, and normal people that want to keep in touch with their friends and family, and find lost friends.

>being judged on their merits isn't working for women
Tits or gtfo.

i honestly had no idea the thotaudit even worked

This. The only thing women have to worry about is other women being catty towards them

my masculine muscles let me power through the internet in ways feeble female arms never could

greater physical strength means EVERYTHING online

or i dunno, here is an idea, if you are being discriminated against for being a woman online... don't tell us you're a woman. don't even pretend to be a man. guess what, no one is asking, and no one cares.

I remember reading some article where they checked out who did the most online harrasement of females on social media, such as twitter. And it were mostly other females.


Some random whore can become a millionaire just by showing her tits online. I think they're doing fucking fine.

who cares. just maximize money and muscles and they will want you

Lmao government. Is the problem you twat

So tired.

hypertext is a meme and the internet would be better without it.

women are more sensitive and people care more about women than men
the internet is a different context than talking to a person in front of you - it's impersonal, so you shouldn't take it personally

Was Tim always a kike (or kike puppet)?
Asking for a friend
>this thread again
stop fucking shilling

>the freedom to criticize what they say is proof of sexism/bigotry and oppression that can only be solved by more racially diverse companies and even more policing of the internet
how does it feel to be a fucking burger capitalist and get Stalin levels of oppression?

>creator of the web

What a dumb nigger.
The creators were darpa

Just make a second internet only for women and ruled/moderated/administered by women then?

Fuck Al Gore

>burger capitalist
What does that mean?

Maybe we should stop allowing femoids to use the Internet.

HTTP is just one application layer protocol running on the Internet.

DARPA created the Internet in the late 60s and moved it to TCP/IP in the early 80s.

Tim wrote a prototype web browser and server while at CERN in 1990.

The web was made popular via Mosaic, a project by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina at the University Of Illinois, launched 1993.

there are no girls on the internet

>not working for women and girls

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Too be respected but not be respected,
Too follow her values or forget them.,
Too receive Love and too feel Loved,
Your her pillar and she's your responsibility.

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Most of that is bots to make men look bad. Real men ignore women, because they are dumb.

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Are women too dumb to not reveal their identity online?
The only reason they wouldn't hide their identity is if there was something to be gained by revealing it.
My guess is they want the attention, simp-bucks, and lower expectations associated with being female.
The price for these things is being thot-patrolled.

>guy writes program for "Hello World!"
>nobody cares

>girl writes program for "Hello World!"
>OMG! ur soooo smart
>Here's a scholarship
>Please be our mascot for getting women into STEM

Would anybody blame the guy for thot-patrolling the girl?

Is there anything a woman doesn't complain about?


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