why does russia have no corona virus?
Is corona just a western media hoax?
why does russia have no corona virus?
Is corona just a western media hoax?
They most definitely do.
How many are diagnosed is an entirely different question, but I don't have an answer to that.
How many are undiagnosed is even more important, but nobody can answer that one, so...
they drink shit ton of vodka
and alcohol kills corona
Because nobody goes to Russia
>why does russia have no corona virus?
it is spread by toilet paper
Because they did 1,3 million tests straight away in december
high concentrations of alcohol kills virus
coronavirus only infects humans
Sounds more like they tested at most 100.
>We have examined more than 1.3 million people, picking more than 100 people for a [detailed] examination
Because they closed their borders and blocked chinks (despite being "allies") the minute they heard about the virus.
Don't share that here.
Will you miss them after the nuclear apocalypse?
We do. Because of this constitution rewriting shit, they are masking it.
According to non-official sources (take it with a grain of salt), russia has ~1500 sick people now.
I prefer to use official numbers here
How much spare capacity is there in Russian hospitals?
they do,
they just don't have the kits / try to underreport it for the propaganda purposes. just like Russia's spiritual brother Turkey does
human lives and the lives of its citizens has never been a priority in that country. the priority is the oligarchy's (half of whom are Jews) wealth
they have corona
Not sure about the regular hospitals but there is field hospitals ready to be assembled by the ministry of internal affairs and armed forces if shit really hit the fan.
Atleast on paper.
They createdd it
Yas Forums is retarded
Du vet att kriminaler kommer att ta landet övern? Svenska militär finns inte.
Som om dom inte redan gjort det Sosseriet har stulit miljarder på miljarder i nästan 100 år nu.
They are usually full even without emergency. Patients lying in the halls is a usual situation.
Jagg talar om islamister och turks
Talk about Mexico. Italy, Iran, China, South Korea will be a motherfuckin joke when this shit hits hard here.
Islamisterna och sossarna är samma sak jag menar hur annars ska man få röster? hehe
Here they even do minor surgeries in the waiting halls sometimes.
alcohol wrecks your immune system, mongoloid
no it doesnt
i havent been sick in the past 7 years while drink 3 shots of vodka/rakia almost every day
The cool thin about Russia is if Putin wants 30 million test kits, they get made, or else.
How did Russia coincidentally liberate all the "death camps" along the German eastern front in WW2?
The answer to your question and mine are the same, if you need a clue
Pretty much. It’s hyped by the media to get Biden to win the primaries.
They closed their borders in January. And enacted a quarantine right away.
64 infected, 0 deaths
Navalnenok kys
well, you see Luigi, if you don't report it, then there are no registered cases.
t. have dry cough, high temp, headache, running nose and tighness in my chest, and my entire family has the same symptoms
does your liver even exist
>64 infected, 0 deaths
1 elderly guy died from "pneumonia". He had cancer already though.
>running nose
That's not a symptom for corona virus, dumbass.
The massive volume of potato vodka circulating in their systems kills any virus.
corona doesn't stand a chance in a pickled Russian.
im having diarrhea too
>Is corona just a western media hoax?
Why don't your dumb family call an ambulance then?
We are immmune. Even the confirmed cases are all very mild. We are born to inherit all the land when europe dies. We'll honour your memory as the creators of the great Western civilization.
because fuck you, thats why
1. Severe lack of proper tests and modern medical equipment
2. By this point it's in current government's nature to lie and suppress information leaks.
Watch them blame west for everything like they always do, whiny bitches.
why blame the west, when you can blame Ukraine? Its all your fault now.
We literaly have. Goverment probably not disclosing full numbers.
Nah, the medic are fully stocked with the tests for a few weeks already.
source: wife is a medic
It's really the case that we have better immune respose to the virus than most foreigners.
Retarded bydlo subhumans.
Yeah, but they also closed the borders with China at the first days of the outbreak.
Yes, thats what you are gonna be saying on your deathbed after I infect you.
>alchohol weakens your immune system
Lmao yeah okay there buddy.
Because Russia's undemocratic regime hides the truth. The real numbers are at least 200k infected and 50k+ death toll. Praise Jesus and Donald Trump.
>current government nature
Would be more correct to say "centuries-old tradition".
cose virus don't wear winter clothes
coffee is a better antiviral and virostatic, tho it's not just the caffeine but dunno if it also affects corona, it does affect a bunch
things like silvestrol are more awesome but not much money going into clinical trials for selective eif4a inhibitors, which act as a very very very very broadband antiviral to many virus families, there's a few other good selective inhibitors
As we currently see in Asia, "undemocratic" regimes are usually doing better than fancy democratic ones in Europe.
You won't even get on my territory as it has security and guards, dumb churkobydlo.
>The real numbers are at least 200k infected and 50k+ death toll. Praise Jesus and Donald Trump.
Yes,yes, also 50,000,000 killed by Stalin himself.
russia and china have been enemies for years, they had tons of border wars. fake allies if anything
You will have to come out eventually. Come out, come out, my frien. Lets be frens.
Because we have a third-world medical system.
Source: I'm a doctor in a run-down hospital in south Siberia
>haha gotem, ~40k executions personally signed by Stalin are fine tho
According to this guy it is.
I heard the doctors and care are quality but the equipment and rooms are just old