Other urls found in this thread:
>chinks bring on the zombie apocalypse
>hur dur drumpf
I hope you choke to death on your wife's boyfriend's dick.
>trump layoff
does mainstream media honestly think populations are so stupid that they will not make the connection with the global pandemic and basically all nations taking a hit due to no tourism or export or business?
We should be like Britain and just let the boomers die
Virus only came to America from American citizens returning from travel and refusing to self-quarantine or report to a doctor when symptoms showed up.
>checks thelayoff.com
>checks twitter.com
>last post on feb 27th
>not happening
what companies
Post sauce or fuck off with this screencap shit, you're shitting up the board.
No? They'll just also make the connection Trump fucked around golfing for 3 months saying this isn't important and disbanding the CDC efforts in the early months which results in this massive last minute panic and laying off of everyone because the president told people not to worry when we had a 3 month head start to prevent all this shit.
>checked site
>it's working
OP is being a faggot again.
>trying to make the term "Trump layoffs" a thing
you know how I know you're a shill?
>last post on feb 27th
They dun got laid oft! They terk der Jeb Bush!
Oregon's site keeps crashing too.
I’m sorry you haven’t found your penis yet. Keep looking in your boyfriends ass.
I haven't been laid off yet maybe tomorrow.
I am fucked because I work at OHSU. I could totally work from home, but they've classified me as essential. I feel bad for my cousin and her wife. She got laid off from her office job, and her wife opened a bar-and-grill in December. Other friends/neighbors are being laid off too. PDX is fucked man!
Tfw self employed no welfare for me
What are you talking about?
wrong quote see
They can blame the effects of the virus on Trump but you can't blame the virus on China. Are people really buying this from these people?
It only came to America because American's traveling back from Wuhan who were symptomatic refused to self-quarantine or see a doctor. Every zero patient in the US has been a white US citizen coming back from business or schooling in Wuhan.
There's your problem right there. Get out of that Socialist shit hole.
This is amazing. The main thing everyone says to stop the spread is limiting contact with those affected. Trump immediately closed off China and has been adding countries that are heavily affected to the list ever since in an attempt to stop transmission into the US. People like you have spent 3 years complaining Trump is a tyrant, then when he proves he isn't and let's states take care of things within their borders and the federal government take care of the countries border and stay the fuck out of states business, you lose your mind.
Oh I definitely plan to. This was my first job after grad school, so I was only planning to stay here a few years before moving on with my work experience back to the midwest. The only reason I moved back here was the job offer, we live in a multi-generational "home" (three homes on the same block all owned and occupied by family), and wanted to be in an area where I could get some good fishing and nature in regularly.
>She got laid off from her office job, and her wife
wait what?
>Trump immediately closed off China and has been adding countries that are heavily affected to the list ever since in an attempt to stop transmission into the US
He should've done that way quicker, but he was worried about crashing the markets. Maybe he'll pull his head out of his ass and take extreme measures .
I have a married lesbian cousin. How is that so hard to believe? Aside from that they're pretty normal.
>inb4 degeneracy
Show me in the bible where G-d bans lesbians. Faggots and trannies are banned, but not lesbians.
I aint gonna be around for this shit. If it gets any worse I'm pulling up my anchor and sailing to Ensinada.
Everyone can see what you're doing, your 100 IQ makes you particularly dumb.
If he did things earlier they would all complain he was creating his fascist white ethnostate. Face it, no matter what he does they will find a way to complain
>trump layoffs
fucking state of these subversive cunts
OH really? Should have done it sooner huh? That's not what the narrative was when Trump initally did it. WaPo and other outlets were SEETHING about how UNPRECEDENTED and UNNECESSARY and RACIST it was at the time. Retard.
If Trump's retarded tweets could crash the economy, the economy would've crashed a long time ago. No, only the virus is to blame here.
the virgin chinese virus versus the chad trump layoff
Go home to your family and enjoy their company. Work isn't everything. This chink bat plague won't last forever, neither will china when we drop a few B-83's on them.
You two are literal morans. He fucked up by not doing enough to lock the country down, and hopefully he will lock the country down. How fucking hard is it for you to interact with people on a regular basis IRL.
No everyone believes "Orange man bad" or "Trump should own the libs some more" nonsense exclusively.
>editing zerohedge
Fake and gay
It's not ok to blame the chinese for starting a global pandemic but it's ok to blame Trump when said pandemic destroys the economy.
Anyone still taking them seriously has willingly submitted to total brainwashing. It's scary how quickly some people take to 1984 style doublethink.
He fucked up by locking the country down and fucked up by not locking it down enough. The absolute state of journo slime
>Trump immediately closed off China and has been adding countries that are heavily affected to the list ever since
What world do you live in? The China ban was a month late as was the Europe ban.
Can confirm, lost my job today but I have high speechcraft skill and was able to convince my boss to give me 6 months pay and a bonus
I never said he fucked up by locking the country. Judging by your reading comprehension level it's pretty clear that you are a nigger or spic.
I haven't lost my job yet but they're planning to send people home anyway for a month so technically it still exists I just can't go to it now.
Never thought of cooking it in the shell, fucking retard 3rd worlders.
>What world do you live in? The China ban was a month late as was the Europe ban.
You're a liar. Pic related.
Chinese insectoids are solely to blame for this. Next time you want some delicious bat soup consider cyanide instead, Zhang. Now get back to breaking rocks.
>trump layout
I thought this was obama's economy? ;)
>doesn't even use a rock as a slab to cook it on, just fucking dumps it in the sand and eats the sand and animal shit
African chefs
Trump was already talking to china about CoronaVirus before the SOTU. The same SOTU Nancy Pelosi ripped up.
Hundreds of thousands of people in my tiny country have lost their service industry jobs while this shit is going on.
I was wondering. Same layout, but I've seen everything they're published for months. Not their stance, either.
Don't forget to tell your country men to blame trump like a good goy
vegas is gonna crash soon too, waiting for my email. hopefully im low enough on the totem pole
Oh, don't worry, they probably will.
They think Vladimir Putin releases coded messages to evil Drumpfler, shouldn't be a hard sell.
how bad is business in the casinos?
Yup, but when does he defer mortgage payments
casinos are shutting down, some layoffs for non-union folks. culinary union is fine. my industry is dependent on property transfers/development, but thankfully im one of the workers who does the reports/inspections, rather than reviewing or getting work. i assume they cant really run a company without low level people
>Chinese virus is causing problems across the entire world
>Taking every consequence of that virus and slapping a Trump prefix on it
This attempt at persuasion is so comically bad. This convinces nobody except the dumbest leftist partisans who circlejerk on anti-Trump twitter hashtags and libshit subleddits.
Casinoanon too. Not in Vegas. Haven't heard anything from my company.
Checking emails and whatnot. Guess we're gonna ride this wave, do or die.
I'm assuming that they'll sac all F&B personnel first, followed by some slot technician layoffs as most machines will be put out of service.
Maintenance, custodians, and security won't suffer much because you still go to keep the casino in working order even when down.
I'm just hoping the administration positions are safe. I would be calm, but we got a new boss.
Every new boss we had cleaned house. This one was already in the process of it.
Our shit's fucked.
>literally trying to use a pandemic to win an election
>By blaming Trump for a disease
I know you THINK you have nothing to lose, as shitty as the last year has gone for the left, but you can always lose HARDER.
If you weren't so Trump deranged, you could see the obvious difference between "losing" and "losing everything".
Trump took credit for the booming economy, so technically it actually is his problem now.
And its China's virus, so they own the recession.
I mean really, who the fuck is convinced by this?
When you take credit, only you think it belongs to yourself. When you openly boast about it, then everyone just assumes it’s yours. Which is all normies care about at the end of the day. Also Trump has more to worry about from the Boomer vote dying out