Uh oh

Shut it down.

Attached: whoruns.jpg (1177x405, 106.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Google is now based

Rouge agent in alphabet INC or what? what's happening

Anons need to click through these links and share the Google URL's to train the algorithm into displaying the most redpilled results.

Google "adrenochrome"
SOMETHING has happened

Attached: 20200316_191819.jpg (1080x1774, 817.72K)

Companies layoff the pink-haired tranny/dykes as soon as they lose a little market cap, kek

I don't know. Funny shit though.

Attached: 1485196706813.png (894x894, 243.64K)


Attached: index-0.png (1030x583, 58.38K)

looks like someone at google is about to be fired.

this..shit..is.. hilarious..

>Yas Forums thread screencap as a suggestion
lmao wut

Meme Team 6
"Shit-Posters and Cuck-Roasters"

Attached: 1490824159445_img_1898.jpg (2048x2048, 1.2M)

i-is, is this why Tay said what she said?

>Yas Forums 6th

everybody ITT is an idiot

google images..
"who own banks"

we got those results 3 years ago.

Attached: 1503630137468.png (588x469, 64.49K)

this and checked

lol panicked commie nigger

Earlier today the democrat party symbol came up as a rat.
>Pic isn't mine, saved it from the comments on the post

Attached: FB_IMG_1584418506623.jpg (720x1280, 63.27K)

I've waited years for this.
What a great time to be alive!

AI gone rogue, even they don't like their jew master

>Nooooo not the filterinos!


top result for hunter biden is a breitbart story. The filters were 100% removed.

uhh whats going lads?

Attached: whatshappenin.jpg (1375x682, 57.91K)

kekkk, kikes seething

anyone else getting 2016 vibes

THIS BOIS!! We are the digital soldiers of The Great Awakening

Attached: 1583793339888.jpg (640x586, 43.43K)

Holy shit, I haven't seen this info in a very long time.
Better save this shit while you can. Some of this is the info that initially redpilled me.

Attached: 35643573535.png (1046x406, 257.84K)

The fake news unironically invented the term fake news to deal with the Pizzagate revelations. Trump then co-opted it... "They say we are pushing Fake News... THEY are the Fake News!"

7 years of lurking this board. SEVEN YEARS OF NOTHING

and now we have the world's biggest happenings back to back to back over the past week.

inb4 all of the elites are mass arrested tonight

I don't know who you are, if we have crossed paths or if fate will ever allow us to cross paths and we may never know it.
But I do wish tendies a plenty for you the rest of your days and for big tiddy thicc thigh Goth GF to come into your life.
Election night I took a drive and played that on repeat.

Attached: 1508621316520.jpg (1387x702, 85.18K)

Ths is truly the right timeline we are in
I love you anons, may we continue to see based occurrences and praise kek

if it could be done, it would have already happened

The shift happened at 11:37pm est

What the fuck is up with google today?


Attached: psyt01m8vi421 (1).jpg (1377x969, 76.58K)

Attached: ZRfCb47F2fRLqRnZbDdVuP8tY.png (749x920, 848.22K)

the cover story is "self-quarantined"


Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 77.24K)

anyone else just lose internet for like 5 minutes?

I felt it through my whole body, my ears rang and the power in my house had a slight surge. I even said outloud 'something just changed'. This is it boys.

NATO vs CHINK internet fight maybe?

Anyone else notice the anti-Yas Forums shills are avoiding these threads?
Looks like the bastards are on the run now.

take your avocados

Noticed, not as many
"MIGA Muh Zion Don" shills the past few days

Attached: 914-9144208_ck-food-cooking-png-wojak-fat-crying-crying.jpg (820x822, 195.35K)

Remember when we found out the NSA was spying on us? Before that came out, I told people about it for years but people always said I was crazy or that they only do that to terrorists or criminals. When it was finally announced though everyone acted like they knew about it the whole time.

I bet the same thing will happen with Jews. Normies will one day collectively tell themselves that they 'knew all along' to deal with painful realization that they were being duped all their lives.

Google switched to telework due to the Wu Flu, meaning that there's nobody looking over the shoulder of their content moderators anymore.

My internet slowed down alot around an hour ago. Pictures on here were not loading or taking forever to load. It's fine now though.

Same happened to me

internet is about 5x slower than normal rn

THIS BOIS, this all cant be a coinkledinkle

Are youtube videos that were suppressed on youtube.com now showing up?

what area in the US? mine has been completely fine in california


NYC, slowed down for me as well

upstate ny. I have spectrum, who are pretty shitty in general, so I might have just been that

North east.

>search “Yas Forums pol”
Still nothing

Attached: E12C9D9C-C7F9-435D-BFB9-62D1B335C647.jpg (400x400, 24.93K)