friend of mine is obsessed with gooks, currently in the process of wifing a FOB gook even after being redpilled. pretty sure she just wants citizenship and to divorce rape him.
Anyone else stopped being friends with race mixers?
>friend of mine is obsessed with gooks, c
Your friend has realized that Asian wives, in addition to having the smallest waists and biggest breast to waist ratio, treat their husbands like kings
Shame you'll only try roastie white girls
just say the words
I have no friends.
Into the fire you go race mixer
>t. coomer
his gook fiancee is flat as board and she seems to boss him around at this point.
how could any self-respecting white man, after getting redpilled on white genocide and all the rest, consciously choose to flush their genes down the toilet like this.
My Asian male friend has a white girlfriend. She’s a skinny little blonde twig, not very pretty but one of the most Christian young people I know.
I see tons of white guys with Asian girls so I let it slide.
>herp derp redpill
>herp derp divorce rape
>herp derp roasties
turn off your computer and do something with your life, faggot
>how could any self-respecting white man, after getting redpilled on white genocide and all the rest, consciously choose to flush their genes down the toilet like this.
He's obviously not self respecting or not really red pilled on that
why are you friends with non-whites?
he's definitely redpilled on immigration and the agenda that's being pushed. it honestly seems like he's consciously decided to be a race traitor because he thinks the non-whites have a better chance of winning in the long run.
Wait what race of Asian is she
Cuz if it's not v/j/k/t/hk he fucked up
Philipino, and the primary issue is she can't produce white children.
Lol fell for the meme roosh even did podcast on it
It fails but your life
Ya my family does it
Mixers hang with othermixers
It’s the autists that put em on the pedestal and make us look thirsty
She can easily produce white children.
Who cares about what some sandrat says
>that is considered white in america
No. I am hooking up with a girl that once dated a black. I don't really care. I wouldn't marry somebody that race mixed, or marry somebody of another race. My friends can do whatever they want. I might make fun of them for it though, and if they wanna stop being my friend, that's on them...
nah, loyalty and genuiness are paramount to me.
I cant stand hispanics but one of the most genuine cool friends of mine is hispanic.
He's always been nothing but cool and loyal to me and I will always be the same.
Race exists at a social policy level, but an individual level there is great variation and individual relationships are all you have in this life.
would you really care if your white daughter married him?
Like honestly, any grandkids would be fair skinned and beautiful
>I am hooking up with a girl that once dated a black.
have some self-respect user, what the fuck.
>loyalty and genuiness are paramount to me.
race mixing is disloyalty to your race and nation, so how can you respect that. a man who race mixes is giving all his resources from his work to a woman from another race.
>would you really care if your white daughter married him?
I'd disown her
Imagine being loyal to fucking canada. What race are you? English? Then youre already a mutty mix of all sorts of shit. Your beliefs and way of conducting yourself is infinitely more important than race or nationality. Would you let a white rapist meth addict in your home over a nonwhite businessman? If not then you are making another thing above race.
Most of my friends are hispanic. Then again, the city I live in has twice as many hispanics as it does whites.
She's just a hook up, who cares? The pros outweigh the cons. She is 26 and I am 21, it is just too much fun
I mean look at the guy, fuck it, let him burn. That's probably the best looking girl he's ever going to get and she's a 6 bro, and I'm being nice.
Way to support the white race lmao. By betraying and ostracising your own daughter for marrying a nigger. You are definitely a kid.
I have a happa wife (white dad, Taiwan chink mom). Wife is American raised and thinks of herself as white but that's because she seems to forget what she looks like. I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing when she calls herself white.
Are the death squads going to kill us both?
I unironically agree, if I was friends with him I would completely understand desu
I'm not even kidding when I say that bitch looks 100% exactly like a Chinese girl that my friend is dating. Man are people dumb and desperate.
I don't understand your post
>race mixing
oh, i guess the question is reffering only to miscegenation.
Generally not a fan of miscegenation because it harms the offspring.
I fell in love with a girl of a different race and had a great LTR but did not marry her because of the complications of identity children have being multiracial.
But on a friend to friend level and not "breeding" level i wouldnt reject or abandon someone because of their race because unironically "some of my best friends" are a different race. This doesnt change the fact that when i look at these races as a group clear differences in behavior emerge.
It's a weird thing that no movie, art, or media talks about but you can genuinely have a strong relationship with a person who belongs to a race that you're not fond of.
lmao this is a British model Joey with an English father and Indian mum not a hapa
I wouldn't do it, but it is certainly better than a full asian. Your grandkids will be undetectable, maybe pussies though. I know somebody who is supposedly 1/8 asian (I truly can't believe it) he looks full on Irish, he is a little bitch though
>loves cooking and cleaning
>wants kids
>treats me like I'm not trash
>doesn't argue with me over the smallest shit
>doesn't challenge me
White roasties (though I repeat myself) are just an unnecessary headache.
Japanese women are where it's at.
>1488 checked
Only ever dated white women but I have worked with asian women and learned that they start off pretending to be sweet and innocent niave foreigner but then they turn into a little hitler and boss you around
I travel to nonwhite countries to get scammed and reinforce my extreme talmudic racist beliefs, fuck brown goyim
I never said what he was, I just said that she can have white looking kids and posted someone who was mixed but looked white to show you it can happen.
Racemixer BTFO
Anybody will look white at 1/8th x, that isn’t impressive. Emilia Clarke is 1/8th Indian.
Only if they let their girl volunteer her opinions in conversation
>Asian GF
>5 years
>Still greets me naked at the door, still excited to do it
>Fuck 14 times a week.
Bros, Asian girls are goddesses. The only true problem is I need to have white children. If I could have white children with Asian GF this would truly be the best timeline.
He looks mixed to me. He looks like a mexican if anything. Yes, his kids would look white if he married a typical blonde American but he isn't really white
you could litterally have your sperm and white eggs implanted in her. Serious. When infertile interracial couples get fertility treatment they often just use white eggs and the fathers white sperm.
There are actually people who do this. Kinda creepy but fulfills the timeline you want.
I hate everyone on that subcontinent and would hunt them for sport
Brb googling her the fucking dothead
this is a thread for white people, not mutts and nonwhites
She's a qt.
Does she know you want white children? and if yes ask her how she feels about you using a surrogate mother and your gf could be a mommy to them.
gotta have friends first
He looks darker in that pic, if I was told he was Italian I wouldn’t question it desu
kys chang
Still doesn't look white.
>What race are you?
White, newfag.
>Your beliefs and way of conducting yourself is infinitely more important than race or nationality.
yeah bro, let's do away with the concept of the nation state and invite the entire world to come across our borders so long as they behave themselves.
>Would you let a white rapist meth addict in your home over a nonwhite businessman?
kek, imagine believing this false dilemma is a valid argument for abolishing racially homogeneous societies.
yeah I've already decided to stop associating with him. just wondering if anyone else has had to cut ties with people because they lost respect for them due to being race traitors.
if she marries a non-white she has ended our bloodline, so there is no reason to support her any longer. I'm not having hapas and mulattos running around the table at christmas dinner just to prove to faggots like you that I'm not racist.
yeah the primary concern here is that he's marrying her. if he was just fucking her I would generally disapprove but would still remain friends, but now he's decided to dedicate the rest of his life to providing for a foreign woman and potentially creating mongrels with her. this makes him a race traitor.
your children will not be white, that's the problem. if we were friends, I would not let your children play with mine, because I would not want them to think race mixing is acceptable.
That sounds like a good way to have your child die of SIDS (which is actually just the mom covertly smothering them, but doctors hide this unfortunate truth).
>Muh pure bavarain phenotype
My rule is, if the kids come out looking like me its cool.
Hence I can date light skinned quarter to half mexicans with angular features and hapas.
I dont think id mean if my kid looked like Keanua Reeves (1/4) or Kristen Kreuk (pic)
I work in the tech industry with a lot of beta white males. Whenever I find out one of my white co-workers has an asian wife/gf/fetish I immediately lose all respect for them and can't take them seriously after that
No thanks. I divorced my Asian ex wife and got me a wonderful white woman.
Way less jealous and controlling.
so he isn’t even a hapa meaning half East or South East Asian, that’s a bunch of cope. Your Asian kid won’t look like that, don’t lie to yourself
>foreign woman
Disaster. This is doubly bad, it's disloyal to ones race AND their country.
There is always some girl in your country who could use your help so helping a foreign girl out before your fellow citizen is double wrong.
Castizas > hapas
Would marry a quarter asian perhaps, probably only if she was anglo/nordic otherwise
Definitely the Asian in there. My wife is 1/4 Irish and the rest she’s Spanish and Portuguese and she far from a pussy.
God I love my wife
There’s no indio in that Man U call Mexican
kind of retarded to write off friendships because of this.
Those white beta males could have been raised by bitch mothers and dads who made them shy and insecure and hence they ended up with a shy insecure asian.
Again, im against miscegenation but writing off friendships with otherwise cool guys is retarded.
I have a buddy that looks like him and he is mexican
>I work in the tech industry with a lot of beta white males. Whenever I find out one of my white co-workers has an asian wife/gf/fetish I immediately lose all respect for them and can't take them seriously after that
based this is 100% how I feel about this and other men who date asians. guess which industry/field my friend and I work in.
>Disaster. This is doubly bad, it's disloyal to ones race AND their country.
yeah he's marrying her so she can get citizenship to stay in the country, not even joking.
>There is always some girl in your country who could use your help so helping a foreign girl out before your fellow citizen is double wrong.
One of the consequences of marrying a non-white is that it means there is one white woman out there who potentially won't be able to find a white husband, so it could lead to two mongrel families.
I've lost respect for my friend at some kind of a deep primal level. It's not easy to put into words but I don't see him as a respectable man anymore, and even if I tried to remain friends at this point this would end up ruining the friendship eventually.
You're right, the correct thing to do is kill her.