How are we holding up anons?

This happening is getting more and more real

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im holding link nigga

Pics of your local grocery store shelves are most welcomed.

my local supermarket has clear shelves in the paper towel/toilet roll section. almost took a picture of it. then i remembered, some people are stupid.

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I'm getting quite comfy honestly. Best happening in decades.

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pretty excited, not gonna lie.

I just bought 19 pounds of rice, 12 pounds of beans, 11 cans of fish, 3lbs of Himalayan salt, 4 pounds of brown sugar, and a jar of capers. How many days will it last me theoretically?

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>I'm getting quite comfy honestly
>Best happening in decades.
certainly since 9/11 at least

lol you weren't even born before 9/11 were you?

bout tree fiddy

no chicken or eggs at my store also no tp and almost no bread.
I'm shook.

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How did you get all that? You're good. Start bottling tap water and see if you can get some flour as well (or make it from your rice) and you are set for at least a month, up to 3 months of dismal existance.

So far, 9/11 was definitely a bigger happening. So far....
>tfw you will never get to see the skies completely free of aircraft ever again

exactly. when they institute the interstate travel ban in the coming days, we will see those beautiful blues skies once again

>Pics of your local grocery store shelves are most welcomed
I didn't take pics, but the shelves are empty and dusty.

people who keep saying 9/11 was a bigger happening are retarded. 9/11 was a fucken tv show of entertainment in comparison to actually going to the store and the place being fucking ransacked.


>How did you get all that?
It's not just regular grocery stores that carry those items.

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>Start bottling tap water and see if you can get some flour as well
Why flour?
I don't know where to find a large water container.

shit was fucked immediately after 9/11 and the Anthrax scare in the stores, but not quite like this shit now

You didn't see stores cleared out, stores forced to shut down, state wide quarantines, and economic collapse with 9/11. This is society breaking down. We're not bouncing back from this in two weeks. Many business will be closed down permanently and a lot of people will be jobless and/or homeless. This might be the start of the biggest happening since WW2.

anons i got another date and a gf now so im fine.

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you get the economic impact of all of this 100%
During 9/11 The country rallied around saving the economy and not giving in to the terrorists and all that shit
This is different, it's all shut it down now and if you don't we're all gonna die

Getting super comfy over here anons! Two freezers full of meat and veggies. Pantry full of pasta, rice, beans, canned goods, sauces, etc. Still gonna be working my way through the refrigerator for a few days before I dip into any of that. Got some steak and eggs for breakfast tomorrow. Spent this evening with the gf chopping up some carrots, celery, and onions for soup we're making in bulk tomorrow. Also thought far enough ahead to make sure I have all the soap, shampoo, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, and other sanitary products I might need. Should be good for 6 months as long as I ration decently and don't stuff myself.

treasure her while it lasts young user

I think I have the virus but I have no way to get tested.

Cough, trouble breathing, maybe fever.

The official count is completely wrong. There are probably more people like me with every major symptom and no tests.

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It's not so bad after all :^)

its beautiful.
i dont even have to remove the infidels
allah is doing my work for me already
just sit back and enjoy it burn.
may you infidels never recover from this disaster

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>Two freezers
*cuts your town's power*
nothing personal, kiddo

Imagine never knowing this feel.

You don't need it. Brushing with water is enough.

Conserve it by only using it on your armpits, feet, and genital areas. Use a textured washcloth for the rest.

>Start bottling tap water
The water isn't being shut off. This isn't a natural disaster like a hurricane you fucking retards.

its shite

Get those freezers off grid with about 10,000 Watts of solar power (depending on latitude and climate) just to be safe

>Iran digging body pits
Get fucked achmed

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>10,000 Watts of solar power
Imagine the square footage of solar panels you will need just to produce that.

Haha that's what the canned/dry goods are for! I have them hooked up to a UPS and a generator if necessary. But as a protip, as long as your freezers are well stocked the contents will still be good for a couple days in the event the power goes out. Also have plenty of ammo if hunting becomes a necessity.

Jesus fuck I thought that was Zuckerberg.

im scared to go back even tho I need to resupply
seeing those empty shelves the first time gave me ptsd i've never seen that before, it shocked me

You're gonna make it

A home solar panel roof installation is about 50,000 watts where you get the panels and feed back into the grid
A very beefy RV solar panel roof installation is about 1,000 watts

This, I'll take the happening over slow societal decay

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Tampa Walmart

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It's uncanny.

>blame journalists
>panic only started when Trump started actually speaking about the virus instead of pretending it wasn't happening
>biggest panic started when he declared national emergency


>Every major symptom
Trouble Breathing
>Maybe Fever
It's called a cold/flu user. People who stress out, drink, smoke, don't get enough sleep. Are likely to get it out of season.

yeah, the grocery store supply chain is stressed to the breaking point and far behind the curve
and now they are closing restaurants, which use their own supply chain, and forcing all those eaters into the already empty grocery stores

>Jesus fuck I thought that was Zuckerberg.
Same make, different model.

I've been trying really hard to conserve toilet paper when I shit now. I've lowered the amount I am using to 3 rolls a day.

Im sure they will find a Talmudic way to weasel around the laws by driving supplies to state lines, then do a handoff of sorts.

Trucks are still coming, factories are still running.

This isn't a hurricane where the roads have been taking out, you retards. People are just buying too fucking much than what's coming in.

>Imagine never knowing this feel.
Must really suck to be non-prepper these days. I've been reflecting on all the people who chuckled when I brought up FEMA's recommendation that every American should keep at least two weeks worth of food for emergencies.
>You don't need it. Brushing with water is enough.
No, I certainly don't. But still a nice luxury to have minty fresh breath.
> Conserve it by only using it on your armpits, feet, and genital areas. Use a textured washcloth for the rest.
Way ahead of you! Didn't even shower today. Working from home is the tits!
>Get those freezers off grid with about 10,000 Watts of solar power (depending on latitude and climate) just to be safe
I've debated on solar power but I did the math and I've determined that I should have enough fuel for my generator until my frozen food supply runs out. My neighbor also has one of those old school below-ground refrigeration rooms so keeping anything we hunt cool shouldn't be a problem even if power isn't there.

Just finished my shift at work, bought a 10 pack of 3M N95s, and did a full grocery shop without hindrance with all items in stock. That should tell you all you need to know

I'm taking this as an opportunity to lose a fuck ton of weight.

It is.

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>This isn't a hurricane where the roads have been taking out, you retards.
No it's a hurricane level event on a 50 state scale

I don't drink or smoke, and I get plenty of sleep.

But you're probably right.

>But still a nice luxury to have minty fresh breath
If you can't have minty fresh breath, buy one of these and thank me later. Actually buy one anyway. Best $4 you will spend. Fucking amazing for ridding the mouth of bad bacteria and breath.

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unless the truckers are in quarantine or cant even ship anything around because there is nothing to ship

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That hasn't effected remotely any infrastructure like a hurricane would. Roads are still open and clear, trucks are able to make deliveries. Water is still running to all buildings. Powerlines are still standing.

>getting sick from a virus that Yas Forums says isn't even real

Your own fault for not living in a state with it's own farms.

I had to swab 5 people for corona virus today fuck

I would pay $5,000 for one of the flight progress strips that ordered the full ground stop.

That was such a monumental event.

>Roads are still open and clear, trucks are able to make deliveries
travel restrictions are on the horizon and people will not take that well.

Ironically most of our new corona cases are now coming from the US, we've had 4 in 3 days from either NY area or LA. Either your government is massively fucking up the testing or the US outbreak is way larger than it seems, if 4 random kiwis returning from the USA somehow manage to contract it. Same goes for Aussie, they've had heaps of American-sourced cases

Is it too late to buy ammo? I only have about 500 rounds of 5.56 and then sub 200 shotgun shells, with most being sporting clay shells

completely fine. I'm just waiting till it blows over. I didn't stock up more than usual. Just watching all the retards be fucking stupid.

go on...

Somebody in my immediate family almost certainly has it.

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>flight progress strips
What's that?

you know this shit is spreading like wildfire in rural communities that don't have the infrastructure to test for it

Very interesting. Looking into this now. I see it's still in stock on Amazon so I guess the normies haven't considered hygiene beyond hand sanitizer and TP at this point. Is it just for the tongue or do you use it on teeth as well?

I am a nurse in urgent care. So I had to swab 5 separate people for the corona that came in. Various reasons unexplained fever testing negative for flu. Some were just normal symptoms cough, nasal congestion but had recent travel to places of greater exposure. We still haven’t had a positive test in my area but this is the first day my clinic actually got the swabs in. Pretty scary desu I didn’t even know we had got swabs in when I came in this morning but I did bring a change of clothes at least and washed hands so fucking much today

The duality of man.

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Yeah. It was over in a day. Clean up took 3 months. Wars that followed were boring to watch from afar.

It makes sense that people going through an airport to get to kiwiland would be more likely to be infected than most people.

Supposedly the local market is almost bare. I'm going to go in and investigate tomorrow.

Supposedly my county has 1 case that hasn't been confirmed yet. It's a tiny community so I hope they do real contact tracing. It should be easier than other places.

All the stores in town are supposedly out of toilet paper. Which I still don't understand.