>inb4 source SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD, TURN ON CNN >BREAKING NEWS: A number of people have reportedly been shot at a CDC research center in San Francisco, California, where researchers are trying to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. The suspect was identified as Wayne Lambright, the former leader of the homo-socialist movement in America, who was known for his extreme racist beliefs and for his anti-vaccine views.
>Government officials have confirmed the shootings in San Francisco to NBC News.
> he victims have been reportedly taken to local hospitals, but are currently in critical condition.
>ANALYSIS: After having studied with prominent homo-socialist scientists in the 1970s, Lambright returned to his previous beliefs in 1980, becoming so extreme that in 1989, he formed a new organization, the ʻGodless communists of America' (GCMA), with an initial membership of thirty.
>According to Lambright, this group began as a reaction to the study of Marxism that had grown weak under the influence of various ideological interpretations. Lambright and his other members held that the critical Marxist understanding that Stalin had betrayed the working class and that social democracy was no longer a progressive movement—the idea that the exploitation of the poor by the rich remained as politically and economically oppressive as ever°
Lol. I knew this was going to happen. Even if a vaccine is developed, good luck getting every American to take it. You guys are fucked, COVID-19 will literally NEVER go away.
do you morons have fun larping all fucking day? are you brain damaged? you know a single Google search is enough to send your stupid fucking post into the archives instantly right?
Ethan Jones
>he didn't see the bullshit from 9,001 miles away
Eli Morris
Holy shit, it's is a zombie apocalyps. I knew it. I TOLD YOU, START DYING THE DEAD PEOPLES SHOE LACES TOGETHER, BUT NO.
Landon Sanders
Don't have to tell me twice! But during Apartheid...
Caleb Reyes
>do you morons have fun larping Yes, Yas Forums isn't serious business you faggot