Is coronavirus any worse than the flu or not?
Give it to me straight pol
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10x more deadly yet currently less widespread
it's a hoax to get people ready to shelter in place and eventually gun grab, and fema camps for anyone who questions zionist and yehudi world control
its 33 times worse than the flu according to my freemason math
Worse than the Spanish flu.
Whoever let that dog get so fat is a piece of shit. Should go to jail for animal abuse.
Coronavirus is a cover for US Special forces to launch assassination raids againsts Yas Forums users across the USA in the coming months. Operation Zephyr has been green lit.
In Italy the WuFlu is 100 times more lethal than regular ChinkFlu.
10x more deadly than something .1x deadly....
1.00 death rate.
get v&, dipshit
It is non existent
It’s literally the coronacaust
Not for the healthy, no. It's far more dangerous for the elderly and out-of-shape. You're not an obese diabetic, are you OP?
Nobody I know knows anybody who has it.
Talked to a paramedic today, the only cases are asymptomatic people who failed a test during an airport screening. He said its over-hyped and the best plan is common sense...feel sick stay home.
The global economy however is suffering the worst "jew-flu" since the great depression.
chinese aids is worse than the flu
based veganposter
Fuck animal abusers/meatcucks
Also this. The coronavirus probably is a real virus, but it's no worse than a cold or flu. (((They))) want us to think it is, though.
I’ve had a sore throat and runny nose for 2 days, starting to feel better already.
Might be one of the other 173639292 common colds, haven't got tested for the Shanghai Shivers tho.
It’s one of THE great tests face by your generation. Like 9/11 or WWII. Big, big deal.
It's a funny one. For some people it's mild for others (particularly older people) it completely fucks you.
I got OEF shots though so might be easier for me, first time I’ve been sick in over a decade.
I'm pretty sure I have it right now.
Been exposed to it about 5 days ago. Symptoms so far are a headache and breathing seems slightly heavier. Thats it though for now
81%-minor symptoms only
Most severes and criticals are over 60 years old or with underlying conditions.
Risk of dying if under 40 = 0.2%, 1 in 500
Dogs are obligate carnivores, you absolute brainlet.
Its just a super flu
Unknown at this point from the information we have. The only thing we can glean from observation from how bad the virus is the reaction of the Chinese government.
You don't build new hospitals, weld people in their apartments, arrest people not wearing surgical masks, and recall trans-oceanic shipments of medical supplies that were on their way to international customers who had already paid for the shipments for a fucking flu.
>be me
>wife has fever, coof and can't breef
>at ER, confirmed coronababe
>my throat is itchy
How fugged am I? 33 y/o boomer
Yeah nah it's all good ay its just a sniffle
Nah it's hilarious.
>it’s all the owner’s fault
Like that dog didn’t know it would get fat if it ate too much and didn’t exercise. It only has itself to blame.
Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
Make her deepthroat ya cock mate. She'll be right.
If it's what we got here in my family, it isn't that bad really. For some reason teeth hurt a bit, a bit "stiff" in the throat. Waking up in the morning a bit sore, first smoke is hard.
Haven't done the test, my sister did it yesterday so I assume we get an answer today. They stuck this shit up her nose that hurt she said and it made her bleed from the nose.
She's a bit more sick than me and got more problems "in the nose" dunno anglo for that and tired man
the doctors said over the phone first time that "it's just the regular flu brah", but then she got tested yesterday. dunno the details haven't spoken to her my self
A little bit worse, yes. But nothing to stress about tbqhwu
No its a democrat hoax made up in the US that started in China, because the US democrats control China and the rest of the world. This whole thing is just a hoax to get Trump out of the white house. It a nothing burger that is just all about Trump.
Glad to know I can still look down under for reassurance
It's looking pretty bad. The virus itself isn't that deadly, and under normal conditions the survival rate would be pretty good for most people. However these are not normal times.
>Milquetoast warnings from governments and international organizations (thanks to bad CCP-informed WHO numbers)
>No real idea of "how bad" things could get
>Most people ignore the warnings, namely normies, "it's just a flu" Boomers, and nothingburgerfags
>Highly infectious = huge proportion of the population infected
>(Unknown) roughly ~20% of cases are severe and require hospitalization
>20% of a large proportion of the population is still a pretty large number
>Medical systems will not be able to handle the stress of such numbers
>Huge numbers of people who would have otherwise survived will die due to overburdened medical system
>Panic sets in among the general population
>Supply shortages due to panic buying
>More panic due to supply shortages
>Travel bans and state restrictions on movement and activities
>Shipping and travel restrictions further impact supply availability
>More panic
>Public panic mounts and mounts, medical system completely swamped, fear and misinformation run amok
>Harsh state intervention (lock-downs, perhaps even martial law?)
>All the while, stock market is completely melting down (we're currently experiencing a "Bear Market", which is a market correction +10% extra losses)
>Collapsing stock market fuels the fire further
We don't (and can't) accurately know "how bad" things are, but it's safe to say that they're pretty bad. If you're not stocked, masked, and armed yet, you better be before it's too late. Better safe than sorry, and you'll sure be sorry if things get as bad as they're likely to.
lol ok retard
It doesnt matter if the virus does anything anymore. It did the damage it was intended to do
Give her your protein shake
It's 100x better. It selectively targets boomers and genz is damn near immune.
Today's market loss was the worst since 1987.
It may be making them sterile, though.
and you think the US is the only place being affected by this.
how self centered and dumb are you
You think Italy is ever going to recover from this? The whole EU+UK is fucked by this.
But yeah make it all about the US stock market.
The problem is the information we have on it is so inconsistent it's borderline unusable.
Some countries are only testing people deathly ill with it and admitted to hospitals so of course they're going to have a high mortality rate. Others are doing widespread testing on everyone and China/Iran can't be trusted in anything they're putting out.
Look to South Korea for the likely most relevant information on severity for the general population.
Everyone in SK is wearing masks, though. That's not happening here.
>Flu shouldn't be that bad but large numbers of infected = swamped medical systems
>Panic from market failures exasperates the problem
>Panic begets panic
>More panic
What do you disagree with?
The worst part is, it's probably going to keep falling for a while longer.
>The problem is the information we have on it is so inconsistent it's borderline unusable.
Absolutely true. This has been my biggest worry all along. We don't even know what we're REALLY dealing with. I hate that we don't (and likely never will) know how bad things are currently.
"Ever" is a long time. But yeah short term shit's fucked m8. We'll recover eventually though.
Based on data, yes. In reality, testing isn't taking place properly, except for in South Korea... where the actual data can be used. The rest of the world just tests extreme cases.
because we don't have means to produce them and a rate where we have enough for everyone. china can make 10s of millions a day.
the west got greedy and we are reaping what we sow.
Maybe someday we will stop being greedy fucks
>Everyone in SK is wearing masks, though. That's not happening here.
Also, don't quote me on this, but SK's population tended to listen to their government when it told them to fucking stay home, right? This hasn't really been happening in EU, it DEFINITELY won't happen in USA, and anecdotally it's not happening here in Canada either. My upstairs neighbors have thrown TWO parties with 20+ people in the 3 days since our university closed.
>Maybe someday we will stop being greedy fucks
Something, something, human condition.
It was never about some boomer catching a wu-flu, it was about the economy catching the jew-flu. After 2008 some normies blamed the (((bankers))), today we can blame corona-chan for the pre-planned wealth redistribution scheme.
This. Although, I doubt things will get too crazy in terms of panic. Maybe the dindus will riot in big cities.
That would probably explain why Sanders barely tried in the last debate... he knows his agenda is coming anyway.
They're all fucking retarded NPCs.
Avoid catching it any way you can.
Beyond that, this too shall pass.
Give plump doggo a big hug.
Yo gon make it lad. Keep us updated
Anyone 18-45 thats not immune compromised or a heavy tobacco smoker is not going to die from the corona virus.
The problem is its extremely contagious and can flood into groups of people who can not fight it off.
If it got into a retirement facility. RIP everyone