extremely huge major political earth changing events that happened recently or to come
>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to >national emergency declared which leads to martial law and arrest of deep state actors >hillary files appeal to TRY to stop court order that she must testify about emails >TRUMP MAKES MARCH 15TH NATIONAL PRAYER DAY >congress on break from the 14th to the 22nd >schools and many major businesses already temporarily shut down for the next month >entertainment shut down for the foreseeable future leaving plenty of time for people to get caught up on current events >national guard being activated across the country with major cities already being locked down >30k US troops deployed to Europe for an "exercise" starting the 15th >trump making moves against the IRS and FED, while installing those who wish to return to the gold standard >harvested adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, supply now shut down, possibility it was infected with COVID-19 >adrenochrome, the shape of the molecular compound found to resemble a white rabbit (follow the owl & Y head(rabbit)) >massive number of stars/idols speak and move about after getting sick (coincidence) >bill gates resigns along with thousands of other CEOs over the last months
these are major happenings looking stormy outside
Trump also just said >The coming weeks we will all have to make changes and sacrifices...but the short term sacrifices will produce long-term gain...
continued from the previous thread which hit bump limit:
>STREETS CLEARED >FLIGHTS GROUNDED >CRUISE LINES DOCKED >Bill Gates STEPPED DOWN >Bob Iger STEPPED DOWN >Other (((CEOs))) STEPPED DOWN >Kobe Bryant KILLED/WITNESS PROTECTION >Tom Hanks (((INFECTED))) >Trudeau (((INFECTED))) >Vatican (((INFECTED))) >Bread and circus sports SUSPENDED >Educational institutions SUSPENDED >Air travel to flight risk locations SUSPENDED >30K troops/gear to Europe DEPLOYED >Federal Reserve CALLED OUT >Student loans and payroll tax CALLED OUT >National Emergency DECLARED >Event 201 Pandemic RED >Worldwide Sweeps YELLOW >Operation Corona 2020 GREEN
>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.
>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.
he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all cause the link above gives him the power to
endless faggot spam, i hope they round this retard up along with the rest of the kike pedo elites and shoot its little cock off with a gattling gun for shitting up the board all fucking day.
Benjamin Stewart
Chill the fuck out, kike faggot retard. You are complaining about nothing and for no reason. He's stupid, let him have his fun as long as he's being this harmless.
Caleb Cooper
I heard this crazy conspiracy that I want to believe but know it's bullshit.
SOME people have the corona virus. Some people have actually died from this. No, they aren't all adrenochrome buyers. How does Trump come out and say he killed thousands of people just to kill the elite? That won't sit very well with people.
trump shit on the fed earlier yesterday? youtu.be/8Ds56JTcBv8?t=802 with fed dropping rates even more he's going to bankrupt them and spend all their money before moving over to the new currency free from usury to the central banking system
keep following this, in hope there is something im missing. However my standard of evidence is higher. Somebody replied with a pic of "people will know soon" with a 2018 time tag. What does soon entail here? withing 1-2 years or declassified in 100 years.
And come on that time traveling stuff...... So far all i see is that yes there are some weird behavioral patterns on a global scale that seem to overlap in a small lap of time. Ceos resigning, covid-19, defender 2020(from what i know that starts today the 17th), economy shitting the bed while banks around the world lowering rates.
Most interesting is this adenochrome, hard to find any relevant info on it. However i do remember east asians torturing animals and eating them, like dogs, i wonder if technically they did it for the same reason.
Overall too many holes, this should roll over fast if it happens, not sure why internet/communications wouldnt be shut down even if temporarily during the big US military moves, if they happen of course.
Landon Butler
When will they release the video That will be max awakening
Lincoln Lopez
Canada happening: been told that gas stations, food stores and pharmacies will be allowed open during the national shutdown and nothing else. Jewdeau is all being coy right now about a lockdown but it's coming.
You do realize all these CEOs stepped down because it's a new decade and alot of their contracts only went out this far and had option to step down or renew?
Andrew Williams
They know whats up. They are ready for the boog.
Logan Bennett
it's what the elite used as a drug the way they got it was through torturing children before ritually killing them this was done to produce blackmail on people who wished to seek power
once trump got into office the supply lines for these began to be cut off they had to find a source of it or face withdrawals when you're rich and powerful you don't just ween off you find a new source
the new source happened to come from wuhan which happened to be the lab funded by soros and bill gates which also happened to be where corona virus broke out
here's proof and more if you have the attention span archive.is/EXo19
it's a ritual it's to get blackmail it's to find those who are willing to do unsung acts in order to gain power this allows them to operate behind the scenes without ever putting themselves in the public eye
think CEOs getting arrested for what the investors made him do while the investors keep making money
The question is how much more dangerous is it than other virus epidemics we've seen over the years? How many of the reported cases and deaths are false positives from faulty test kits? And it's already been reported that there's 2 strains and that it's mutating rapidly. Some here think there's a mild public strain that infects the general public, intentionally released by deepstate to put everyone into panic, and maybe the second strain was released to counter that and target adrenochrome users only? There's certainly something going around, but how much of the pandemic is really a result of the virus, and how much of this crisis is a cover for other operations? The hospitals being overwhelmed makes sense if every person who gets sick and shows some of the very generic symptoms (fever, cough, potential breathing issues) are all rushing to the hospital at the same time seeking treatment due to the panic. The scariest things about this virus right now are the lack of information about it and the governments' reaction to it. When people see the whole world shutting down and are told to be scared of it, a lot of people that wouldn't otherwise seek medical attention for flu-like symptoms are now panicking and going to get tested.
top running theories are they could be thinking that they're following deep state orders to crash the economies and send people into a spiral that will cause massive unrest as well as hinder chances of re-eelction they had their gambit turned against them
It was released by the deep state but its being used against them just like every other attack The Mueller hoax turned against them The impeachment hoax turned against them The virus is being used against them Now the stock market crash will be used against them
How do you think he maneuvers through all of this unscathed 4d chess or something more
it was their plan but it has been turned against them they wanted it to end the world, instead now it's just a flu
there's most likely two strains, one in the adrenochrome from the wuhan lab and another that they were planning on using to depopulate the earth and cause massive unrest
>The Walker County Sheriff's Office recently kicked off an effort dubbed "Operation March Madness" that has resulted in 122 arrests for the month so far including the capture of U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Joshua Wayne Burnett.
Does anyone remember around the "Night of the Long Knives" in Saudi Arabia, there was some allegedly high up US government dude posting on Yas Forums who said "WHAT HAPPENED IN SAUDI ARABIA WILL HAPPEN HERE" ?
Isaiah Flores
They mentioned 15 days a ton in the press briefer today
Adam Miller
>return to a gold or crypto backed currency? maybe silver certificates as well like FJK tried?
I love all the seething angry retarded niggers who post in here immediately and screech about Q. If it’s a larp why do you care so much? Why are you afraid?
>She's being compelled to testify about them again in federal court. >I can’t recall She won’t say shit
Logan Davis
>Q Okay could be it too. But I think Trump is also exploring options with Cryptos.
Jason Williams
They're scared
Cooper Lee
ok, serious question
If this is real and celebrities are taking adrenochrome from Wuhan, so to catch the culprits the US secretly spikes the adrenochrome with wu-flu to force the consumers to go to hospital and get caught.
How would that prove the same celebrities are guilty of child sacrifice for organic adrenochrome?
Easton Gomez
Gold also means crown so Corona is also crown Corona destroys fed Get crypto back
Asher James
Lmao imagine having such a shitty and boring life, you have to make up conspiracies hoping they will make it better somehow.
Kevin Ramirez
Having a fun night Alefantis? Don't catch the corona.